1725. Chapter 1725: The blast

    [Thanks for unlimited.Loli system, I like to watch the gods say, God gave me the reward of the natural disaster children's shoes, but also 11 monthly tickets plus more, everyone work hard, today the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    The magical bow that does not flow – Philnot.

    O'Scarlet's costume is aimed at Feng Yu Chen's heart, in other words, she has locked Feng Yu Chen's heart.

    It is difficult for the human body to counter the attacks in the field of magic.

    However, Feng Yu Chen has a strong spiritual force.

    In an infinite world, the ability of the system to seal is not an iron. There are some special ways to solve this seal, although it is a temporary unsealing.

    One of the methods, Feng Yu Chen, is in control.

    The benefits from the world of Hunter x Hunter have opened up the spiritual sea, and with the spiritual sea far beyond the present stage, you can use the extraordinary Strength.

    This is his card.

    It’s just that he didn’t think that he took it out at this moment, Arch Dragonar, it’s not that good opponent.

    The next moment, Feng Yu Chen's left eye slowly closed, followed by an instant open, black pupil instantly turned blue, followed by three more black Tomoe, three black Tomoe and the center of the black pupil to receive together, began a bizarre change, An armored cross with a sickle suddenly condensed out and turned quickly, like a windmill in a Dutch ranch

    Mangekyou Sharingan – Izanagi!


    The golden stream that was launched from the hands of O'Scarlet suddenly penetrated the heart of Feng Yu Chen's, nailing his body into a huge tree, and blood flowed out from Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu.

    Haha! How about, even if you are defeating Necromancia's hero, under my Philnot, you still have to give your life, don't blame me, this is all your own self-sufficiency, it is not good to surrender to me early. What? ”

    AO scarlet bite Lips said, but gradually weak tone, although lost reason killed Feng Yu Chen, but after cleaning up, she knew how big mistake she made, Feng Yu Chen but Veronica husband, the mainland know things, if he did this kind of thing, no Different than set up Veronica this mortal enemy, even will be Ansullivan Dragonar Academy arrest, even if she is the throne of Chevron Kingdom continue to people, but as the last to continue, her death will not be a tube of people …

    "What happened? Where did your momentum go?"

    A chilly voice came from the behind of O'Scarlet.

    "You…Who was that?

    O'Scarlet shivered, this voice, no mistake, is Feng Yu Chen's, but is he not dead? How could! Is it a ghost?

    I…It’s Arthur…It’s a really powerful attack, it’s dangerous and dangerous…”

    Feng Yu Chen in Scarlet in front of the body condensed out, left eye closed, a trace of blood tears from the flow out, the right eye normal open, forced to break through the boundaries, it is not so simple, but this consequence is not big, but the body collapsed a bit, the left eye temporarily can not open, But his strength has not diminished much, the only thing that has changed is that magic consumes a lot, how to say is also very mangekyou Sharingan eye technique, the burden is still there.

    "You are a ghost!"

    O'Scarlet looks at Feng Yu Chen's bloody tears, suddenly widened his eyes and retreated.


    Tristan suddenly screamed, it felt, Feng Yu Chen body's dragon, he did not die!

    "Impossible, you obviously have been pierced through the heart!"

    O Scarlet listened to Tristan's snoring and couldn't help but open his mouth.

    "Your magic bow has the characteristics of a first strike and a kill, but I, but have all the unfavorable factors that can include myself, including death, instantly transform into a dream, and can convert all favorable factors into Reality is the ultimate illusion of being able to freely control the boundaries between reality and dreams. In contrast, I am victorious…"

    Feng Yu Chen stretched double-handed and once again showed the Frost sword.

    "Transform reality and dreams? Don't be kidding, how can there be such magic, you must be fake! False Go to hell! ”

    O'Scarlet shook his head and couldn't believe it all. He suddenly turned his head into a fist and hit it against Feng Yu Chen.

    …hehI will humiliate you, do you dress up as a man? Come and try my newly created sword technique, originally prepared for Veronica (flirting) sword skills…"

    Feng Yu Chen's right eye instantly released the radiant light. The left-handed sword and the right-handed sword quickly swung and slammed into the body of the Austrian Scarlet. One sword resembled a sword, and the left-handed sword and the right-handed sword slammed alternately. The high-speed sniper Speed ​​broke out a little bit of starlight that rubbed against the space –

    Clothing (star) bursting air! !


    The Sword Technique, which is as fierce as a comet, suddenly made O'Scarlet scream desperately. She felt that she must have died.


    After Feng Yu Chen completed the split second of the sword technique, the armor and clothes of the Austrian Scarlet body were all turned into Crush –

    That slender and thin body was suddenly exposed to the air, the drooping shoulder line is as soft as art, and in the **** of the Austrian scarlet, stands a pair of men impossible will have Shuangfeng, her every move will be hard to make the milk swaying, very stimulating the senses, huge upper circumference, Just like the rich fruit, Sakura (cherry) color tip up, AO Scarlet's **** is not just big, even the shape is very beautiful and seductive, slender limbs sexy tempting …

    "Cut, even if you cover up very well, the body and the skeleton can't hold my eyes (Tucao: reading countless experiences of women), the sound line is slender and feminine, such a young man's throat, the dragon's double The feet are not open like men, but the door is closed like a girl…However, I did not think that you turned out to be a ****! ”

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head boringly, jumped down Tristan and walked slowly toward the college.

    "Ah! ~! ……Asshole, I want to kill you, stand for me! ”

    After a moment of sluggishness, O'Scarlet suddenly slammed at her own naked body, yelling out insanely, Gold shines her body again, puts on Ark Creation again, clothes and underwear have all been It became a piece of debris, so the body under Ark Creation is in a vacuum…

    "Don't let me really kill!"

    Feng Yu Chen slowly turns around, the body reveals a very bloody atmosphere, murderous aura will instantly cover the entire jungle, the bloody treasure of the sea is displayed in front of the Austrian Scarlet, ghosts, bones, rotten dead spirits and bloody seas This space…

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