1655. Chapter 1655, Bai Xueji's Flag stands up.

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    "Transfer – "Accel World"…"

    Feng Yu Chen's accelerating ring wrapped him with Kuroyukihime and Kurasaki Fuuko. As the light grew, the figures of the three people in the space disappeared with the naked eye.


    The light gradually turned, Feng Yu Chen, they came to the streets of Tokyo.

    "This is our nerve connection device, wear it…"

    Feng Yu Chen took out three collar-like electronic devices, put one on their own, and the other two handed them to Kuroyukihime and Kurasaki Fuuko.

    "Then next…I am going home, Yu Chen, you are going to visit Fuuko, then I will contact you later…"

    Kuroyukihime said.

    "You…Going back like this, you should leave home and then go home again, will you…Will I go back with you? No matter what kind of parents, I will try my best to protect you…"

    Feng Yu Chen is somewhat worried about the look at Kuroyukihime.


    Kuroyukihime stretched out his foot on the palm of Feng Chen's foot on the soles of a bit, said, "Idiot, is you go to me is more difficult to stay, with their kind of vision, will certainly reject you, we have unlimited strength can not be displayed in this world, Otherwise it is panic, my own things will be handled well, really can not, I escaped again is, just go back to tell them, I live very well! ”

    "minor furtune ……"

    Feng Yu Chen puts Kuroyukihime in his arms and says, "I am the wing that transcends everything, so if you encounter something, call me in the name of Black Lotus, I am yours. Knight, My-Honeys."

    "The meat is dead…"

    Kuroyukihime stunned and pushed away Feng Yu Chen, and was made deep and uncomfortable.

    "Um… alright then."

    Feng Yu Chen sighed helplessly. Didn't he say similar things in Accel World?

    "Well, your heart has received me…"

    Kuroyukihime turned his mouth and turned beautifully. The long black straight hair reflected the light and shadow. The slender body walked on the aisle. Although it was very small, it could not be ignored. It was really attractive black Black Lotus.

    "You are overprotective! fool! ”

    Kurasaki Fuuko evokes Feng Yu Chen's arms around him and walks home.



    Feng Yu Chen and Kurasaki Fuuko to Kurasaki home, again saw Kurasaki Fuuko mother, also do not know how to use the attitude to communicate with her, but try to perform well is, first of all, said in the United States to buy a villa and so on, and then said A number of matters related to the medical community, of course, all of which he had dealt with before in Accel World.

    Any parent is the same, they are not bad, just want to have a good son-in-law, then the daughter can live a happy life, they can worry less, that's it.

    So Feng Yu Chen did not show too prominent, just gentle talk, do some housework, and then say some work on the fun, talk about some of the future ideal, as for Kurasaki Fuuko has recovered the foot, Feng Yu Chen did not say is Saint Mark's s Trength, but rather that this is a new kind of biotech simulation of real prostheses that basically seem to be able to be the same as normal foot 99%, and he and Kurasaki Fuuko disappeared during this time just to do the operation.

    Apparently Kurasaki Fuuko's mother believed and praised Feng Yu Chen, and then saw the normal daughter, and was even more happy.

    In short, the second meeting was still complete, leaving a good impression, which is enough.

    "Yu Chen, go take a shower, I will clean the kitchen…"

    Kurasaki Fuuko to Feng Yu Chen said, the color of gratitude, Feng Yu Chen can not do this is not the original himself, such ' ordinary ', not him, she would not like this ' ordinary ' person, can for her, Feng Yu Chen Flexible, made a ' very competent son-in-law ', full of the two diseases have disappeared.

    "Well, I haven't done it here yet, really…"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and wiped the water drops on Kurasaki Fuuko's face, then whispered in her ear. "You don't have to be so grateful at the look at me, I am just doing what I should do. You see, it is not often said in the book. Love a person, love everything about her? I am just as usual, I am changing for you, my world is wonderful for you, just like that…"

    Kurasaki Fuuko groaned and found out that they had already been heart-warming.


    Feng Yu Chen, who started taking a bath, did not continue to calm down, but received an anonymous message –

    "Tonight at 10 o'clock to XXX Cafe – signed: White – Cosmos [pure white field]."

    This message makes Feng Yu Chen care a little bit, "White-cosmos" is the king of White, alias "Hypocrisy Eternal (transient eternity)", that is, Kuroyukihime's "parents", but also her real life older two years old Elder Sister, in the night of the Seven kings gathered two years ago, provoked Black King (Kuroyukihime) to sneak into the first generation of Red King, so that the first generation of Red King instantly lost brain Burst.

    Bai Xueji.

    White corresponding to black.

    Generally in the impression of people, white seems to symbolize high purity, while black is unclean, but Kuroyukihime is so pure, and Bai Xueji is hypocritical pure white.

    Of course, it is inevitable that it is the relationship between Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke, with special love to let your younger brother grow.

    Of course, Feng Yu Chen doesn't think that Bai Xueji is really like Itachi. Of course, she can't say that she doesn't have any sisterhood. Everything can't be judged now, but he can't agree with everything Bai Baiji has done. .

    If you meet, use a mean language to ask her why, or beat her?

    Oh, this kind of thing only idiot will do.

    This kind of meeting was meaningless from the beginning, so his answer was –

    "The meaningless contract, the moment when Accel World disappears, everything has been closed, the acceleration of the mind stops at split second, it is an eternal stagnation, unable to return to the past, can not move to the future, because [accelerated end], presumably minor furtune is also Understand all this, please don't bother us any more?


    [Lucis-Ferre] (Light Messenger / Lucifer). ”

    After playing this string of words, Feng Yu Chen hesitated or sent the past.

    The sound of the water droplets in the bathroom gradually became slow, and after a few minutes, it was another information sound –

    "The wrong thing is me, not the world, the world is not stagnant, it is only me who is stagnant. Only minor furtune is redeemed. It is so sad. You are Lucifer of minor furtune, but I think you are my messenger of light. Invite you as Elder Sister."

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