1564. Chapter 1564 killer career, first vote

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    After bathing, Amane, a somewhat dull deacon, still didn't find Feng Yu Chen's male identity, even though she seemed to glance at Feng Yu Chen's entity, but when she thought that this guy must be a woman, she forgot a certain key. thing.

    As a result, Lilith was also allowed to make a request with Feng Yu Chen.

    As for Killua, it is a different look. It seems that some people dare not look at Feng Yu Chen's face.

    "What is your expression, I am a boy!"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly glared at Killua.

    "Don't be angry, don't be angry, I didn't say you are not, in short, good night…"

    Killua stepped back into his room.

    "Do you still think that I am a woman?"

    Feng Yu Chen feels that today is really terrible. She was taken into the women's bathroom by the female deacon. Then he and the big one and the two beautiful girls bathed together. These two guys are still not shy, and they are actually It is.

    "Nini, hug and sleep…"

    Lilith took Feng Yu Chen and took off his body clothes while holding Feng Yu Chen in an octopus.

    Pledged of

    "Your head seems to have broken down!"

    Feng Yu Chen reluctantly lay down on the bed and found that there was really nothing to spit.


    The next day, Amane called Feng Yu Chen and Lilith to get out of bed, and then naturally saw two pink and tender carcasses, but this is not the point, the key is that she clearly saw the body under Feng Yu Chen. She is not the same organ, this…

    Why did you become a man one night?

    No, it seems that last night was like this. She just remembered that Feng Yu Chen's skin was good, ignoring other things, the original –


    Suddenly Amane double-handed screamed with her head up. She actually wiped a young man last night, so terrible things…

    "what is it call……what is it call……"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly woke up and immediately put on his clothes, thinking that the punishment time is up.

    "Why are you male, don't say it early!!"

    Amane suddenly looked angry at Feng Yu Chen, thinking that he was in the communiqué, and deliberately humiliated himself. It seems that several children of Zoldyck's family are also male's body and almost female appearance. The eldest son Illumi Zoldyck and the five sons Kurtck are similar. In the appearance of women, especially Kurt is directly wearing a female kimono from a urinary.

    "I said it earlier. It is your special unbelief. I also gave me a shower for one night. I thought you liked boys…"

    Feng Yu Chen said helplessly.

    "You…you……Are you actually sleeping with your sister? ”Amlith looks at the light strip of Lilith.

    "Lilith is not my real sister. It's just an adopted sister who is adopted halfway, and this is the relationship between us. It doesn't matter to you?"

    Feng Yu Chen emphasizes that Lilith is not his real sister (so even if evil is allowed, Poi~~).

    "You are simply…"Amane had nothing to say, but she couldn't swallow it. She felt that Feng Yu Chen was talking to her in this tone and she was deliberately looking for it.

    "What are you, fast, your sister's cooking, young master, I am hungry, I want to take a shower at night, I double-handed welcome &…"

    Feng Yu Chen said in a tone that I can't do anything.

    "very good……"

    Amane decided to give Feng Yu Chen a 'luxury poisonous mushroom' dish, which directly made 10,000 times the toxin! !

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Amane's eyes, and soon I thought of a poisonous mushroom with no poison (QAQ, a vicious woman)…

    "You don't have to eat breakfast, Master Fu Xi, you are going to execute the assassination Quest today. The list of assassinations here must be won, including the requirements mentioned above. As for the proof of identity, various procedures have been processed. If it fails, you will not have to come back. Up…"

    孜Tsubone handed a low to Feng Yu Chen.

    Assassination of Quest?

    Amane suddenly frowned, and Fu Xi did not come in for two or three days. Is it necessary to execute the assassination Quest?

    Although she really wants to poison Feng Yu Chen, it does not mean that Amane is a bad person. After all, how much poison is poisonous Feng Yu Chen's, and assassination of Quest is not so simple, once the assassination list is not easy to deal with. It is even possible to encounter the guardian 'professional hunter'! For Fei Yu Chen, who is not a hunter, this test is a bit too special.

    "Get the kidney of XXX…Peel off the skin of XXX…Get the skull of XXX…Assassinate the leader of the XXX Group…Protect the Nostrade family…Stealing secret treasure XXX&…"

    As many as a dozen assassinations of Quest, all kinds of special requirements, and some are still stealing things, and so on. In general, the coverage is quite comprehensive. Some assassination methods are called bloody evil, and they ask how to kill the target. dead.

    "Really?" Then I am leaving, practice shadow step, right? Applied to actual combat? ”

    Feng Yu Chen is very flat. The killer is to forget his life race and even the existence of good and evil. He will not do it because the target is a good person. He will not accept Quest because the employer is a bad person, as long as he has enough Remuneration, everyone in the world can kill! !

    And the Zoldyck family is a notorious family. Any character on the mainland is clearly priced. If you have enough money, you can strikes to kill. In order to complete Quest, you can even ignore your own life and even bet on your own life. family.

    And has Lelouch not said it before?

    Only those who have been savvy are qualified to shoot.

    And the gunner's guidelines have similar words –

    While killing the enemy, you also have the possibility of being killed. You are always possible to go around the enemy behind or the side of the body. More often, you need to kill the enemy in front.

    In short, as a killer, you have already set your own life out of it, based on this, then there is no Quest that can't be picked up, there will be no people who are impossible to kill.

    Holding a high amount of bounty also means carrying a corresponding threat. The higher the bounty, the more hope of living.

    "Nini, people have to go together…"

    Lilith immediately put on his clothes and wanted to catch up with Feng Yu Chen.

    孜Tsubone stopped in front of Lilith and said, "Master Lilith, you also have assassination of Quest, although it is tomorrow…"


    Amane couldn't help but feel amazed, but it was just a surprise. Zoldyck didn't need to be shocked by anything in the killer family. The three-year-old boy was going to bet on his life to play games. This is not an ordinary family, a killer family. Cruelty is typical.

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