1697. Chapter 1697 The most important Loli is? ?

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    "About the cover of this book Loli is who, after the book Friends ' king hypocrisy ' hint, I finally remember," Unlimited Anime record "cover characters out of the self-supporting painting book set ' Loli Tea Party trilogy '" White Night Tea Party "," Moonlight Tea Party "," Duel Doll " In the third song of the characters (Koukou repair card * Tuvia * Dakunait), in writing this book, I personally made the cover from my private Loli library out of the library repair jam sauce, so after the production has not recalled this meow in the end is which Loli

    Well, this is a stalk, I thought this book is finished (in other words, two years or so to be able to finish this sauce) do not know which Loli, now finally the truth, 2333, presumably a lot of book friends have been entangled in this loli for a long time, and I have been answering before is Busujima Saeko The germination of the picture, Otz, pity those believed in the sprout sauce, my flag,duang suddenly stood up. "

    When the heartbeat between Linda and Feng Yu Chen resonated, Feng Yu Chen's heart and the left-handed Starbrand burst into a strong radiance, picking up a Starbrand line on Linda's right arm. Starbrand pattern, Feng Yu Chen and Linda's Starbrand pattern overlap to achieve a complete state.


    Linda couldn't help but feel that her right hand had a severe pain.

    "Eco's other half of Starbrand, I thought it was her teleportation to your body, I didn't think it was hidden in my body. It seems that this is a coincidence…This way Eco's Starbrand Road is complete. ”

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but struggle.

    "So on behalf of the two of us is one…"

    Linda’s face showed a blush, and it felt that it was a destiny. Although she did not send her love to Crepe, she had already gained love. The true love is the kind that she never lost. She and Feng Yu Chen This night of experience will make her remember.

    "Don't you wear a piece of clothing? I have recovered a little now…"

    Feng Yu Chen Aiming at the pink Crystal **** on Linda's chest, she couldn't help but have some heartbeats, or a Little Loli.

    "Sure enough, you are too small for my chest!" It’s not like the cows of Princess Veronica’s Highness. Sure enough, your boys are like big breasts! ”

    Linda suddenly got a little angry and looked down on her?

    "No.Not at all, Linda also has Linda's cute, just, just…"

    Feng Yu Chen can't always say that their relationship hasn't reached that level yet. He didn't want to save her because of Lolida's Loli…

    Only now that Linda has said that she wants to be Feng Yu Chen's bride, if he refuses, Linda will definitely despair, right? Elder Brother doesn't want her, and the person who just likes it doesn't want her anymore, she will definitely be desperate again…

    I doubt that. You must be lying, it must be that the chest of Princess Veronica is quite cool, right? ”Linda said, forgetting that Feng Yu Chen and Veronica were almost awkward…

    "I really haven't looked down on you, little and cute."

    Feng Yu Chen's appeared a few black lines on his forehead, but the stubborn woman was hard to provoke.

    "I still don't believe, you have to make me believe that you don't hate me, otherwise…I won't let you sleep. ”Linda rides in Feng Yu Chen's body and said with shame, although the two are now naked, but since she has already thought of Feng Yu Chen's bride, she has not considered too much…

    Good.Don't laugh at me…In fact, in fact, I personally have a special feeling for a girl of your age, that…"

    Feng Yu Chen stretched out his hand and scratched his face, then sucked on Linda's petite little cute pigeon. He was forced to use practice to let Linda know his thoughts.


    Linda’s **** was wiped out, and she suddenly blushed, and she fell into the arms of Feng Yu Chen’s in the arms of her. She felt shame, but she understood that Feng Yu Chen really liked her petite. , lolicon!



    The next day, Ash discovered that Linda was not in the college. She suddenly went crazy and looked up. Everything that happened last night, suddenly regretted, Linda will definitely be sad, just catch up, he was thinking about it. Silvia is full of temptation, and she didn't think Linda would be so sad.

    Shadru and Eco also started looking for Feng Yu Chen. Fortunately, Shadru and Eco's Xingjing Road were connected with Feng Yu Chen. They immediately found Feng Yu Chen's Linda along the direction of Xingjing Road. They found out along the way. A lot of dragon blood on the ground was flowed by Feng Yu Chen. Following this bloody road, they finally found Feng Yu Chen and Linda, just –

    "you guys……You are actually! ”

    Eco suddenly and smugly at the sight of Feng Yu Chen and Linda, who are naked together, the whole face is red like an apple.

    Perfect.Arthur! Losing me so worried about you, I haven't dealt with you for a few days, you learned to eat wild grass, right? ”

    Shadru is equally ashamed.

    "No…Not what you think…Arthur is hurt…"

    Linda suddenly explained after she was awake…

    "injured! ~”

    When I heard this, Eco and Shadru suddenly became ignorant, and they went to Feng Yu Chen's body to inspect them. As a result, the wound in the chest was slowly recovering…

    I said.The three of us don’t want to press on my body, it’s heavy…”

    After waking up, Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but sigh, but the sights at Eco and Shadru's worried eyes, he feels really warm, this is enough.

    "This Miss…I won't worry about you, listen to it, to be the husband of Miss, you have to give me the body to raise, I heard no…Do you want to eat more than three times more rice? ”Eco turned his head and said softly.

    "You are my rice bucket, eat three times your amount…"Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but turn over Byakugan. Well, the amount of food for the dragon is still very large.

    "There must be sleeping with me here, Pal is by the Breeder, will the star supply be better?"

    Shadru decided to end his separation.

    "Okay, um."

    At this point, Feng Yu Chen actually agreed to it.

    "No, Arthur is Linda's groom, he wants to be with me."

    Linda is not willing to give up on this anyway.

    "I am his Breeder, he is mine, always mine."

    Shadru stressed.

    "He is my Breeder, can't be divided! And our noble Dragon Clan marriage has nothing to do with you humans! ”Eco is more justified.

    "Our body has the same Starbrand, we are the twin stars of fate."

    Linda also stressed her sense of existence.


    The three girls in the quarrel finally looked at Feng Yu Chen and said in unison.

    "You said, who is the most important?"

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