1624. Chapter 1624 Aquarium Fishing Neon

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    Hunting is always a hunting and hunting relationship.

    When you are a hunter, you are also a hunter.

    Feng Yu Chen The target of hunting is also a hunter tonight. He hides in the darkness and approaches an aquarium.

    It seems to be preparing for strikes to kill what the goal is.

    Feng Yu Chen is just a good show to fight and fisheon Neon.

    When looking for it, Shadru should also be interested in catching up with Feng Yu Chen's, but will Arturia sit and watch their actions?

    Moreover, the entire friend Yorknew City is under the black technology surveillance of Kongou, Feng Yu Chen. They will only be hunters, not prey. If you want to stand in this world, you need enough strength and intelligence, money, power and so on.

    The continuation of destiny requires more than just power. After becoming a player, the lone ranger will never be able to weather the climate. Only the organization will dominate the world. Feng Yu Chen has his power, and Shadru also has her power. It is also why Shadru envied Feng Yu Chen with a powerful intelligence assistant like Kongou.


    After using [hidden] to erase his sense of existence, Feng Yu Chen followed his prey into the aquarium. At this time, the aquarium had closed the door and the opening hours were over, except for a snoring door. There are no people.

    [Prey] It is easy to strike the gatekeeper to kill, then touched the key and entered the aquarium, but he did not know that Feng Yu Chen ghostly floated into the aquarium, under the cover of the night, Feng Yu Chen did not let [prey] find his figure using [true*shadow step].

    At this moment, Feng Yu Chen also saw "prey prey", that is sleeping in the center of the huge water column in a mermaid Loli, apparently injured, slowly back to life in the water, silver hair in the water slowly swaying, beautiful, as if will shine in general, sparkling fish tail in the water fluctuating , two shells on the chest are affixed to it, wrapped in fullness that is completely incompatible with their age.

    In the split second of the prey, the mermaid instantly woke up and shook the fishtail. The whole aquarium was instantly wrapped in the water of the ocean. It was like the sound of the fish. The fish in the water heard the footsteps of the shore people. They will be scared to avoid, and their hearing is very powerful.

    "Haha, Helena, do you think I wouldn't know if you are lying here to recover?" Before you were in the tower of the trick, you were a yin, I finally got the chance to get started. If you are seriously injured, even if you have the ability to mobilize water, it is not my opponent. Let me understand my Strength now…"

    [Prey] There is no escape, his body instantly condenses a lot of blue electric light, and a bunch of lightning spreads throughout the room…

    "Ahhhh…" Ah

    Helena was attacked by this silk electric light, his face paled, his chest suddenly shed blood, and the wound that had just recovered through the strength of the water was traumatized again.

    "You can't live!!"

    Helena's brow showed a triumphant chance. At this moment, the entire aquarium was in a huge water polo. A huge shark that was only transformed by water madly impacted [prey]…

    "Impossible, how come you have such a powerful counterattack?"

    The body of the [prey] appeared a bloody mouth, apparently being caught unprepared.

    "Oh, look at my Strength? Do you think that I will not know if you will chase after it? After the battle is finished in the ruins, I was found to have been being watched by someone who was injured, so I placed a lore in this watery place. In the water, but my world, did not find the water in the aquarium too strong?

    Injury, huh, huh, do you think that I have not suffered any more serious injuries than this? The injury is not a reason. Although my Strength has been reduced, as long as the water is strong enough for the stage, you can use the Strength of the water to block you. So, just die like this! ! ”

    Helena squatted on the lower abdomen while manipulating the water to turn into a huge shark biting [prey].

    "You don't want to live anymore. How many electric shocks can you bear?"

    The body of the prey has a strong mind, like a glowing electric eel. The entire aquarium is wrapped in the electric light of this Azure.


    In the end, Helena fell to the bottom of the pool, and [prey] was lying on the ground, and two people could no longer fight.

    "I haven't died yet, Helena, when I recover, you are dead…"

    [Prey] began to stop bleeding on his wounds.

    Interesting…In this case of sufficient water, I will recover more quickly. Even if you stop bleeding successfully, you will not have the strength to go. Before you recover, you are already a dead person! ”

    Helena counted all of this, so in this aquarium, here is the battlefield, which is called the terrain.


    Seeing this time, Feng Yu Chen came out of the darkness and patted the palm of his hand and said, "A good scene, from which to start?"


    [Prey] and Helena were shocked, and they did not expect to have a third party anyway.

    “How can it be possible?”Feng Yu Chen asked. ,

    "My power capacity should cover the entire space…"

    [Prey] shocked at the sight of Feng Yu Chen like nothing.

    "Electric shock, it's quite good, help me loose the loose bones. My previous training was getting used to electric shock every day, and from 100,000 volts to one billion volts…"Feng Yu Chen smiles, okay, in fact, he is defended by the use of water, pure water is not conductive.

    "I haven't found you in my water!"

    Helena was equally shocked.

    "Because I am water…"

    Feng Yu Chen's body is gradually translucent like water. The water is assimilated and the water is assimilated. Naturally, it cannot be discovered. Moreover, he performed the assassination technique of the true shadow step.

    "Wait, 100 million ringing, you kill her, I don't expect to live, I just hope to see her die first!"Prey] suddenly said that at this time it seems that there is already consciousness, he can not escape this hunting, therefore, Helena dragged into hell together, he is satisfied.


    Helena was suddenly mad at half. She wanted to act cute and beg for mercy. The abominable guy, Feng Yu Chen should kill her now?

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