1680. Chapter 1680 disappeared Starbrand and left arm

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    The light of the waning moon blew the cold light. A woman in a white coat and glasses appeared on the aisle of the dormitory. Her body showed an intangent atmosphere and was about twenty years old.

    The woman reached out and pushed her glasses into the bathroom of Feng Yu Chen and Eco's room. She reached out and pushed the glasses on her face. Then she looked at the pool of bubbles floating in the vapor, showing a smile.

    "So reproduce the mating of the ancient dragons. How can such a coincidence not be used? Dragon Clan actually has a dioeo, and it is also a form of human juvenile girl, worth studying…"

    The woman who spoke was Dr. Angela *cornwell, who was commissioned to study Eco and Feng Yu Chen, who used to entrust her with a bunch of boring research, so she didn't have much interest in the Commission at first, but the power of attorney read "Dragon Clan Born in a human gesture, "it sparked her curiosity, so after the Necromancia attack, she hid far away from the dark to monitor eco, and the Dragon Clan irresistible scent of the use of Ansar Rose was for Eco to tame some.

    But she didn't think that Feng Yu Chen moved in under the leadership of Cosette, so the coincidence scene caught her, but because of Cosette's dexterity, she had to hide for a while…

    Cosette is not an ordinary maid, as the maid of Silvia *lautreamont, very capable, instead of the original king expected to send to guard the army, and Silvia two people came to Ansullivan Dragonar Academy, inherited Shirley home since ancient times The spread of fighting and espionage technology, naturally because of its powerful this strength, so the country a capable king peace of mind let her a person to guard Silvia this fourth Princess Ah.

    After avoiding the Cosette, Angela came over…


    It was at this time that a scream broke through the dormitory area, which was in the dormitory area for boys…

    After hearing the screams, the students who were about to fall asleep suddenly went out of the house and gathered together.

    The first time, Rebecca, as the Student President, appeared on the scene…

    That's…Ash's room…"

    Student Council's accountant Maximillian * Rasell followed Behind in Rebecca, looking to the gathering place where the students gathered, surprised.

    Today, the Student Council has some things to deal with overnight, after all, it is attacked by Necromancia, and it is rumored that the first Princess of Princess Lauren *Lautreamont of the Lautreamont Knights will come to Ansullivan for greetings, so there is a lot of work on hand, so…

    And when they were about to finish work, they heard screams. This scream was not the kind of sound that was frightened or hurt, but the screams of fear and infinite fear…

    "What must have happened…Let's go…We are going to be fast…"

    Rebecca quickly stepped up –

    Just that…

    When they walked to Ash's room, they found Ash in a chaotic state…

    This is not the place to surprise them, but Ash's left arm is gradually disappearing, emitting light, and then the light is gradually disappearing…

    Help meHelp me

    Ash feels that his Starbrand is gradually disappearing. Is it clear that Pal, who was born recently, is losing contact with him now? How many years have he waited! Even if he is a girl dragon, he doesn't mind, his Pal…

    "Calm down, what happened? Ash? ”

    Maximillian double-handed shouted on Ash's shoulder and called back Ash's calmness.

    "Yeah, Ash, look, Rebecca President is also there, there must be a way, you can make it clear first…Is someone attacking you…"At this moment, Raymond also entered the room and gasped and said.

    I…I…I was just sleeping, but I soon felt that the left arm seemed to be burning quickly. Something was forcibly removed from the body. Then I felt that the connection between Eco and me was getting shallower and shallower. The ground disappeared, and after Starbrand faded, my left arm suddenly became transparent…At this level, my left arm soon disappeared…"

    Ash’s eyes regained a trace of sorrow, but still feared…

    Without Pal, then he…

    "Starbrand is actually disappearing…Although there are some special circumstances, the Starbrand between the Breeder and Pal disappears, probably because Pal refuses to accept the power from the Breeder, but this situation is almost insignificant, and the Starbrand's parts disappear. Things are even more common sense…

    Now, only find Eco now, see what happened to her, if Pal is dead, it is possible…

    Her Royal Highness Princess Silvia, trouble you to find Eco, hurry, she should be under your arrangement? ”

    Rebecca looks at behind behind Silvia.

    "Well, Cosette, come with me, let's go right away…"

    Silvia knew the seriousness of the situation and suddenly turned to the room where Eco was in without hesitation.

    At this time, Rebecca suddenly remembered that Arthur was also separated from Shadru today, and lived in a room with Eco. This is to facilitate the Cosette to take care of them. Is this something related to Arthur?


    When Silvia and Cosette entered the room, they felt the fluctuation of magic, which came from the bathroom, and ran over, and then found that the body was wrapped in Feng Yu Chen by Starbrand's coat of arms, and in his arms. Eco, the water in the whole pool is evaporated by split second, and the position of Feng Yu Chen and Eco is like the extreme steps of the male and female emotions. The light envelops the bodies of two people…

    Then there was a person in the room. This person is Angela. At this time, she is doing crazy records, her eyes showing excitement.

    "Dr. Angela *Cornwell! How are you here? Your paper has always been a very important reference for me…"

    Silvia suddenly felt that things seemed to be irrelevant to Angela, but Angela was an important research professor of dragons. It was a bit rude to stop it, and it was impossible to act rashly without knowing the truth.

    "Ahhhh……It turned out to be His Royal Highness Princess Silvia. My paper can be read by you. It is my pleasure. Please don't bother me. I am making a major record…"

    Angela’s face showed a flush of redness, which was the discovery of unknown excitement!

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