1723. Chapter 1723 Arch Dragonar's duel

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    At the beginning of the Libra Palace, just beginning, the college faced an uneasy storm.

    With Eco's Colossal Dragon, Lautreamont's third crown princess Mirabel worked at the Ansullivan Dragonar Academy's Principal, and the Chevron nobility, who was always on leave, was in the senior class for two years, ranking the top five in the school, the only Chevron. People Dragon Knight, known as the "Sonic", the Austrian Scarlet * cloth Brailsford also appeared in the college.

    The Olympic Scarlet, which targets Eco, made Feng Yu Chen aware that the smell of gunpowder on the mainland has begun. I heard that Lautreamont's second Princess Cassandra and the Uvre of the Chevron Kingdom announced the relationship between men and women, plus Veronica retired from the position of the first Princess, and logically, the second Princess had the highest priority.

    It is worth mentioning that the Lautreamont Knights State is actually a subsidiary of the Chevron Kingdom, that is, above sovereignty, Chevron has the right to interfere in the political and military affairs of the Lautreamont Kingdom. I heard that Uriel is very ambitious and wants to unify the whole. The mainland.

    "Oscarlet Student, Arthur is also a member of our Student Council. I have come to see it. I can't use this style, and the college is forbidden. I am the Student President. I have the right to manage all the students in this college. You also manage it. Within the scope, I advise you to calm down."

    Rebecca blocked in front of Feng Yu Chen's and prevented him from shooting. If he shot, he would probably defeat O'Scarlet. Now he should improve a lot. Since the start of the battle, she has been a lot. Have this feeling.

    "It turned out to be Rebecca. I just want to find you. Don't forget the agreement between us. I won, you will be my bride."

    O'Scarlet gracefully strokes her charming curved lips, and suddenly the look becomes noble –

    "Ou Scarlet * Cloth Brailsford in this order! Present me the Ark Creation you created! My partner – Holy Dragon *Tristan! ”

    As O'Scarlet's voice swayed down, his (her) body was shrouded in golden brilliance, and then flashed and chapped, and the glare of the glare made all the onlookers unable to hold their eyes.

    As the light fades away, O'Scarlet's body is wrapped in a Gold armor, like a lion's armored knight. The equipment under the whole body is golden. If you use a word to describe it, then – Lionheart.

    Gold is the representative color of the Chevron kingdom, and the Chevron king's family logo is the lion. It is for this reason that the Scarlet's Holy Dragon Tristan created this gorgeous Ark Creation, ambition and ambition, power A.


    "Cut, something slick."

    Feng Yu Chen said, "If you want to fight, don't be here, or you will be at your own risk. Also, what is your name, Scarlet?" Is it interesting for a woman to be a man? Don't tell me that today is the beginning of school. The Deputy President of the Student Council and the President are together to act on my cute…"

    "You guy! Shut up, how could this King be a woman's delicate creature? You are insulting me, please apologize, otherwise, decide in the name of the knight. ”

    o Scarlet suddenly lost his cool, now but more and more students come together, her biggest secret how can let others know, you know, her kingdom only male Prince has the power to inherit the throne, her mother is the mistress of the king of Chevron, As a result, she was born with the succession of the throne in 108th Place, the last place to inherit, but Chevron's royal family has clear rules, as long as it is male, and strong can become king.

    The fight for Eco is also to become the strongest, and then to inherit the throne. The reason why she rushed to the college so eagerly because the recent physical condition of King Chevron is getting worse and worse, it is already ill, so…

    The battle for the throne is always on stage.

    "A duel? Or is it between Dragon Knight? Interesting, I accept, let you know that the sky is thick! But hurry up, my curry rice is going to be good soon…"

    Feng Yu Chen handed the spoon to Linda.

    "Do you want to pick up the bracelet?"

    Eco asked Feng Yu Chen like a question, she will not back down, although the strength of Strength is still difficult to control, but under the special training of Feng Yu Chen's, she has made rapid progress.

    "No, I want to try the recent cultivation results (excellent strength is unleashed), and it would be better to target Arch Dragonar."

    Feng Yu Chen's has a silver-like glow, and a armor appears in his body.

    @Follow Me This place is not big enough. ”

    O'Scarlet looks at the crowd that gradually gathered, and drove Tristan to fly out of school. She didn't want her female identity to be truly known. So far it is still a duel. If it really gets fighting, then…

    However, now she finally understands Feng Yu Chen's identity. Even the dragon that is similar to Eco, if it can convince him to be his own helper, it is also good for both. Eco will also be used for him.

    Eh…O Scarlet this idiot! ”

    Rebecca couldn't help but reach out to her forehead, hoping she wouldn't be hit, but if she didn't see it for so long, her strength would be very strong, and she had a magical costume similar to her Gael Bolg, just She always feels that Feng Yu Chen has a sure grasp.

    "Oh ?"Linda, let's go eat curry, haha, finally you can eat it casually, he is not…"

    Eco's mouth Kakuzu drooled, and every day, the food was also something that Empress Avalon Holy Dragon should do. Only then can she grow up.

    "Well, all of Silvia's are also eaten. Recently, the cow is actually eating the banner of the brother-in-law, and it is too irritating. Isn't there a big one…"

    Linda vigorously waved the spoon in her hand and said with indignation that since Albion forest came back, Silvia’s rhythm began to fall, mixed with the name of her brother-in-law, and also the silver-haired Mirabel, open and aboveboard to steal Shadru’s research. The formula book is added by the way, coffee, why? The exercises are falling.

    "Ah, what is the flavor of curry rice today, is it the mountain flavor?" GreatIt really is time to come. ”

    Rebecca recalled the dishes that I had tasted in the wilderness before leaving school. Some of the index fingers suddenly moved, oh yeah, this fragrance, people can't move, Veronica, this is the first to be strong.

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