1613. Chapter 1613 Gold Round Table Barrier

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    Arturia unfolded Nen's nirvana – the Knights of the Round Table.

    A total of 150 powerful Knights of the Round Table, under the direction of Arturia, the rapid Mercedes-Benz surrounded the entire ruins, the knights each inserted the sword into the ground, then double-handed holding Sword hilt, then A huge cylindrical barrier wraps the entire ruin.

    "To-never-do-outrage-nor-murder."Never murder and murder)! ! ”

    All the heroic knights shouted loudly and screamed in the direction of Arturia.

    “It’s really a powerful 'king'. Is this spirit intelligent? A terrible lineup, such a lineup is enough to destroy a country, it is a war army! Non-human can block! ”

    The tension that Zeno looks at Arturia can't help but stop working. This girl feels like a natural king. If someone dares to do it in this field, it will be instantly killed. What a terrible existence, what is it? people?

    "Arturia, are you going to stop me?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Arturia, who shows power, can't help but feel the doubts, what should she do?

    "French, there is no bullying in my knight's code. Even the heinous people have the opportunity to long for life, not to mention their friendship makes me really admire. Indeed, they have done a terrible thing, but if Are we killing them like they are, isn't it the same?

    And some people are deliberately manipulating this dispute, my king, your anger will be buried in reason? Even if it is fighting, it should be decided in a fair and just situation. The sword you hold in your hand, Caliburn, is the sword of the first king, but once you don’t follow the honor of the knight, it will break. I have broken it once, you want Broken the second time?

    This sword is the sword we made the vows. Don't be angered by your own emotions. The battles carried out by people are inherently unfair. I can't agree with you. The powerful Strength is not used to kill. Great, your goal should be more ambitious. ”

    Arturia to Feng Yu Chen sincerely said that she was performing her duties as a wife, and that it was good for the king to appease her when he was angry, before the raging bloodthirsty state of Feng Yu Chen's in the tower of trickery should have been exploited (C.C did use g Eass psychological hint, because Feng Yu Chen poisoned the case of spiritual fluctuations more intense, so gave c.c. The opportunity of psychological cues, so Feng Yu Chen began to evolve into demon Lord, c.c. This is contributing to a demon lord. )。

    Although it has sealed the memory, CC still has the ability to know certain things. As a demon Lord who is not dead, the Demon Lord is the Demon Lord. It is what she is going to do now.

    But Arturia wants not Feng Yu Chen like Demon Lord, but Feng Yu Chen like Cavaliers.

    This is also a comparison between CC and Arturia who will become the woman behind Feng Yu Chen. After the seal, they each show their own nature to act.

    "What does this Miss call?"

    Chrollo, who felt a little chance, said to Arturia.

    "Arturia *Pendragon ……"

    Arturia said.

    "My king is the king of ancient Brex, the Knight of the King – Arthur."

    All the heroic knights shouted.

    "It turned out to be – Wang! No wonder, the knight is spiritual, as if it were a narrative in a novel, then this should be a king…"Chrollo suddenly realized, no wonder feel arturia body and this world out of place characteristics, the original is the king, well, regardless of how they appear, why is the form of teenage teen, now, the future of the brigade has a glimmer of turn, there is this knight King Arthur In the barrier, presumably those other hunters are very difficult to enter this, then there is a turnaround of the existence.

    "Well, I was only called out when I was practicing, and then I heard a girl wanting to be a hunter. Then she was dissatisfied with being robbed, plus someone was counted…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Arturia. He can only dissipate the body's thoughts and rest on the stones on one side.

    "Well, then these two…"

    Arturia looked at Zeno and Xiba and said: "The two are not the ones who have no killings. They are obviously being tricked by people. Are they going to continue?" For the three days of Phantom Troupe, as long as the unlimited killing order is cancelled, can you? ”

    "Look at your barrier, should you be able to make rules? Now that you are on the side of the Phantom Troupe, we naturally have no chance of winning. If Ten Mafia Dons is dead, our Quest is over, this is the bottom line…Selling you a Cavalier face…"

    Zeno said that it prevented Shiba from doing things. In this barrier, it is simply impossible to play, and this girl has a weak atmosphere, plus she is Feng Yu Chen's partner and Phantom Troupe. The whole team is on the side, they are the real weakness.

    "Well, thank you for your understanding, then this will solve…"

    Chrollo suddenly got through Illumi's call. "Quest continues, kill Ten Mafia Dons. Just don't worry, let us give us unlimited killing orders…"

    "Understand, but the reward doubles…"

“……No questions found

    Chrollo hangs up and says to Zeno, "Illumi's skills should be clear, and now Ten Mafia Dons has been solved…"

    "Okay, Xiba, let's go…"

    Zeno nodded and put away the defense.

    The cylindrical barrier opened a door and left Zeno and Shiba.

    "I am afraid that it will not be safe next…"

    SISO, with a red peach in his face, said, "I do not know what purpose, this year's new hunters are rushing to this place, I am afraid that the dark man playing chess, want is not the fate of Phantom troupe, but will be completely turned here into a battlefield, really is a powerful figure ah, Now all of us are his (her) pawns oh … "

    "Allied…The people here are allied to deal with the people who are coming over…"

    Chrollo looked at Feng Yu Chen and Arturia. "I think your origins must be very mysterious. Those new hunters are also quite mysterious. So, I think we can form alliances. On the one hand, you can help us solve the infinite order. In one direction, we can be your teammates to help you solve your opponent…"

    "You don't want to be too optimistic. There are a lot of new people who are at our level. Your brigade may be destroyed…"Feng Yu Chen sneer.

    "If it wasn't for this King Arthur, we just had to die once, and I believe in your strength…"Chrollo looked at Feng Yu Chen and Arturia.

    Closing the dealBut let me save Nobunaga first, without insight into his heart, and now I can save it with my ability…"

    Feng Yu Chen stood up and walked to Nobunaga, who had already been 'dead'.

    "If there is no cooperation, Nobunaga is dead…"

    Chrollo couldn't help but be surprised. He thought that Feng Yu Chen was really angry to kill Nobunaga and left a line. (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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