1615. Chapter 1615 Kongou's Pendant

    PS: Watch the exclusive story behind "Unlimited Anime Record", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), tell me quietly!

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    CC sat in a coffee shop, enjoying the melodious music, while sipping a pizza while sipping a cold fruit drink, bathing in the sun shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows from the top, like a green sea hair gently fluttering With.



    The door of the cafe opened again, a blonde purple twintails girl wearing a deep purple Gothic Loli skirt entered the cafe, looked at it and walked straight to the front of the CC, and slaped the note on the table. Instantly shake the pizza and juice.


    The people in the entire cafe were caught in a state of silence, and some wanted to discourage them, but they were still scared to go forward by the momentum of the twintails girl.

    "I really can find you, right?" How do you know that it is mine? ”

    CClooks at the twintails girl in front of me, "Kongou Miss, knocking over my food, it won't be that simple…"

    "Your spiritual manipulation doesn't work for me because I am not a human! Collapse your Nen! ”

    Kongou coldly snorted sitting opposite the CC.

    "I know that you are not a human, otherwise you are dead now…"

    Kakuzu, CC's mouth, smiled a little and put a stack of money on the table. Then he said to Kongou, "Okay, go with me now, this place is not suitable for communication…"



    CC took Kongou to a KTV, rented a private room, forbidden personnel to enter, the entire KTV people have been manipulated by her.

    "Welcome to see through my means, then Kongou Miss, your ability should be invading all the websites? Otherwise, it is impossible to know the traces of my search on the Internet, but I am puzzled by how you found me. I personally think that I have walked in a hidden way. ”

    CC asked doubtfully.

    "The earrings on your ears have not been found yet? Although the system can seal the memory, it still misses a point. That is the earring. Only the partners who really trust me will have this earring. When the hunter is inspecting, I found that all five of you have the same earrings as me. Fu Xi, Arturia, CC., Busujima Saeko, Esdeath…

    In other words Before entering the world, we six people should be friends, so I didn't kill you for the first time. Really, your layout has brought my companion into crisis, Fu Xi and Arturia Individuals should now face those hunters.

    If they fight with the Phantom Troupe according to what you have arranged, then they will be killed by other players. The reputation of Phantom Troupe in this world is still not weak, fighting with them, not holding the mortal consciousness is impossible. of.

    Even if you are lucky, you can’t fight anymore…"

    Kongou said, his face was anxious.

    "Really?"Sure enough, he is a Demon Lord.But don't worry about how demon Lord could easily die, he's surrounded by arturia, a woman with intelligent, who saw through my plans and joined forces with Phantom troupe, if and Phantom troupe People who join forces must be able to defeat those people, we now also rushed to support it, since it is determined that it is demon Lord, then can not let him be so killed … "

    CC calmly stood up. "The helicopter has been prepared on the roof of KTV. Let's go…"

    "You…Ready everything? ”Kongou couldn't help but ask.

    "Of course, I am also a player. I need to hunt players. Otherwise, how can we get out of this world? Well, let's rush over, now the battle has started…"

    CC said.

    "It's a conspiracy of Witch."

    Kongou showed a hint of jealousy and terrible to CC. If she was an enemy, she might have been counted.

    "of course……I am a Witch…"

    CC's smile, the body disappears instantly, GEASS's Teleport power, her GEASS can not only manipulate the memory to give orders, but also can use a variety of super-powered GEASS, which is why she remains normal after being discovered by Kongou.

    If it wasn't for Kongou who said they were companions, then her plan for the annihilation of Kongou had already begun. Although hunters were forbidden to fight, the hunters who committed major crimes would be cleaned up. CC used the power of GEASS. A large number of ordinary people attack Kongou, then Kongou's temperament will definitely kill these ordinary people without blinking, and she will use video to record the process of Kongou strikes to kill ordinary people, then everything is reasonable, without her Strength, The other hunters will find Kongou, then clean up, and finally she will come to a fight, fishing Neon is profitable, isn't it interesting?

    "Awful guy! But don't underestimate me! ”

    Kongou already knows about network monitoring under CC. Her sea fog black technology can instantly control all the communication facilities of a city. If the CC is going to fight, she will not be afraid. Of course, they are companions.

    Strong companions can trust each other, and the pendant above the ear is proof of the companion.


    Two days and three nights passed, Arturia's Gold round table barrier disappeared, and the Knights of the British spirits returned to the Land of Fantasy. At this time, the Strength of Arturia was still there. Before Feng Yu Chen put all the energy into her. In the body, her Strength is preserved.

    "Call ~~~~~~"Restored more of Strength…"

    Feng Yu Chen stood up from the ground, twisted his body, and had been meditating for so long, the bones were stiff, but fortunately, Strength regained success.

    "Ready to fight…"

    Chrollo also stood up, looking at the Phantom Troupe members around, and then looking at the hunters around the ruins, with a playful expression on his face, it was a big time.

    As the barriers dissipated, the hunters began to move toward Feng Yu Chen, mainly the player hunters. The authority to obtain world clearance is strikes to kill a player.


    At this moment, a huge cannonball with a flame tail was ejected into the camp of the players.

    "Kongou battleship is here!!"

    Kongou stood on a plane and showed a huge missile. Her Nen was made of shells and various shells.

    As the missile fell, Kongou and CC jumped from the helicopter and stood beside Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Demon Lord, I have waited for a long time."

    CC grabbed Feng Yu Chen's hair and sucked it up…

    "You are?"

    Feng Yu Chen is confused. (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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