1711. Chapter 1711, Princess from the royal family

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    The Cavaliers Oswald and Silvia, who were talking, suddenly felt a shock.

    Who was that? Is there such a ritual? ! ”

    Silvia refused to wait for her weak father to speak, and Silvia first reprimanded.


    "Hey, little Sylvie, when did you get so strong? Did you yell at me? ”

    Veronica took Feng Yu Chen into the hall and looked at the pair of fathers in the room coldly. For Oswald, she was like Silvia. If such a person is not sitting there. In the above words, she would not recognize him as a father.

    "Ah…Veronica, my love girl, are you? ”Unlike the attitude of Silvia, Oswald doesn't have the feeling of being very close to Veronica, and seems to be a little afraid of her daughter.

    "Don't be a guest, order it, I want to have a wedding!"

    Veronica said strongly.


    Silvia and Oswald, like Fleida and Cosette, open their mouths in a wrong way. How is it possible that the bloody female Valkyrie actually wants to get married?

    "Veronica, are you kidding? Which Arch Dragonar is the other party? Or is it a nobleman of another country? ”

    Oswald couldn't help but calmly and calmly asked, Veronica is not a casual person, saying that there is nothing that she can decide, no one can change, then in other words, she is getting married is the real thing.

    "It's my cousin Arthur. You probably know the secret history of the Pendragon king. So, Arthur is a dragon, but he also has the blood of the royal family of Lautreamont, not to mention the wisdom and wisdom of His Royal Highness Knight Pendragon. Armed, my man is him, only he is qualified to marry me."

    Veronica pointed to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Hey, don't you make your own ideas?"

    Feng Yu Chen Looking back at the sights at Shadru and Eco's resentful eyes, Veronica suddenly jumped over the girlfriend and the shackles and progressed to the marriage.


    Oswald looks at Feng Yu Chen, "Are you Sha's Pal? It’s really like the Pendragon King, the unique black hair and eyes, then you don’t want to marry my daughter Veronica? To be honest, I have no right to interfere with her marriage. Basically, if you agree, she is your wife now…"

    Silvia listened to Oswald words, the Heart has the mind, her father is not idiot, what Veronica marriage he has no power to ask questions, in fact, has agreed to this marriage, she also understand, has the man and the Dragon bloodline Arthur, for the future , the impact is very great, if this blood transmission goes on, Lautreamont's royal family represents the unity of people and Dragon Clan two races, then, for the current pattern of the world …

    "I do not agree, Arthur said not to agree, you are so strong can not, and when the royal family was divided into two lines, there is a clear rule that you lautreamont the king of the king of our Pendragon do not have any interference rights, and it is so, these years, No matter what happens in Pendragon territory, you will not ask, now destroyed by the empire you are still mouth shut, now, still want to decide our marriage? ”

    Shadru got close to the magic book and she couldn't admit it. Although Veronica really likes Arthur, the royal family of Lautreamont is probably the dragon blood of the Arthur body.

    "So in other words, do you like Arthur too?"

    Veronica looks at Shadru, "It doesn't matter, I don't mind polygamy, even if you make it bigger, Veronica never really likes a man, but now I really like it, I can give up everything to prove it. My sincerity."

    "Then you are out of the Lautreamont king! I admit your combination. ”

    Shadru said, she thought, the savvy Veronica probably won't do this?



    Veronica rips the cloak embroidered with the royal coat of arms into two halves and says, “Since then, my Veronica has nothing to do with the Lautreamont royal family…”

    UnavailableEmperor. ”

    Silvia couldn't help but shake it up.

    "Well, you can… in other words Veronica, you gave up the succession to the throne, but your position still exists…"Oswald's face still smiles calmly.

    Silvia suddenly felt helpless. Sure enough, her father was an incompetent king. Even if Veronica made this kind of shame to the Lautreamont royal family, it was still calm. Is this guy too afraid of Veronica?


    For a time, Shadru had nothing to say, and it was true that Veronica should be able to do this.

    "Veronica…I am so good, is it worth your time? ”

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but move, and he began to feel the same as Shadru. The motives of the Lautreamont royal family are not pure, too coincidentally? He just came to the capital, Feng Tion, to propose Veronica.

    But now everything is plain.

    "It's worth it. Your Sword Technique makes me feel awkward. Your cooking melts my heart. Arthur, this is the first time I have a relationship with a man, marry me…"

    Veronica hugged Feng Yu Chen and hugged it tightly. It was obviously a feeling of deep miss.

    "Is this sentence supposed to be correct? marry me……"

    Feng Yu Chen hugged Veronica's body, although it was a bit too straightforward, but he understood that Veronica is the queen of Esdeath. They are hot to love, crazy, but also the most touching. The feeling of going straight is not perfect, but it is really incomparable.

    "So congratulations."

    Shadru turned and opened the Magic book to leave the room, she could not abandon everything like Veronica with Feng Yu Chen, so she knew she was not qualified to do anything, she should be happy for Feng Yu Chen, at least a full heart Love his woman, and she, now can not make a real choice, she is not the person of this world, if she is only the people of this world, then can be like Veronica, unfortunately not,

    "Not really…This is not really…"

    Eco suddenly flinched and ran out. Originally, I wanted Feng Yu Chen to take her out to go shopping and eat delicious, but now…

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