1732. Chapter 1732th Eco's Dragon Crystal

聽聽聽聽[Today's third, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

聽聽聽聽The secretion of Dragon Crystal is such a simple matter that Feng Yu Chen can't accept it normally. Although it is like the last bathroom, why are there so many people in your sister?

聽聽聽聽and promote dragon Crystal secretion means actually and Lulu this soft sprout little Loli skin Blind Date, this is not normal Ah!

聽聽聽聽鈥淕et Started!"

聽聽聽聽Luca, like a cat, quickly pounced on Eco's body, biting the Kakuzu on Eco's head.

聽聽聽聽"Ahhhh鈥︹€an't bite there…! 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽The sensitive place was bitten, and Eco instantly collapsed and collapsed in the arms of Luca. Kakuzu is the weakness of Dragon Clan. Once Kakuzu is bitten like this, the whole body will become weak and weak. This is Elbaff. A unique recipe for treating dragons.

聽聽聽聽But two little Loli entangled, a situation that really feels a bit of that.

聽聽聽聽"No, no, ah…Kakuzu, Kakuzu can't…What are you doing! Clothing

聽聽聽聽Luca is not limited to Kakuzu, at the same time will not resist the ability of eco body clothes stripped down, should be said to be good at dealing with dragon Clan elbaff people?

聽聽聽聽Your sister's technique of undressing is so skilled, is Luca sauce really a soft Loli?

聽聽聽聽Even the Loli master of Feng Yu Chen also some wind, sure enough, the world at some point of festival began to collapse.

聽聽聽聽Eco's petite and lovely body is instantly exposed to the air, her skin is white and crystal clear, and it is full of sacred radiance.

聽聽聽聽This also makes Feng Yu Chen feast on the eyes, although it has been seen many times, but this is the first time the appreciation of the bright, the awkward dragon girl Eco…

聽聽聽聽"Eco's skin is too good, right? Like Arthur's skin…"Linda was a little unconfident, and there was such a soft and cute Loli dragon girl!

聽聽聽聽"What, is Arthur-chan's skin too good?"

聽聽聽聽Rebecca suddenly became interested!

聽聽聽聽"Well, the truth is a good idea."

聽聽聽聽Mirabel is very concerned about it and seems to want to ask how to care for the skin.

聽聽聽聽"Is there a problem with your attention? What is the relationship between my skin and you? 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen squinted his eyes and spat the way.

聽聽聽聽"Arthur…Arthur's skin is soft, smooth, sweet…"

聽聽聽聽Shadru suddenly shook his arms and shyly recalled, tweaking his face.

聽聽聽聽Pledged of

聽聽聽聽"Where you are special, it has broken down! Shadru! 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen is seriously feeling that since these few abnormal girls have gathered together, the value of the exercise is awkward.


聽聽聽聽The intimacy between Luca and Eco gradually made the interior atmosphere a twilight, and the two girls gently squatted as if they were pulling the violin, and in short –

聽聽聽聽This meow is definitely in the love of Lily, some kind of similar to "Girl fell in love with elder Sister" and so on festival refresh anime file often have this kind of picture, Feng Yu Chen reach out to cover his face sitting in front of the window, ah ah, God, values have begun to fall …

聽聽聽聽Luca gradually spread Ansar's essential oil on Eco's skin, and a sweet scent spread out in the room.

聽聽聽聽"Eco, are you still nervous? Make yourself a little easier…"

聽聽聽聽Luca's soft voice is like a female nurse at the clinic. Of course, I put on a nurse's suit from Loli, and then I get a bigger syringe.

鈥溾€︹€eallyshameful鈥︹€ut for the little baby, please, don't stop…"

聽聽聽聽Eco seems to be slowly drunk by the taste of Ansar, and the reason gradually declines (the festival also begins to fall)…

聽聽聽聽When I saw Eco's expression, Luca said with satisfaction: "Do not worry. Just believe me…Must be able to give birth to healthy crystallization (Dragon Crystal or baby dragon? 锛塩iaba

聽聽聽聽"I …So shy, can you hurry up…"

聽聽聽聽Eco bit his lips and tightened his little feet.

聽聽聽聽鈥淚s it comfortable here?鈥?/p>


聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen, who was thinking about festival, had no idea what Luca had done, and Eco had been more cheerful, and the sound had gradually felt confused, a bit of a chord flavor.

聽聽聽聽Calm…Calm…Just when watching the real version of Lily anime played, but a black line why constantly in his head dense up?

聽聽聽聽Soon, everyone felt that the whole room was full of warm light. I saw Eco's body vacating and floating at a height of about five centimeters from the bed. The body of the **** glowed pink. There are objects around the body that are not littering like stardust, and the brightness is almost illuminating.

聽聽聽聽Are you finally coming?

聽聽聽聽Everyone, including Feng Yu Chen, was engrossed in looks at Eco's changes, and those flashing crumbs slowly gathered in Eco's chest, and finally combined into large crystals.

聽聽聽聽"Oh, this is beautiful…! I didn't think that the humanoid dragon produced Dragon Crystal like this…"

聽聽聽聽Mirabel suddenly put his eyes on the light and took out a small book. He was very excited to record (Silver Yin Xianshi, what time is your knot value negative?)this process.

聽聽聽聽It was like a pink diamond, the solemn sense of dragon Crystal, so that Feng Yu Chen can not be the eyebrows, really too dazzling.

聽聽聽聽As the light finally dimmed, Eco's empty Nude "bang" fell on the bed, although she seemed barely still conscious, but the whole body hot, the skin rose to red, accompanied by a sound like no breath, that expression is similar to the Loli revealed by the crimson Color, let Feng Yu Chen Feel some hot sauce inside, hold back, hold back!

聽聽聽聽"Is this the Dragon Crystal that the royal Princess of Ai Avalon Holy Dragon gave birth to …"

聽聽聽聽Shadru picks up the crystals secreted by Eco. "According to my understanding in the library, pink crystals are really rare, and they are much more beautiful than the ordinary Dragon Crystal…And it contains a very powerful magic. 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Luca, Rebecca and Linda also Mirabel looked curiously.

聽聽聽聽"Next, it's the turn of nature, Spirit Arthur."

聽聽聽聽Luca suddenly looked at the face of Feng Yu Chen who was hiding in Kakuzu.

聽聽聽聽"do not come鈥︹€t鈥檚 really okay to come over again! 鈥?/p>

聽聽聽聽Feng Yu Chen said with a slobber that he would not be pushed down by Luca, the Loli goblin.

聽聽聽聽"That's not a problem, Arthur-chan…"

聽聽聽聽Shadru shook his head and said, "We are a lot of people, don't resist, you are from us…"

聽聽聽聽"Well, Luca is out of the light, you don't suffer…"

聽聽聽聽Rebecca grinned, and Feng Yu Chen in this state seemed to be very fun.

聽聽聽聽"Come on…I still have to sleep, finish it early…"

聽聽聽聽Mirabel urged him.

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