1739. Chapter 1739 and the inference of Shadru

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Dragon Knight battle, A field, Shadru VS Luca, winner Shadru.

    The wonderful battle between the two Dragon Knights led the audience's emotions throughout the venue to the high-tidal stage. Obviously, this unprecedented Dragon Knight battle, sure to sell some aristocrats and merchants from foreign countries. We are not disappointed, after all, this is a rare opportunity for long-term insight.

    The second game is Silvia VS Olympic Scarlet. This battle is also quite interesting, and the significance of this battle is not limited to the battle between Ansullivan students, but more importantly, a national strength competition.

    Although the Kingdom of Chevron is the sovereign state of the Lautreamont kingdom, it has been five hundred years, and now the Cavaliers do not need to be 100% loyal to the Emperor of Chevron.

    Of course, the success of Sacaleas III is that Oswald is just an incompetent king. Although Sakaryas III has no stalwart because of his age, he still has the wisdom of the king, otherwise If you are, you may have been pushed down by your sons.

    However, after five hundred years have passed, the covenant will change somewhat.

    "This battle will not be that simple…"

    Rebecca squeezed his chin, revealing a dignified expression.

    "To be sure, Silvia was the fourth Princess of Lautreamont, and Veronica, after retreating from Princess's position, declared that she would recommend Her Royal Highness Princess Silvia as king of the next generation; O Scarlet, though the last heir to the kingdom of Chevron , but it is the only Chevron Dragon Knight, and now Arch Dragonar, with the Chevron Royal rule that force can determine the ownership of the throne, so o ' Scarlet is likely to be the next generation of King Chevron.

    In this case, it is full of point of sight, who wins and who loses is very crucial, if AO Scarlet victory, then clearly proved that the Chevron Kingdom is still strong, and if Silvia wins, then explanation Lautreamont The kingdom no longer exists to look up at the snuff of the Chevron kingdom, although Lautreamont is still a town-like country compared to Chevron, but it is the only country on the continent with Dragon Knight production. ”

    Maximillian analyzed and said.

    "Not bad, Maxi, it seems that you have some excellent places besides being a foundation…"Rebecca couldn't help but smile and admire.

    "Hmph!"President, discuss it, wait a minute to let me lose a good look, although the feeling of defeating the glory…"Maximillian thought of a jihad with Rebecca, the cold sweat of the brain, the dream of Ya Xiuli (Ash's mother) is impossible to achieve…

    "What do you think……"

    "I still surrendered on the spot…"

    "The surrender is forbidden within five minutes, but the audience is looking forward to it…"

    "Rao me, President…"



    Feng Yu Chen went to the rest area and was pulled by Mirabel into a dark Kakuzu.

    "What's wrong, Dean?"

    "Big sister Let me tell you, be careful, Sacaleas put the idea in your body, elder sister's identity is not suitable for any dispute with Sacaleas, after all for our kingdom, so she asked me to tell you to be careful, pay particular attention to the Ansar Rose and other drugs, although you have the skill, But Dragon Clan is not resistant to Ansar Roses. ”Mirabel said quickly.

    "The emperor of Chevron? So, I said how I always feel a lot of eyes staring at me. I thought it was the audience’s attention. It seems that it is not an illusion. Well, don’t worry, I still have a sense of scale…However, should there be other things, what should I handle? ”Feng Yu Chen and Mirabel opened a distance and asked, although some black belly, but Mirabel is also a very charming girl, looks more delicate than Silvia, as if like a saint, body From time to time, it exudes a charming star shading glow, which is really not something that ordinary people can have.

    "Before the B team competition, O'Scarlet looked for me and said that her maid Celestine disappeared. Please look for me, but I didn't find it…The second sister and Uriel seem to be planning something, knowing that, a few days ago, Anya, the girl who inherited Mordred, was suddenly kidnapped and disappeared. Things didn't seem so simple, the border of the northern Zepharos Empire There has also been an abnormal movement. ”

    Mirabel sorted out some of the intelligence gathered in his mind and told Feng Yu Chen.

    "Really?" Uriel? Chevron's three princes are right. I think it should be purposeful. He shouldn't be kind. After all, at the crucial moment of the throne, Celestine is likely to be Samuelas III or Uriel. So, now this undercover action, probably through some way to make Chevron's throne transsept successfully.

    First, let's analyze who is the biggest beneficiary of this conspiracy. If it is Sakaryas III and the goal is Arthur, then only the Celestine action is possible, and Arthur's strength is there. Celestine is not an opponent at all. It is a reverie that human beings must defeat Holy Dragon.

    Then Celestine Impossible is the undercard of Sacaleas III, then another biggest beneficiary, if it is Uriel, will probably let Celestine do some means to AO Scarlet, to achieve some purpose, the most efficient way is to let AO Scarlet Assassination of Sacaleas III, then, in this case, Sacaleas III died, AO Scarlet was also arrested, and eventually Uriel will easily sit on the throne.

    How to see, Uriel's income is the biggest. ”

    Shadru came over and analyzed.


    "It's amazing, it's Shadru sauce. Is it all based on this information?" Although it is only hypothetical, but it is likely to be the reason, then start acting, I will continue to host the fighting, you are prepared to cope with the next mutation, Shadru, please you and Luca protect the audience, Arthur brother-in-law You find Celestine…"

    Mirabel turned to look at Shadru and decided to come down.

    Although it is a guess, there is no time to think about more possibilities. I can only put all the bets on Shadru's body and bet that her inference is correct.

    "Well, actually I still want to let Sacareas III die…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded, actually had an 'interest' with him, hehe…

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