1570. Chapter 1570 Layout and Anti-Layout

    [Thanks to the arson 燎原, Snow White and the seven dead Dwarfs, Lingxiantian, Blood Fox 47, 灆沨月月童鞋, and the difference of 6 monthly tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today is the first to send, ask Subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward

    After deliberating on the itinerary, Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko dressed up as waiters and maids, accompanied Neon out of the house, and their first place to go was the supermarket.

    There are many people in the supermarket, and it is easy to hide. The enemy will definitely think of ambush at this time. There must be no problem.

    And Feng Yu Chen, they just use the ingenuity of this enemy to find some clues. What is the most important thing for the killer?

    It is not able to distinguish whether the person in front of you is an enemy or a friend, but can distinguish which one is a group of people.

    Can not consider the good results, the killer is always only holding the sling of the fate, cut it before the sling is tightened, then you can live, if you continue to die, it is true that life-like killing is true. Assassination.

    "Little brother, what perfume do you use, the body is so sweet…"

    Neon suddenly picked up Feng Yu Chen's face and asked if he was really cute when he was serious, kawaii…

    "Without perfume, take off your hand, I am protecting you, but not with you…"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly opened Neon's hand.

    "Why is it so cold? Can you let the enemy's vigilance relax? ”

    Neon said, suddenly leaned down to smell the fragrant smell of Feng Yu Chen body.


    Feng Yu Chen relaxed. If the performance is too tight, it will undoubtedly lead to enemy suspicion. Although the other diviner does not have a clear future of Dion, but also divination has a blurred image, if he and Busujima Saeko Individuals are too nervous, so that when the enemy is suspicious, they also reveal their identity.

    “It’s really fragrant. Zoldyck’s family is such a scent. Is it your unique physique?”

    Neon's face was enchanted with a fascinating scent, very sacred and pure, as if it were the most unique taste in the world.

    "Don't be so close? Do you have a pedophile? ”

    Feng Yu Chen was a little helpless. Neon's plump was squeezed in his body, and her breath hit her own skin, and some were stunned.

    (f) Paedophilia; Well, no, it’s just that the smell of your body is very good. Should you be comfortable sleeping every day? ”

    Neon hand said on the face.

    Holding a sleep? Well, Lilith also likes to sleep with him.

    "The taste of your body is really special. Can the killer have this special taste?"Busujima Saeko said casually, the hand wrote the word behind Feng Yu Chen's – 'door…leftThreePerson(s)

    "You also come to laugh at me…"

    Feng Yu Chen said helplessly, the light of Kakuzu's eyes is cold, and the three people have been captured, but…

    "Ahhhh……This beautiful Miss, can you please drink a drink? ”

    At this time, an elegant blue-haired man came over.

    "Ahhhh……No questions found

    Neon didn't have any thoughts. He didn't reject this kind of invitation. After all, she was directly imprisoned at home. She didn't know much about the outside world. It was rare for someone to invite it. Isn't it a face?

    At this moment, Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko can't help but be speechless. The guy's vigilance of Neon is too weak. It's so easy to believe in others. It's not obvious that the face is 'I am Little Bai rabbit. Come and catch me…

    Sure enough, it is a vase Kakuzu color that is nothing but a prophecy.

    The man who is talking about it should be the guy who will use it, but Feng Yu Chen is keenly aware that he is actually being manipulated. The real enemy should have another talent.

    "I am going to the toilet…Neon Miss ……"

    Feng Yu Chen said, he gave Busujima Saeko a look and gestured to her to defend the man who was on the road. He went to find out the hunter who was manipulating.

    "Go, go, kids are more…"

    Neon waved impatiently.

    Well, although the goal was achieved, Feng Yu Chen was almost suffocated, and she just posted it up. Now that the mature man has immediately smashed him, he can repair it…


    After coming to the toilet, Feng Yu Chen took a deep breath and then left with the shadow step. He walked in the crowd. No one found him. Gradually he came to the left of the door, where the three men were Sitting on the chair and looking at the newspaper, I looked at the surroundings from time to time.


    Three tiny ice needles pierce their necks.

    Looking for their pockets, Feng Yu Chen found a piece of paper with strange words, not the words of the hunter world, nor the words on the earth. In a flash he thought of divination by players who might be outside the earth. It is.

    Although I can't read the words, I have a layout of the whole building. I used three different lines of strength to draw three cycles. One of them is the line of blue-haired men carrying Neon wine, and this line is above. The layout has been clearly presented in the eyes of Feng Yu Chen's.

    Next is the action.

    However, at the time of the action, Feng Yu Chen stopped the pace. Assuming a situation, assuming that the other party has calculated his actions, is this layout intentionally left to him?

    In other words, the place he is going to is a trap.

    Then go against it.

    Feng Yu Chen returned to the toilet, took off the body clothes, put on a casual dress, and then said something to a child who was convenient to the toilet, gave him some money, and asked him to find somewhere. Something, at the same time let him put on his own waiter suit.

    Then, Feng Yu Chen began to act, imaginary, real and virtual, and the mental contest has just begun.


    Hidden behind the child who changed into the waiter's suit came to the position marked on the layout map –

    Immediately a few well-trained men surrounded the children…

    At the same time, a masked man with a sickle appeared, and the body exudes a fierce atmosphere.


    Sure enough, Feng Yu Chen's instantly fired more than a dozen ice needles, all of which were inserted into the stamina of everyone.


    The masked man was amazed at the extreme, and Feng Yu Chen, who was stiff at the look at behind, felt that the double-handed had no consciousness.

    "Don't be surprised, I know that your hunter of this use will not be easily restricted to action, so your limbs are frozen, now, answer my question now…"

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