1636. Chapter 1636 Secrets* Reincarnation Valley

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    Following Machi and Kurapika, Ponzu also came to the hospital dean's office where Feng Yu Chen was located.

    "You want me to find the place I finally found…This is a map. It is a little-known secret. In this way, the account between the two of us is written off, and I will give you the reward you want. ”

    Ponzu put a pair of scalp reels on the table of Feng Yu Chen's. From the end of the hunter's assessment, until now, she is looking for the origin of the pharmacy. After all kinds of dangers, she got the route of the secret. Figure.

    "Your appearance is like poisoning. You will report it for a while, and I will help you toxins for a while…"

    Feng Yu Chen handed out a hospitalization form to Ponzu, and she really got her to find it.

    "I am poisoned, how is it possible?"

    Ponzu couldn't help but frown.

    "You can reach out and press the position of your chest three inches in the middle of the chest. Just press it. If there is pain, you will be poisoned, even though it is chronic poison…"

    Feng Yu Chen said.


    After doing the Feng Yu Chen's method, Ponzu immediately felt like a ant bite.

    "Chronic poisonous, if you don't detoxify, you have the most three days of life, it is your luck, take the hospital bill, I will give you drugs, and your poison has already penetrated into the bones. Only I can absorb it…"

    Feng Yu Chen said.

    "So, do I owe you more?"

    Ponzu is hesitant, she wants to have a relationship with Feng Yu Chen.

    "Pay the bill, this is not a favor, this hospital you should understand is specially set for hunters of the senior hospital, saving lives is my duty, you just have to deliver a certain amount of money on it, if not paid, then you can do in the hospital to do cleaning and account, you come in to see the hospital cleaners, are professional hunters."

    Because they don't pay enough money, they work here to get a reduction in the cost of medical care, but also for the hospital to obtain some special drugs to liquidate medical expenses, I am not a good heart for you to treat, just do not want to looks at a patient in the territory of death, that is detrimental to my reputation, We're about to be promoted to a two-star hunter, so I don't want any trouble. ”

    Feng Yu Chen honestly said that with the reputation of the Hunter Hospital, he is expected to be promoted to the two-star hunter.

    "Really?" Congratulations, then I am waiting for your treatment…"

    Ponzu is relieved, not human, she just wants to clear her relationship.


    "Well, Machi, you can go back. The members of Phantom Troupe are not welcome in me. Are you wanted to understand?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the scroll in hand, ready to go to this secret place.

    "What kind of rewards do you want, I can pay."

    Machi said that although Feitan entered the [Island of Greed] to find a dismissal, the success is still unknown, so she has to work hard here.

    "I have no desire."

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head.

    "What kind of treasure do you want? I can help you collect it. I can find it for how much money. I will try my best to kill anyone…"

    Machi stretched out his arm to block Feng Yu Chen's body.

    "treasure? Vulgar, and the thief’s stolen goods I don’t need…money Am I short of money now? murder My assassination skills are more advanced than you…"

    Feng Yu Chen said sarcastically.

    "My life is for you, after learning medical treatment, give me three years…No, one year of free time, I am your person, I am your jealousy. ”Machi said that she couldn't look at the brigade and it was destroyed. The Phantom Troupe was only the real Phantom Troupe when Chrollo was there, and the others were not qualified for this position.

    "Is your Captain qualified for your fate? Even if you become my jealousy, your heart is still on the side of the brigade, let's go, or don't blame me for rushing you away, don't think about rebellion, the patients who are treated in this hospital are masters, no I, they will also kill you. ”

    Feng Yu Chen coldly snorted into the room next to it, Kurapika's Quest is probably completed?



    The four areas that Kurapika will look for: [the volcano that will erupt, the eruption period is more than three months], [the swamp valley surrounded by mountains], [the area that often thunders all year round], [the desert with frequent dust storms 】, the location information of these areas was handed over to Feng Yu Chen, this is his agreement with Feng Yu Chen.

    "Machi is gone?"

    Kurapika asked. ,

    "I don't know, but your personal grievances are best not to be staged on my site, hateful and hated, never to be eliminated, dead people can't resurrect, and the spirit of hate is ultimately only hell, fortunately you have Leorio them, so The companion is that you can return to the normal beacon…"

    Feng Yu Chen picked up four reels so he had five places to go.



    After withdrawing the toxins from Ponzu, Feng Yu Chen embarked on the path of the mystery, which is the origin of the growing agent, the reincarnation valley.

    There is only one bottle of precious liquid produced in one hundred years.

    What is it that can produce such a liquid?

    According to the inquiries of the intelligence network, you can probably understand that this is a paralyzed liquid made by the fruit of a hidden tree collecting a strange tree. It will only produce a strange tree of fruit in a hundred years, and the medicine made can make the person who takes it. Temporarily trapped in a state of powerlessness, hunters can use it to increase Nen.

    Since it is a secret, then can not be enough to enter the general method, according to the drawings and annotations drawn by Ponzu to understand that what is needed to enter here is the moon in the middle of the day, the moonlight will reflect a ray of light, only through this path can enter the secret environment, And the general method will only linger in situ, here has a special terrain traction, only through the moonlight guidance into the secret environment.

    As the light of the moon hits the forest, a silver road unfolds in front of Feng Yu Chen's. He suddenly ran into it, a valley covered with clouds, and residents with strange costumes are doing back and forth. Kind of work, a home has a bright light.

    Ponzu said that she did not have a meeting with the people here and returned after finding the way to enter.

    So at present, Feng Yu Chen needs to choose to communicate with these people or find the location of the singular tree.

    During the observation, Feng Yu Chen sees clearly, everyone in the valley will use it, even if the child is the same, this is really -! ! !

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