1604. Chapter 1604 Specialties: Taoist

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    Feng Yu Chen followed Netero to the withered mountain and entered the Zoldyck home.

    "Hey, continue to train here after completing Quest…"

    Zeno looks at Feng Yu Chen, thinking, can you Netero be able to grab people with your own strength, since they are Zoldyck's family, then they have no power to get out of this killer family.

    "Mm."Do I also need to learn somewhere? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked, it seems that I have learned that I can learn. The Zoldyck family's killers generally teach the most basic Assassination Technique, while others are self-understood.

    "Although there is no more thing to teach you on the basis of the basics, the basics of the Assassination Technique are almost the same, but you will leave when you learn the skills in vain. Are you Zoldyck where you want to come and leave? !!"

    Zeno's murderous aura split second was all released, almost the entire mansion was shrouded under his murderous aura, the glass in the room was broken and the walls shook.

    "What about murderous aura?"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes are not stunned, a scarlet blood prison began to spread around his body, although the scope is not as good as Zeno, but it is exceptionally stable, and Feng Yu Chen did not show hostility, after all, Zhineng Tu He is still clear, if you learn the skills here at Zoldyck, you can't go against each other.

    "Well, let Netero take it away. I said it at the beginning. If Netero is more suitable for developing his potential, he has two sides. It can be either assassin or Netero. Nen's development. Give it to Netero President, but…Netero President, he can be your disciple, but oh, he is also our family. After entering Zoldyck, it will always be here, so you understand what I mean…"

    Maha Zoldyck patted Zeno's shoulder and instantly wiped out Zeno's murderous aura, and said kindly.

    "Well, then I will take your family's child Fu Xi Zoldyck as an apprentice, can you?"

    Netero understood the words of Maha Zoldyck.

    "It is this. If you don't dismiss it, Netero President is here to teach him Nen's skills. I personally want to see what his Nen looks like…"

    Zoldyck put a glass of water floating a leaf in front of Feng Yu Chen's, "First Test your nen Attribute bar, the most commonly used test method is water see, by Netero Heart Source Boxing method was founded, with outstanding contribution ah, the method is in the cup filled with water Put a leaf on the child, and then start with a double-handed around the cup … "

    "Okay, I will try…"

    Feng Yu Chen's double-handed around the cup, began to start reading.

    As Feng Yu Chen's thoughts started, a face emerged from the leaves, half black and half white, and the water became half chaotic and half clear…

    "What is the trait?" Obviously it is polarized, half of the darkness is half bright, and there are two extreme traits that can be mixed together. It is also powerful enough without conflict…"

    Maha Zoldyck said that this is also the case, Zengyck develops Feng Yu Chen's black, and Netero develops Feng Yu Chen's white.

    "Wait a minute, you can use your natural strength to try, can your eyes not change in that state?"Netero patted Feng Yu Chen's shoulder and said that he felt that Feng Yu Chen shouldn't be just this simple Strength.

    Good.let me try again……"

    Feng Yu Chen took a deep breath and entered the state of being free of me. The Innate eight trigrams chart floated under her feet, and her eyes became a yin-yang-like existence, gradually changing into a yin and yang, just like two Primal Chaos in Feng. Yu Chen's eyes rotate in general…

    Then Nen is released, and then the leaves in the cup begin to germinate and grow into a tree seedling. Then there are swamps and mountains in the water. A trace of lightning and wind gather on the seedlings, and then the seedlings bear a flame fruit…

    "It's also a trait system…This is what you are looking for, yes, this is equivalent to deriving a small natural (world and earth) shape…"

    Netero's mouth Kakuzu smiled, this is the direction he wants to develop.

    "Well, indeed, this is what Nen Netero is looking for, he is a natural naturalizer…"

    Maha nodded and said, "The other trait of that is handed over to me. It just happened to find an ancient ruin that should suit his cultivation…"

    "Well, then the little guy comes with me, your ability is called – [Taoist]."

    Netero said.


    Feng Yu Chen doubts.

    "Well, the natural creation, the Taoist division, the practice to my point of view, has been able to understand the heavens and the earth. The so-called Taoist is naturally to show up naturally by manpower. I probably saw your Nen, thank you. Let me see the so-called complete form of nature, which requires eight kinds of Strength –

    Positioning in the heavens and the earth, the mountain is ventilated, the thunder and wind are thin, and the water and fire are not in contact.

    Heaven, earth, mountains, Ze, thunder, wind, water, fire, these eight kinds of strength are together, it is a natural complete and normal, it is so, it is so, suddenly realized the nature, this is my creation It is. ”

    Netero's eyes gradually converge, and the strength of the body seems to have been raised one more layer in an instant. The whole person exudes a sense of unity with nature, as if it were the feeling of 'feathering the fairy'.

    "Do you think of a Taoist? Yeah…"

    Feng Yu Chen recited his own name of Nen, the Taoist nature, the Taoist, and the eight kinds of innate eight trigrams chart are exactly what Netero said in four sentences. These four sentences, Feng Yu Chen, are collected in some homes. I have also seen in the Taoist works, the positioning of the heavens and the earth, the ventilation of the mountain, the thin thunder and the inconsistency of the fire and water, it is the eight trigrams chart.

    "But it's a pity…"

    Netero instantly fell asleep and said: "There is still an opportunity and Innate Skill in this world. Although I have the opportunity, I don't have Innate Skill, but you are different. You have opportunities. You also have Innate Skill. Maybe you can achieve it. The height above the nature, the height should be –

    Standing on the ground, the hands and dances are thunderous, and the air is running through the mountains and seas.

    The seven kinds of creation power of the Taoist division is the Nen that you will develop next. Let’s take a good look. Let’s first come to the emotional water, come with me, go to the lake…”

    "In the lake?"

    Feng Yu Chen doubts.

    "Well, first develop your water path…"

    Netero said. (A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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