1582. Chapter 1582 Hunter Assessment: Two and a third stations

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    After completing Nen's first win, Feng Yu Chen left the Sky Arena with Arturia, because this year's hunter assessment has begun, which also makes some people in the Sky Arena have the same teleportation goal, and the hunter qualification license is also very Useful things.

    In this way, Feng Yu Chen sat on the official Examination Room Qualification Examination room, in the formal exam before the need for qualification test, can become a hunter is only a very small part of the people, and want to become a hunter is a large number of people, but impossible has such a big test room to accommodate everyone, So before the official game, there will be a test-like test.

    But just as Feng Yu Chen was in the airship, they encountered a stormy weather –

    "There is a very bad news to tell you that there is a ray cloud in front of you, so the airship can not pass, so it is necessary for candidates from all over the airship to jump to the bottom of the sea, and then swim to the other side of the examination room, of course, if you feel that the force is not enough, then you can return to land with …”

    The captain came out and pinched his brim, revealing a sneer, he would not say, he just chose the road after watching the weather forecast.


    "Really, ghost weather…"|

    "Swim in the past, isn't it a joke?"

    "I don't want to…"


    People in the whole cabin shook their heads and swam to the other side in this weather. Not to mention whether Physical Strength can survive, it is this dark environment, and there is no way to find it.

    "let's go……"

    Feng Yu Chen did not take the parachute and jumped off the window.


    Arturia followed the window of Feng Yu Chen behind.

    Only two of them jumped out, and others hesitated and did not act. After all, it was impossible to swim from the sea.

    "Haha…congratulations, the rest of the people, the assessment failed ~! The hunter industry must have the courage to be able to cope with all kinds of dangers at any time. How can it be successful to complete Quest? ”The captain said with a smile.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia were caught by two huge birds with people driving the birds.

    "Congratulations, got the power to enter the examination room, really dare to jump from above, haha, we thought that this year can not get people here…"

    The man in front of Feng Yu Chen said with a big laugh.

    "In fact, we really have to consider swimming."Feng Yu Chen said honestly.

    “Ha! Interesting haha, yes, young people need this kind of fearless spiritual, sit down…"

    The man who drove the birds couldn’t help but be surprised. It’s really a young and energetic young man.


    With the washing of the rainstorm, Feng Yu Chen, who has been on the road, came to an island.

    "The train to the examination room is in this small island, but kindly suggest that you need to drive your own train to be able to enter the examination room Oh, said, this hunter's examination room has been no one to use for many years, after all, no one wants to swim from the sea, every year at this time, there will be thunderstorm weather …"

    After the man who drove the bird and his companion put down Feng Yu Chen and Arturia, they flew away slowly.

    "Is the first level of courage? Then the second level should be intelligence…"

    Feng Yu Chen holds the test notice in his hand, which reads two and a third stations.

    "Let's go."

    Arturia said, licking the body's waterdrops.

    "Take a time, I will open the hole for you, Arturia…"

    Feng Yu Chen wiped Arturia's water drops off his face. If there is defense, the rain will not enter the body.

    "I want to try to open it myself…"

    Arturia said, but I know that Feng Yu Chen's opening the hole will definitely let her off the light. Really, she has to make fun of her…


    Look at Arturia 狡黠 狡黠 , F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F It is beautiful every day.

    "You see what I am doing, it is true, and I have not seen it…"

    Arturia looks at Feng Yu Chen, his eyes are straight, his face is full of blush, and he is thinking about something bad.

    "You are also very good when you were young. I really want to spend more time in this world, so I can appreciate you now (Ling version of King Arthur)…"Feng Yu Chen took Arturia toward the exam room.

    "You were very cute when you were young. I don't know if Albert is like this when he is so big…"

    Arturia remembered her love with Feng Yu Chen's love. She stubbornly left him in the era of ancient Bhutan and inherited her own wishes. She is not a good mother…

    "Well, Albert didn't hate us, but because we gave him life and pride, you are the mother of his respect…"

    Feng Yu Chen held Arturia in his arms and comforted him intimately.


    After a half-day search, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia arrived at the bottom of the island, and there was an abandoned underground station. Several trains were parked in several tunnels with one or five stations on the entrance. As for the second and third stations, there is no such thing.

    At this moment, Feng Yu Chen suddenly thought of the classic bridge section of Harry Potter. It looks like a nine-and-three-quarter station, a platform leading to the Hogwarts School of Magic, and the ninth platform at King's Cross Station in England. And the three pillars in the tenth platform.

    In the eyes of ordinary people (Muggles), it is just a wall between the ninth and tenth stations of the London train station. When it rushes toward the wall, it will cross, reach the station of nine and three quarters, then take the train and drive. To Hogwarts.

    Then, the hunter world must have some amazing stations that ordinary people can't see.

    @Follow Me

    Feng Yu Chen took Feng Yu Chen to the first pillar of the second and third platforms and ran straight into the wall.

    Eh…Ah, how! @!”

    Arturia couldn't help but reveal a surprised expression, this is what to do.

    Then, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia really passed through the pillars.

    When the line of sight returned, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia found that they came to a single station, and a brand new train stopped in front of them.

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