1594. Chapter 1594 Killer, Poisoning, Shura Road

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    Zoldyck killer family.

    Feng Yu Chen studied professional killing skills there. Maha Zoldyck left him there for the purpose of not being suitable as a killer, but because of his qualifications, he realized the threshold of 'natural'.

    Feng Yu Chen is not suitable for a killer because his heart is affectionate.

    A killer is a kind of machine that does not need to have feelings. In the concept of murder, there are only two kinds of people worthy of killing or not worthy. Besides, there is no other blank that can be used as emotions, as a Quest that only completes Quest. There is an empty shell.

    Killua Zoldyck's Innate Skill is so strong because it is suitable for killing machines, although he is not happy to live like this.

    And Feng Yu Chen is not not to kill, but because to meet the desire of homicide will not be a goal, but everyone, he is not suitable for the killer, as a thurus for the most suitable, the killer is still human, and Thurus has been non-human existence, Thurus is Asura or, in Buddhism is called ' Non-days ', the meaning of neither the gods nor the human but not the meaning of the heavens, is the cause and effect of evil, the god of sin.

    Bloodthirsty Innate Skill.

    Strength, awakened in Highschool of the Dead, kills Zombie not to live, but to satisfy bloodthirsty's desires.

    For the killer, killing is a kind.

    For Shura, killing is not a goal, but a career. The moment to cultivate this kind of career is the culmination of Shura.


    In the face of the plague, Feng Yu Chen from the plague of the gas smell of that kind of ghost strength, presumably he has killed Hawthorn people, and with the more killing, the more powerful the plague people's strength, the more strong the plague toxin, even with Feng Yu Chen now anti-drug Physique can not be completely immune, but Feng Yu Chen can not die, but is caught in the ' bloodthirsty ' mode, that kind of ghost strength has some thurus of the feeling of the field.


    In the split second of the plague, his death is also approaching. Sometimes, the toxin is not a weapon of wounding, but also a weapon of injury!


    With a light and crisp voice, the body of the plague was quickly torn into two halves, and the more terrible tears did not stop.

    No one can see Feng Yu Chen's Speed.

    The skills often come from Zoldyck make his two sharper than the blade. The split second seems to be hundreds of knives, and it seems to be a thousand knives…

    When the brittle tearing stops, the whole platform's ground is as big as a fist, and the flesh and blood are shaking. The vitality has not yet dissipated. The two eyeballs roll on the ground and reveal the horrified eyes.

    Feng Yu Chen's tearing speed was so fast that he was still conscious when the body of the plague was split into countless pieces, but this silk consciousness quickly disappeared with the final fear, and there was no pain in it. I found out that I had become a broken meat in an instant, and I was lucky enough to see the scene of being broken.

    This is simply –

    Horrified horror!


    Ponzu was horrified by the scene before, although Feng Yu Chen is now her companion, but this bloody scene is so unacceptable to her.


    Don't……I surrender……I surrender……"

    "Do not kill me……"

    The other two peper's two companions suddenly fell back in fear, tears in their eyes, and in the moment when Feng Yu Chen's eyes looked at Kakuzu, they even thought they were dead.


    "Successful clearance…"

    After hesitating for some time, the passage of the space was opened, and the voice that allowed Feng Yu Chen to continue the customs clearance.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen's desire to kill did not stop. He directly shocked the wall in front of him into Crush and went straight ahead.

    The four hands just appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen's. Without waiting for the four hands to ask, Feng Yu Chen instantly turned it into a minced meat like a plague, and two people who had been with the four hands were scared. Fleeing away…

    Feng Yu Chen didn't catch up. It seems that he is not interested in the escape…


    "What happened to him, some terrible…Abnormal

    Ponzu reached out to the wall and asked about the CC in the side.

    "It should be poisoned…As long as the poison is solved, there is no problem, but it is really interesting that the poisoning has become like this. I have a little interest…"

    CC seems to believe that Feng Yu Chen is the Demon Lord she is looking for. The combination of Witch and Demon Lord is not a perfect match. She won't admit the wrong person. Why is it, it is Witch's intuition…

    "Why don't you be afraid, normal people will not be calm when they see this scene?"

    Ponzu feels that the CC at this time is also somewhat infiltrating.

    "Afraid of anything, as long as he does not stop in front of him, he will not kill. In short, now he has no purposeful killing. Only the idiot that is in front of him will die, and this hunter will die. The more people we win, the less chance we will win. Therefore, at least for the time being, it is beneficial to us. Okay, let's go, there are people who help to get through the channel. We can also quickly clear customs. For small people, we must learn how to follow behind powerful people. Living, this is one of the laws of nature…"

    CC licked his lower lip, huh, huh, although the system seal was remembered, but there is no way to seal Witch's intuition. How could the Demon Lord's contract with Witch be cut off after the conclusion, and I want to get rid of her, Demon Lord.


    Ponzu looks at CC. It seems that she is interested in approaching Feng Yu Chen. She suddenly thinks she is also a madman.

    Soon, the candidates of the entire smashing tower found a straight bloody road. Pieces of minced meat were scattered on the ground, and some even radiated temperature, which made the candidates frightened and quickly avoided. However, there are still a few people who have not escaped.

    "Leorio, Killua, Kurapika, here…"

    Young Gon suddenly pointed to the channel.

    Forget itOr not……Vomiting

    Leorio suddenly spit up and Kurapika was a little surprised.

    "It doesn't matter, murderous aura has already dispersed…"

    Killua said.


    Then Arturia and Sisuo and others also discovered the road to Shura, one by one.

    Only the timid people are far away from the distance, for fear that they will become like that.

    The only person who knows the reason for this Shura Road is CC and Ponzu, and of course the third examiner…A good activity to drop the pie in the sky, cool mobile waiting for you to take! Pay attention to the ~ point / Chinese network public number (WeChat add friends – add public number – enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately pay attention to qdread WeChat public number! )

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