1744. Chapter 1744 Paladin and blood-stained Lancelot

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    The Austrian Scarlet, who became the devil, raised the magical bow of the hand, Phil Nolt, and attacked the posture. A black and condensed bow and arrow instantly condensed, and was placed on the string by the Austrian Scarlet, and then facing the auditorium. Location, that is the location of the VIP station.

    "Oly Scarlet…“Stop it! What you will do …

    Silvia couldn't help but tremble. In addition to Chevron's King Sakaryas III, the other princes and nobles watched the VIPs. Silvia's father Oswald and eldest sister Veronica and second sister Cassandra also attended…

    "My stupid sister, I ordered you to stop him!"

    Just as Silvia was at a loss, Veronica's heroic voice suddenly sprang up. Veronica lifted her claymore and followed her Dragon Knight escort to protect the entire VIP seat.

    The guard's captain Arch Dragonar Gellian * Macugaia, dressed in ark creation, holds the inherent Magic sword Carradepoga (Caladbolg, the Sword of the vows of victory and the archetype of the sword of rotation victory, the same borrowed from the Celtic myth, Spiral Sword) led the remaining seven Dragon Knight launched a layer of six Kakuzu barrier wall, defense barrier will be the entire VIP seat protected.

    Veronica is personally in front of Zacares III. Lautreamont is the host and it is his duty to protect the safety of King Chevron.

    Veronica didn't have any fear at the moment, and when the Olympic Scarlet changed, it started.

    At the same time, Chevron Kingdom Proud of the Magic Guide ship Thrax is appeared in the auditorium, Thrax is in the VIP table down the ramp, everything is ready, Chevron King first boarding, his princess followed, followed by Chevron nobles, then Knight King Oswald Also galloped embarrassed to enter the Magic Guide ship among.

    As for the second queen Cassandra and her lover Uriel disappeared at this moment.

    On the ordinary auditorium, Rebecca and the members of the Student Council, Luca and Maximillian, maintain the present, allowing the citizens to leave in an orderly manner, and Shadru opens a large barrier.

    Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

    This also makes Silvia quiet, then gamble on the honor of the Cavaliers and take the enemy down –

    "This is a destructive weapon that can make the mainland a gray, so I swear to heaven that this powerful Strength is only used to protect the people who are worthy of care. The swearer is the fourth Princess of the Cavaliers, Silvia *Lautreamont! Show up, destroy the power of evil! The great Holy Dragon, the bright sacred Lancelot

    Aroundight (Aroundight, legend, the sword of the round table knight Lancelot, nicknamed 'the ruinless lake light', and the sword of the "Spirit of Excalibur" are the swords entrusted to humans by the Spirit in the lake, because there is The same origin, its 'tough' can rival the vow of victory.) ”

    Silvia's voice is loud and noble, the whole arena can be heard, and the shape of the Arodate is by the cavalry with the spear and the combination of firearms, probably has the dual ability of melee and far war, and Lancelot to the Ark Creation the same blue silver color-based, It's a long-handled blunderbuss gun with a beautiful shape, so it looks like ice Blue princess.

    Lancelot designed the rifle with Dragon Crystal as the gunpowder. As long as the crystal is filled in, the lance will be internally converted into energy for injection. In addition, as long as the Dragon Crystal with different Attributes is used, You can cast a variety of Attribute attacks such as fire or water.

    In the area equivalent to the magazine, the Dragon Crystal secreted by Lancelot has been filled, so there is no need to fill it again.

    "Oh, if you are in a hurry to find death, then you will be sent to hell first, and you will blame you for being right with me!"

    The magical Scarlett suddenly shot the dark magic arrow in his hand, and the magical Fiornot with the one-shot killing feature is the weapon of 'first and foremost', so it seems that Silvia will die in this magic arrow. Underneath.


    At the crucial moment, Silvia deducted the trigger of the Paladin, and then the thunderous sound of the sky, the powerful thrust even made Silvia almost bounced off the dragon's back.

    I saw that Dragon Crystal was transformed into a magic bullet, and it hit the magic arrow. Then, with a strong rotation force, the wind Attribute's magic bullet instantly annihilated the magic arrow.

    "How was this possible?" My attack has been offset, is it wrong, can you say that your inner magic is stronger than my Philnot? ”

    The magical Austrian Scarlet's face showed a shocked expression, and the magical bow that did not flow failed.

    Got that? O Scarlet, this holy horse gun, Arrodette is exactly what Lancelot has created for me, to make the sacred magical costume of the country of Lautreamont Knight, you lost! ”

    When Silvia saw that her attack was working, she suddenly rejoiced, and suddenly there was a feeling of floating.


    "In the end, it is a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers. You are still too tender. Silvia! Tristan! ”

    AO Scarlet at the moment suddenly laugh out loud, captured Silvia that complacent mood, immediately launched the next wave of attack, Tristan body suddenly like Necromancia generally gave birth to a tentacle, these tentacles to bullets rival speed, toward Silvi A The direction with Holy Dragon Lancelot has hit the past.


    "My love girl!"

    Veronica and Oswald, standing on the deck of the magical ship, were pale.


    For a moment, Silvia felt the whole wrist tight, and the tentacles just wrapped around her right arm. The huge pain caused her to release the Arroyo St., but Tristan's attack did not end, and the other tentacle followed. Entangling her body, Silvia at the moment had no resistance at all, and was pulled hard! ! !


    Lancelot found that his master was missing, and immediately chased the past, but now the Austrian Scarlet opened the magic bow –

    "No, Lancelot! @!”

    I noticed that Silvia suddenly filled the eyes with tears.


    At that moment, Lancelot's head was penetrated, bringing out a series of dragon blood, losing Strength, and slamming it on the ground, and the blood quickly filled the earth! !

    The shocking scene made all the birds in the arena silent.

    "Haha, this is your arrogant Princess, Lancelot is a good dragon, you are a master who is not true, but now you are still worried about yourself!"

    O'Scarlet's laughter is more and more horrible, just like Witch from the abyss!

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