1575. Chapter 1575 Diverse ice needle Attribute

    [Thanks [殇影], book friends 150327134558391, Ha 23333333, underage uncle, private thoughts の 殇 children's shoes, the monthly ticket plus more conditions to meet, decisively add more, today is even more ambiguous, the first more sent, ask Subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward

    When Feng Yu Chen and Neon walked out of the snow cave, a blindfolded person appeared in front of them, and there were also a group of manipulated snow monsters gathered around them.

    It seems that this masked person is the hunter who used to manipulate the blue-haired man. It is also interesting to be hired by the underground Criminal Syndicate for assassination. It also proves that there is no absolute goodness in the world, no, maybe any The world is the same.

    There is no absolute good and evil.

    "Don't move, Zoldyck's teenager, or do you want your employer to die here?"

    The masked man said with a sneer.

    "When did you appear, bastard!!"

    Feng Yu Chen said in a frightening way that Neon was protected in behind.

    "Haha, all your actions have already been exposed to our eyes, and the fate of the Haha Nostrade La family has ended here…"

    The masked man immediately laughed at Feng Yu Chen's panic. The Quest is very simple. What Zoldyck family is not a child? What a terrible thing…

    "Do not kill me……I don't want it

    Neon, according to Feng Yu Chen, also showed a panic-like appearance and ran in the direction of the reservation. In order to make the acting more exciting, she sometimes let herself fall into the snow, and the wolf looks like a real thing. Very incomparable…

    Seeing Neon escaping, the masked man picked up the communicator in his hand and said, "Mr. Diviner, she went in the direction of the northeast. Well, Zoldyck's boy gave it to me…The agreement is good, 100 million renmin…"


    Feng Yu Chen sneaked at the hooded man, double-handed pressed on the ground, a few ice needles walked through the snow in an instant, in the case of masked people without precautions, like a hairy The ice needle pierced his throat and heart! ! !


    For a time, masked people felt that the throat and heart seemed to be frozen. Feng Yu Chen, who was surrounded by snow monsters with an incredible expression, didn't know how he attacked. Is it a release system? Impossible, he didn't feel the launch of Nen at all…

    "Remember, never look down on your opponent, the lion fights the rabbit and uses all the power, but unfortunately, you have no regrets…"

    Feng Yu Chen instantly appeared in the behind of the masked man, and the palm of his hand was gently pushed. The masked man squinted his eyes and fell on the ground. As he fell to the ground, the manipulated snow monster smashed…

    Under normal circumstances, Feng Yu Chen has to deal with the people who will use it at all. They will use their minds to defend against his attacks, so they can only show their enemies and weak, and then they will unexpectedly attack and fight in the face of their unprepared situation. It is necessary to eat the brain, the weakness is not necessarily better than the powerful.


    Then Feng Yu Chen took the newsletter and said the voice of the masked man: "The diviner…The devil has already solved it, remember it…One hundred million ren, the Zoldyck family is really killing, but there is a lot of trouble…"

    "Well, come to the agreed place…"

    A dry voice came out.


    Neon ran and gradually found an old woman holding a Crystal ball waiting for her in the snow.

    "Hello, the prophet, let me take your ability now…"

    The old woman's dry hand caught the Neon instantly, but just as she was a meter away from Neon, the Neon body flew out a few ice needles into her hair. For a time, a Frost rushed quickly. Her head began to spread to her body –

    What thing?

    "Command pin and Energy pin…"

    Neon stepped back two steps. "The energy of the command pin is very weak, so it can't be found. When the Energy needle is close, the command pin is executed. This is what the person said…This snow-capped mountain is also the place to fight for the durability of the command needle…"

    "How is it possible, when did my body have this kind of thing?"

    The old lady suddenly got shocked.

    "You can go die!"

    Neon took out a dagger and instantly pierced the heart of the old woman. As the daughter of the Criminal Syndicate, she also saw a lot of blood, even if she saw the bloody scene, she would not be scared, and she could use the weapon at any time. protect yourself.

    "No…I don't want it

    The crystal ball in the old woman's hand slipped on the ground, twitched twice, the body gradually lost consciousness, she was one of the 100 players into the Hunter world, but the age was magnified, although the system sealed her prophecy of the strength, but borrowed something she can still divination, The reason to find neon is to be able to seize her ability …

    "Sure enough…"

    Feng Yu Chen appeared at this moment, picking up the Crystal ball on the ground, the look at the dead old woman gradually became the appearance of a young woman, the player, his Frost Strength really can't hurt her, because the system stipulated: get After the hunter qualification, other players can perform strikes to kill. Without the hunter qualification, they cannot strike to kill other players.

    To strikes to kill players only rely on the world's people, and really let Neon hands-on is the best result, if it is his hands, then the diviner is likely to run away, to get the hunter's documents as soon as possible.

    "This is my trophy, give it to me, I want to study the divination…"

    Neon took the Crystal ball from Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Don't you think that you are quite simple?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Neon without any panic.

    "Of course, look at me?" I still have the ability to defend myself. In other words, I will accompany me for another day…"

    Neon once again pinched Feng Yu Chen's soft face, little cute boy, great…

    "Let go, you pedophile, hurry, Quest is over, I have to go back…"

    Feng Yu Chen opened Neon's hand and walked towards the foot of the mountain.


    At this time, the sickle hunter appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen and Neon. "Zoldyck's kid, my detoxification? I didn't protect her before the diviner was killed in order to understand the poison, but the look at you to kill her. ”

    "You are fooled, I don't have poison in the needle, the ice needle melts into a liquid and circulates in your body, without any harm…My ice needle is also divided into many kinds…"

    Feng Yu Chen showed a smile and picked up Neon and ran away without a shadow.

    Bad Ass Ah, stinky boy! ! ! ”

    The sickle hunter groaned and suddenly became angry, and the snow fluttering around him snarled his anger…

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