1580. Chapter 1580 Release Department: Beast

    [Today's sixth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward)

    In a week, Feng Yu Chen and Arturia have reached the 200th floor, and when they move forward again, they have a real crisis.

    Fighting with the hunter, although Feng Yu Chen had already played against the hunter, but it was Feng Yu Chen who would miss the hunter strikes to kill in the unexpected situation. The master is not once.

    When he reached the 200th floor, he met a master who really played out.

    In the arena, the two sides will not have any negligence, they will use it completely, and there will be no negligence.

    The key is that Feng Yu Chen was asked by Zeno Zoldyck not to be able to use Frost's Strength, and as a killer, Strength, he did not want to show it here.

    What is it in the end, Feng Yu Chen has not been exposed to systematic teaching so far, but he thinks that it should be the energy that is similar to the Chakra refined in the Naruto world, and then the energy is expressed in various styles. It is Nen, and it corresponds to Ninjutsu.

    Those who can't use it are equivalent to only using the ninja of Taijutsu.

    Although I know and understand this kind of thing, how can he do it after he really remembers the hunter?

    "Oh oh oh…Let me review the rules first. Those who come to the 200th floor are all powerful and strong. It will become more and more difficult to advance to the upper level. Therefore, this level adopts [application for combat system], each person There is a 90-day battle preparation period, you can choose to participate in any competition during this period, each battle, you can get a recalculated 90-day battle preparation period. However, if you do not participate in the war within the specified 90 days, you will lose your qualifications.

    At this level, you can pass ten wins, but if you have lost four games before winning ten games, you will lose your qualifications. If you can win this building, you can challenge [the landlord] to monopolize this layer to become a new landlord, enjoy a reputation and live a life without worry. Each floor on the 220th to 250th floors is owned by a landlord. In addition, you can also participate in two years. Once the fighting convention, if you win, you can stay at the top floor – the 251st floor.

    Long lost, once again a newcomer applied for a fight, let's take a look at the two sides of the PvP Information Bar, one side is the use of reading Snake Fist Master Kun by, has won three games, the other side is our super Newcomer Fu Xi Zoldyck, that in some statement one thing, Fu Xi is a man, so don't get me wrong , before he has been with a wonderful hand across the air to fly out of the enemy, now two people will collide with how fierce fighting, oh oh oh, some can't wait …

    Combat Start…

    The referee waved down and then quickly retreated.

    What about snake-shaped punches?

    Sure enough, any world has a place where it is connected.

    "Kid, if you don't learn to come here, you are really bold. Is your last name Zoldyck?" If it is the family, even if I die here, I don't think I will be investigated. Although it is not clear how your parents will allow you to come here, if you admit defeat, you can avoid the crisis of life…"

    Quincys is obviously worried about being chased by Zoldyck, although their hands are not reaching the sky arena, but the killer family is a crazy guy, no one is willing to provoke.

    "Get out of it, since I have chosen to participate in the battle, then I am ready to die…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, Zeno only let him go back to 100, hone the foundation, but his foundation is already solid, he just wants to try to hone the skills of Eight Trigrams Palm, did not think of this 200 layers After the opponents are all using the master of reading.

    No, maybe he had expected that there would be this day.

    "Yes, then…Don't blame me…"

    Quincy's eyes suddenly sharpened. If so, then it would be fine to hurt him or stun. If you don't kill it, Zoldyck's family is still less irritating.


    Feng Yu Chen gradually sensed that the gas around by began to change, as if Kun by tightened and isolated the gas and breath of the whole body, making his sense of existence weak, but the transfer became condensed and truthful, as if no matter how the attack can not be defeated in general, followed by a lavender energy Rose up from his body and turned into a giant python …..

    "Oh, oh, it’s there, let’s release the representative of Nen, and Mr. Quincy can use the body movements to manipulate the beast to attack…”

    The referee explained.


    Feng Yu Chen's oozes a cold sweat on his forehead, not because of fear, but because of weakness, the feeling of powerlessness from the heart, this ability is like Naruju's Ninjutsu.

    If it’s just a beast, the body of Quincy’s body is wrapped in a beast, and it’s hard to attack.

    And that kind of shocking pressure simply made him breathless.

    This is anger.

    The gas field was manipulated by Quincy.

    "Call ~~~~~~"

    Gently breathe a bit.

    Feng Yu Chen puts on the Gentle Fist's frame, adjusts his own temper, and his eyes gradually begin to change, turning from a black pupil into a black and white yin and yang.

    With the release of the gossip, Feng Yu Chen felt that it was not so strongly suppressed, and the whole body was shrouded in the Primal Chaos eight trigrams chart. The scent of the Kunxis was in the face of Feng Yu Chen's Make up the teleportation.

    Nen is also a kind of potential, and Feng Yu Chen can change this potential. Primal Chaos's Strength should be able to be used in many places.

    "It turns out that it seems that you have some foundation and have entered the threshold of 'wrapping', but without anyone to guide, you want to win is not that simple…"

    When Quaker Weston manipulated the beast to attack Feng Yu Chen…



    Feng Yu Chen quickly escaped, his Speed ​​is still very fast, and the attack of the beast is to make his behind the ground broken, really a powerful attack.

    "Speed ​​is fast, but the old man is not against the opponent who is strong with Speed…"

    With the coldly snorted of Quincy, the purple snake suddenly found a snake head from the middle, and the two-headed snake attacked Feng Yu Chen! !

    "Oh oh, it appears, two snakes…"

    As the referee's high drink, the audience showed their excitement.

    Feng Yu Chen was also shocked, can he still differentiate into a snake head? If you divide a number of snakeheads, it is not so easy for him to avoid it. After all, the venue has a range. If you go out of scope, you will lose…

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