1657. Chapter 1657 Black and White Dispute

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    Shallowly tasting the coffee, Feng Yu Chen and Bai Xueji are in a state of silence. Two people are thinking about how to get along with each other, or how to open the cockroach in front of them, or how to make the other party open.

    Lazy to hold the coffee, lying on the back of the real red sofa, Bai Xueji's lips slowly separated –

    "Do you hate me? Or—Do you hate me because of the experience of minor furtune? ”


    Feng Yu Chen hand knocked on the table and thought for a long time before slowly opening the door: "Hate, can't you?" In fact, it is no longer useful now, because me and minor furtune already have our life, no matter how hard the process is, it is difficult to choose, but in this final result, she found a home, which is enough.

    Come back this time, I think there will be an end for everyone, whether it is now or in the future. In fact, before leaving, I know that minor furtune still has a reluctance, perhaps witnessing it, so I just want to respect Her decision, how I don't care, just hope she can let go of the past. ”

    "It’s really a gentle person, you are too good…"

    Bai Xueji seems to want to say something and keep it.

    "I understand that you probably want to say that minor furtune is also a good person, and she wants to be separated from that kind of life, so I hope I can fall down…Then I met the same excellent one…You are wrong, the king of white, minor furtune hopes that everything has a new and different way, and I am the road she chose, one can't do it, then let a group of people finish it. Finally, the end of Accel World does not confirm this…"

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and said that he didn't have the choice of Kuroyukihime, but she was chosen by her. In order to be worthy of this choice, he worked hard. She also worked hard. No one cares who, they just walk side by side.

    "No…You understand wrong, I am not saying that minor furtune is wrong…But I missed you, do you know? In our family, we always face all kinds of troubles. Since childhood, we have started various comparisons. I am always better than minor furtune…Accel World, I thought I could be the same…

    I have not thought about the consequences of my actions. The wrong thing is the world, not me.

    I thought about this, thinking that changing myself would change the world…

    But minor furtune chose a different path than mine, and she has you…

    Oh, yes, of course, Accel World, the last one belongs to you, not me!

    I don't know how I should live anymore. I walked to study life, listen to my parents, and do life even if I didn't think about it…

    Today, after seeing minor furtune, although she is still treated like that, her eyes are so beautiful, the body seems to be emitting light, as if to say – 'I am very happy now'!

    why why?

    I don't understand, I don't understand, I don't know what to do to make myself more realistic and alive.

    You can redeem the minor furtune, you must have that kind of strength right?

    Help me

    Bai Xueji’s emotions are as violent as the erupting magma.

    Feng Yu Chen hasn't seen the final ending of Accel World. I don't know everything about Bai Xueji, but now Accel World has completely changed because of his appearance. Therefore, Bai Xueji's performance may be quite different from the original work. But this change happened because of his appearance.

    A drop of tears slipped from the delicate face, like a little petal that was blown down by the rain.

    This is not acting.

    If this is a acting, then Bai Xueji is really terrible.

    So, Feng Yu Chen took out the handkerchief –

    "Scratch the tears, I can only do this…What would you like me to do? Let me stay with you? Impossible, I am very upset, I don't know what you are thinking about? Do you want to be saved? I can't do it, I can only save the minor furtune. ”

    "minor furtune is forbidden at home, come with me, I will help you leave…All I can do now is…Can I now be a competent Elder Sister? ”

    Bai Xueji stood up and took the eye mask on his face…

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Bai Xueji, now and minor furtune are like sisters. No, they are sisters. The body has the same shadow. If you put on black hair, Feng Yu Chen may not be able to distinguish it. Bai Xueji wants to mature, her silver hair does not know whether it is original or dyed…

    "Sure enough? Forbidden, thank you for coming to remind me…"

    Feng Yu Chen thinks that the real purpose of Bai Xueji is to let Feng Yu Chen take Kuoyukihime to leave?

    However, if this is the case, will she not face the blame of the parents?

    "Don't thank, I was just thinking, I can finally do something that a real Elder Sister should do…"

    Bai Xue Ji Qiang reveals a smile. If minor furtune is free to speak, then it is good to live with her one. As for her, continue to be his own hypocrisy.


    Out of the coffee shop, Feng Yu Chen and Bai Xueji took the bus to the home where Bai Xueji was located. The very luxurious house, through the efforts of Bai Xueji, finally came to a bedroom and released Kuroyukihime.

    "Yu Chen…you……"

    Kuroyukihime incredibly looks at the companion Feng Yu Chen and Bai Xueji, is it…

    "minor furtune, let's go, I don't say some high-sounding words, I won't ask for your forgiveness…Fly freely, you have an angel that takes you flying, and take my freedom away…"Bai Xue Ji Qiang showed a smile.

    "What for? Explain to me, why did you treat me like that before, why do you do it now, you are very annoying, know no! ”Kuroyukihime shook the shoulders of Bai Xueji and couldn't help but ask.

    "I don't want to explain, there is no explanation. That's it. You can leave. If you leave now, you won't be discovered…"Bai Xueji pushed Kuroyukihime into the arms of Feng Yu Chen's, indicating that they would leave soon.

    "Yu Chen, you go, I want to continue here, I will not accept the charity of her (Bai Xueji), it is very difficult! ~”

    Kuroyukihime whimpered.

    "You go, go, or…"

    Bai Xueji took out a fruit knife and placed it on his clean powder neck.

    You Enough

    Kuroyukihime took the dagger and threw it on the ground.

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