1665. Chapter 1665 Holy Dragon: Arthur

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    "Really?" Let me take back what I just said? ”

    Silvia looks at Shadru, who is shorter than himself. The kind of arrogant gesture is still sneer. "If you want me to take back the words, just conquer me with strength. It is Ansullivan's [Aries Palace". Riding the dragon festival], divide the heights…"


    "How is this possible? Shadru Student has just transferred to school here. Pal has not yet been born. Is this already scheduled to win or lose?"

    That is,The result is already very clear, and I did not think that the struggle of the royal faction was so bad…"

    "Shadru Student has lost…"

    "This is for sure. I want Silvia to take back that kind of words. It is simply impossible. After all, the identity is a royal princess…"

    A student couldn't help but shook his head. He felt angry at Silvia's aggressiveness, but they could only talk privately. The struggle between the royal family, they couldn't manage that much…

    And how was it? Are you scared? Shadru *Pendragon cousin? ”

    Silvia looked coldly at the people around, and then put her eyes back on Shadru's body. Really, looks at such a proud Shadru, she couldn't help but think of the emperor, the feeling of hate is really the same. ! As if I knew everything, it was too embarrassing.

    "Okay, I promise you…"

    Shadru nodded without hesitation, would she back down? Ridiculous!"

    "I will say first, my Lancelot is Holy Dragon, and the dragon has a process of evolution after birth – from the young dragon to one of the sky dragon, the water dragon, the earth dragon, and then evolve To Holy Dragon, my Lancelot is Holy Dragon. If, if your Pal was born, it is just a baby dragon, as it is normal, and now your Pal can not be born is still a problem…

    If you apologize to me, then I can cancel this fight, how, Shadru cousin? I don't want to be told by others that I am bullying you, and now I apologize and have a chance, otherwise I will be ugly…"

    Silvia pouted Kakuzu with a smile and looked forward to Shadru's apology.

    apologies It seems that you really have a big brain, ridiculous…Who will apologize to someone like this, my Pal will be born, even the sky dragon can beat you! ”

    Shadru believes that his Pal must be the strongest! ,

    Good. Don't regret it! ”

    Silvia coldly snorted walked past Shadru's side.



    At the end of the day's class, Shadru saw a lot of things related to raising dragons, and also some battles between dragons.

    After dinner, Shadru bathed his forehead and closed his eyes to find Pal in the body. As a genus, her spiritual power was very strong. Even if she sealed the Bloodline, she could have a special Strength. Choose to force yourself to wake up Pal, although doing so…

    But she can't fail like this.


    Gradually, Shadru's consciousness sank into her spiritual world, and then saw an egg with a light spread in a magical array…


    Feng Yu Chen is confused, but he really realizes who is close to him. Yeah, he gradually recalled that he entered the world of Dragonar Academy and became a dragon. As for his owner, now Still not clear…

    "Do you feel like me?"

    Shadru gently caressed the glowing eggs.

    "Well, of course…Only this King will not easily allow you to become my Breeder, although you provide me with the necessary [Stars] for life, but this is not your proud capital, you are just my servant! ”

    Feng Yu Chen coldly snorted, became a domesticated dragon, this identity really makes him somewhat dissatisfied, after all, the previous settings have always been human, and now it is not a human!

    "I am not my Pal, I allow you to be proud, then, let go of the secular prejudice, I am not your Master, nor your servant, I am your companion, we are the companions of the life contract, you are me Pal, I am your Breeder, no subordinates…and alsoI…I like you……"

    Shadru smelled the sweet double-handed scent of the dragon egg and posted it gently.

    ReallyDon't make things that bother me…"

    Feng Yu Chen is a little embarrassed, because the dragon egg is like his skin. Now he feels that a girl with a body temperature is holding her tightly. Really, it is so gentle when I come up, he really has no Ways…

    "sorry……I was disturbed to you, I wanted to let you keep it in my body for a while, but…"

    Shadru told Feng Yu Chen what happened today.

    "What? What guys dare to ignore my Contractor! Isn't that the fourth princess? ”

    Feng Yu Chen is a little angry, so small, no matter who his Contractor is, as long as his Contractor, it must be the best! Because he is the strongest!

    "So please! ~”

    Shadru said softly.

    "Wait, let me out!" Come, call my name, the descendants of Pendragon, the descendants of the Red Dragon family, my name is Arthur (Feng Yu Chen associates Shadru's surname Pendragon, so he named himself Arthur, King Arthur)… ”

    "Arthur…Respond to the call of my Shadru *Pendragon…"

    At this point, Shadru in the bathroom held the double-handed together. At this moment, a blazing light was projected from Shadru's body, and the dragon egg, which was extremely radiant and glowing, illuminate the entire bathroom. ……

    At the same time, the glittering light from the Ansullivan Dragonar Academy shines like Meteor directly into the bathroom where Shadru is located…

    Because female students' bathrooms are mostly concentrated in one area, all Ansullivan female students feel this powerful magic wave…

    "Roar! ~! expensive! ! ”

    A body with fantastic beautiful wings, exudes an incomparable divine light, the colossal Dragon, wrapped in countless winds, rushed out of the dragon's eggs, the body was 10 meters long, about three meters tall, instantly broke through the roof, in the sky hovering up, Shadru hurriedly put on clothes came out, Everyone who heard the tremor and felt the magic swings rushed out too …

    Then, under the gaze of everyone, a scene that they did not think of appeared…

    The dreamy sacred Colossal Dragon gradually formed into a beautiful boy about twelve or three years old.

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