1606. Chapter 1606 Water Transport

    PS: Watch the exclusive story behind "Unlimited Anime Record", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the starting point Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), tell me quietly!

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    Day after day, Feng Yu Chen's speed of gasification water is getting faster and faster, the water in his hand can penetrate the trees like a sharp edge, but still can't do the same level as Netero, only attack one point without affecting In other directions, this is simply the strength of the god.

    It's not a simple Strength Strong Speed ​​that can be done quickly.

    However, Feng Yu Chen gradually found that the flow of gas in the body is as strong as the punching under the water. The power of the water is that no matter how the hit is, it will not be reduced, but it will be diverted.

    This ability is applied to Nen, and the amount of retention that can be maximized by Effectiveness is not wasted.

    "Yes, the accumulation of water is weaker than the accumulation of anything, because they will be scattered once they encounter a solid object, so you probably understand it, only by keeping the circulation of water in an extreme Only within a narrow range can it be spread out, and at the same time it must penetrate the trees, and it must have strong penetration and destructive power…"

    Netero looks at Feng Yu Chen's water-based approach, and gradually feels that his Innate Skill is really amazing, and it has only been a few days to turn water into a weapon that is sharper than the blade.

    Feng Yu Chen's water is not ordinary water, but fast-flowing water. Like the principle of a water gun, water and air pressure release water from a narrow outlet, while water pressure and air pressure. The stronger it is, the stronger the intensity of the spurt is.

    Therefore, as long as the water pressure is strong enough, it is a breeze to break through trees or rocks.

    Feng Yu Chen's water is not only the high pressure of the qi, but also the rapid rotational force. He thinks of the principle of the screw. It is really difficult for the normal nail to break into the wood, but the screw can be rotated. Quickly enter the trees.

    "Now start rock training…"

    Netero stood in front of the mountain wall, gently took a breath, and then struck it out. For a time, pieces of rock that had been cut into squares fell on the ground, the size of each rock block. No difference.

    This skill is also very fascinating to Feng Yu Chen. The President of the Hunters Association is simply outrageous, not a human!

    Then Netero used the stone to carry it up –

    "I saw no, I used the water of your Tao to carry these stones, and used these stones to build a house for me. This is the test of the third stage. The first stage is [with water to the best]; the second stage It is [daohua water flow]; the third stage is [distance manipulation], the water you have made is not ordinary water, but water containing a strong life field, this water is equivalent to your gas, try to use it To carry things, one can exercise your grasp of the [flow], the two to exercise your water toughness.

    The normal nen is that few people are able to release the gas and manipulate it, but the ability of Dacheng to be able to release it out of the body and manipulate it, although it is similar to the manipulation system and the change system, but this is actually a specialization of the flow, it is well known that the flow is in the area of the body to divide the QI, And if the airflow is out of the body, it can also turn the gas into a part of its own body to manipulate. ”

    "Okay, I will try…"

    Feng Yu Chen's face can not help but hard to force down, build a house, and it is the Taoist water to manipulate the stones, which is really difficult.

    However, he did it.

    Spirit once again fell into the innate gossip state, the body's airway turned into water, and then the water flow became the palm of the hand. The hand of the water moved a stone to move. Because of the cultivation of the second stage, Feng Yu Chen has been able to It was very well maneuvered, but it was really laborious, and a trace of sweat fell from his forehead.


    After carrying more than a dozen stones, Feng Yu Chen's Daohua Water finally couldn't help but scatter.

    "Go underwater and fight for 10,000 and come back…"

    Netero kicked Feng Yu Chen into the bottom of the lake without saying anything.

    "How to improve a hundred times ~!"

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but want to vomit. Isn't it a hundred starts? Is it too much now?

    However, Feng Yu Chen's current speed is getting faster and faster. If it is 10,000, it should be able to finish it in an hour. This is still the case of punching underwater.

    "It’s really a harsh training…Drink it, Netero…"

    Maha Zoldyck came to Netero with the wine.

    "Well, your Zoldyck training is probably no easier than my training…It’s a really good seedling. If this little guy is at my age, it’s not a problem to break the void…”

    Netero said, unknowingly ate the dishes.

    "Really?" Maybe, I am wondering why he is a traitor. Should the traits be individualists or leaders? As a killer, individualism may be justified, but is the leadership temperament needed by the killer? It’s better to kill the killer as a beggar…"

    Maha Zoldyck feels that Feng Yu Chen is not a real killer.

    "Well, he just came to Zoldyck here to get stronger, because you are here in hell, and you have withstood the test of hell, then everything will be able to withstand it…Isn’t your grandson, Killua, trying to change himself? I think he can smile naturally and naturally…”

    Netero said.

    "Yes, children and grandchildren have their own children, and Fulu, this time with his friends, called Young Gon, Leorio, Kurapika, right? I got to the house together, and then the young man called Young Gon didn’t want to restrain Killua from imprisoning him and let him have his own choice to live. It’s a funny guy, Kim’s son, really like a father and son…”

    Maha Zoldyck said.

    "So what about you, what should I do?"Asked Netero.

    "Very simple ah, let them free, the killer is also in need of reform, and Killua is originally a innate Skill people, in our bondage of growth is limited, his future to his own to open up it, to my age has been able to see through some things, The captive tiger is always weak compared to the wild, no matter how it is trained … "

    Maha said, the body gradually disappeared into place.

    "Oh, the ghost will believe you…"

    Netero won't listen to Maha. He won't let Feng Yu Chen become a killer expert. It's a waste of such a good seed to be a killer. It should be better to open up some new chapters for the world of hunters. (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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