1688. Chapter 1688 is divided into two stars: Jingzi fine lines

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    Elba village.

    This is a small village on the border of the Latviamont Knights State, where the villagers depend for their survival, mainly forestry and agriculture. Although the harvest is not much, life is not rich, but the villagers are very cheerful and live a strong life.

    Ash recalled the past as he moved forward to his hometown. For him, his sister was a self-willed, and loved to be spoiled by him. Every day, "I will be the bride of Elder Brother in the future!"Hanging on my lips, a troublesome sister.

    "Elder Brother, how come you came back…"

    Right here, a petite figure walked along the country road.

    "you are……Linda

    Ash looks at the front of the hooded jacket. From the figure and size, only about 11 or 2 years old girl couldn’t help but blink. The familiar voice made him pay attention, even though he was wearing a traveler’s pocket. The hat's clothes, but the sound made him know that this is – his sister.

    "Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time…"

    The girl opened her head's hood and revealed a cute face with a mature smile. At this moment, Linda and Ash have a world of difference in their memory. Now she is not only tall, but her hands and feet are also slender. It is completely different from the previous little pudding.

    When I lived together in my hometown, I can hardly feel it now. If I want to give a common point, I probably only have a hairstyle. She is still the same, and she puts light brown hair on the left and right sides of her head.

    In the memory of Linda is a crying and loved child, she will not be able to move, let Ash hurt his brain. She swelled the face of the gangster, which should be the most impressive expression of Ash. However, the sister in front of her eyes is very mature. It is like changing a person, and the five senses are perfect. In a few years, it will become A beautiful woman…Ash couldn't help thinking so.


    In the relocation workshop, Feng Yu Chen and Nabi confronted each other.

    It doesn't exist in the memory of Dragon Clan, it is not included in the scope of Dragon Clan, so –

    "Arthur, you are probably a descendant of the ancient dragon, the ancient dragon is divided by sex…Perhaps the fault you remember starts with Pendragon. In short, your body has a human Bloodline and Dragon Clan's Bloodline. However, it is just such a Starbrand that it is not enough to provide Eco growth…"

    Naby felt that something had to be told to Arthur.

    What was that supposed to mean? Only my Stars can't provide Eco growth? ”

    Feng Yu Chen revealed doubts.

    "Yes, after all, you are half the life of half a dragon, or do you think that you and Eco Starbrand have not concluded yet? That's because the Dragon's Bloodline in your body is plundering against Eco's Stars, so these days, Eco's Starbrand is gradually concluding with your human nature, so Eco only gets half of the Stars. ”

    Nabi said.

    "So what? Does this have an impact on Eco? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked, feeling the urgency of the incident, and if it didn't solve Starbrand's problems early, Eco would most likely face life's dying.

    "At present, half of your Starbrand is maintained, you can still live, but growth will stagnate. You may lose Strength for a long time, so you must find another Holy Grail Bloodline. The Mother Dragon originally booked for Eco. Linda, who owns the Holy Grail Bloodline like Ash.

    The so-called Holy Grail Bloodline is actually a descendant of the saint Rosa Maria, as long as the person with this Bloodline has the ability to tame any dragon, so the other half of Starbrand is in Linda's body. ”

    Nabi explained that her main Quest is to train Eco so that she can grow up and then finally integrate with Eco. In fact, her real body is the memory avatar of Ai Avalon Imperial Family.

    And what should I do?

    Feng Yu Chen thinks how such a cute dragon girl like Eco can stop growing at this moment, and it has a relationship with him. In fact, these days, together, he also likes the guy of Eco, although there are often some Tsundere. Plus sometimes sticky people, but it is really like a younger sister.

    In his eyes, probably Eco and Shadru are sister-like girls?

    However, Shadru has been avoiding him recently, so the only object of communication is Eco.

    The reason why Eco became inactive these two days is probably because Starbrand's interruption is often a kind of sleepy state, always tired of being around him. If you don't complete Starbrand completely, connect Xingjing Road, then maybe The result will be very serious.

    "Let Eco and Linda also connect with Starbrand. Although Linda probably already has Pal, but the quality of Holy Grail, half of Starbrand is OK, only this way…"

    Nabi sighed and said that she couldn't understand the fact that Ash's Starbrand interrupted this kind of thing. It can only be said that it is the role of Ansal Rose, which makes their two resonances exceed the normal value, if Ash and Eco resonate. It's 100%. Maybe Arthur and Eco have a resonance value of more than 100%, which is probably impossible for Mother Dragon to predict.

    "Well, I try to please, just a Starbrand split into two halves, boarded in the body of Linda and me, what if Eco's Strength is played in the future?" Am I with Linda? ”

    Feng Yu Chen feels that his head is not enough.

    "If you want to play Eco's Strength, only you can resonate with Linda's Starbrand. Simply put, you, Eco, and Linda resonate to be able to play the true Strength, but stay with different people. Body, this Strength, may be more powerful, as for what should be done, you yourself at the office…

    But I think, Eco can be for you and Linda respectively to make Ark creation, should be able to, after all, have starbrand is proof, just if you want to get a more powerful strength must you and Linda to carry out a combination of layout, you go to explore it yourself, I want to rest, Now just say hello to you, in the future will be a lot of advice … "

    Nabi said, closing the space.

    For a moment, Feng Yu Chen's consciousness returned to the body, except that his heart and left hand spread the black starbrand tattoo, as if like a black dragon, but only half of the appearance, but it is a feeling and eco has an inseparable link, With at least this half of Starbrand, Eco's life will not be at risk.

    "Okay, Arthur-chan rests with peace of mind, we are gone…"

    Rebecca pulled Veronica and came out. Look at Feng Yu Chen Starbrand on the chest and arms seemed to understand.

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