1561. Chapter 1561 is a very good person to lie 2333

    [Today's third, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward)

    After entering the dark pipeline, Feng Yu Chen discovered that it was not a good place. Although he avoided the pursuit of the Rolling Stones, this place is even more dangerous!

    Darkness, completely closed darkness, no trace of light exists, but fortunately, Feng Yu Chen's vision can be seen normally even in the dark, but you must know that the eyes are from a bright state to a dark state, but A transition requires a buffer time to adapt to the environment.

    Split second enters the darkness, and split second is unable to see anything.

    But the danger is also starting from this time –


    A sound of sound broke through the air, and gradually slowed down, as if countless bees were flapping their wings, at least hundreds of swords were shot at Feng Yu Chen…

    Fight straight! !

    Since you can't see it, then you won't see it!

    Closing his eyes, Feng Yu Chen puts all his senses into the body and releases a special battle field…

    Then Feng Yu Chen's body is doing all sorts of twisting movements in the darkness, and a wire arrow is inserted in the space around him…

    At the same time, Feng Yu Chen's double-handed also grabbed two iron arrows, quickly blocking a single iron arrow.

    What makes him a headache is that these iron arrows will be sent out every 30 seconds. If you don’t get out of this passage, you will die here sooner or later. The battle is straightforward, but it will last for a long time to consume the spiritual force. Very large, plus the reason for not having enough, Physical Strength is also a thing.

    Fast forward, Feng Yu Chen gradually heard the sound of the water, but there is no water in this pipeline, which is safe, but when Feng Yu Chen thought it was fortunate…

    "It’s awkward…"

    The electric light was littering up, and the iron arrow held by Feng Yu Chen double-handed suddenly became a conductor…



    At the same time, a large number of iron arrows fired at him.

    Although the battle had a direct sense of influence, Feng Yu Chen was slow to respond. The arm and chest were instantly penetrated by several iron arrows. The teeth also bite three iron arrows. If it is not his reaction fast enough, I am afraid the whole head. I have to be shot through, and my body gradually adapts to the current…

    Although the water does not flow into the pipeline, Gotoh also said that the water will be energized when it enters, and the water ions will conduct electricity into the iron wall of the pipeline, although the shoes worn by Feng Yu Chen. It is rubber's non-conducting, but the double-handed iron arrow is conductive.

    The result is clever and clever.

    Throwing away the iron arrow, Feng Yu Chen pulled out the iron box that the body inserted, and ran to the exit quickly…


    This pipe is also an exit, Feng Yu Chen impact pipeline moment, light reappears in front of the grass, he is hard to breathe the fresh oxygen in the air, body of the wound is slowly healing!

    A special ability of the Bronze segment in Unlimited Grade is a quick cure, not to mention Feng Yu Chen is Silver's stage, the healing speed is even faster, and although the Bloodline is sealed, the basic physical qualities are still there.

    But Feng Yu Chen's rapid recovery in the eyes of Gotoh and others is extremely shocked, the original by the Iron Arrow through the body, actually blink between the rapid healing, this really is human?

    "Haha!"That pipe is the most dangerous. I want to remind you. I didn't think you really came. I used to come out from it for three months…"

    Killua looks at Feng Yu Chen embarrassed appearance suddenly laughed up, who let him to hit the wall things gloating, he this is in his people's way, treat just.

    "Breakfast, there is no physical strength…"

    Feng Yu Chen glared at Killua and then looked at Gotoh.

    "Ah…Sorry, Master Lilith has already eaten all your breakfast…"

    Gotoh said plainly at the empty plates placed on the table.

    "Ah…Nini, this place is so good, I can eat it casually…Belch

    Lilith lay happily on the ground and said to the Burp.


    Feng Yu Chen's appeared a line of black lines on his head. He knew that this little Loli was not here to learn what killing skills, but to come here to mix and drink.

    "Well, the two new guys who are coming, have to learn, shadow step, no study meeting before noon, can't have lunch…"

    The old man who killed one day came out and said.

    "Shadow step, is this the case?"

    Feng Yu Chen immediately adjusted his breathing, letting the body's breathing blend with nature, stepping forward, and the body was eliminated in the eyes of everyone…

    "Well, then you try to use shadow step near Amane, then touch her body, try to touch Gotoh in the afternoon…Don't touch it, don't eat…"

    The old man who killed one day nodded, Feng Yu Chen's shadow step has reached the peak state. It seems that last night was really a shadow of the grandfather's shadow step. The grandfather's shadow step is really gone. Going to the shadowless, the world can find out that he is probably only the President of the Hunters Association…

    "Gotoh, give me a napkin…"|

    Lilith's eye Kakuzu showed a hint of embarrassment.

    "Okay, Lilith Master…"

    Gotoh handed the napkin to Lilith, right at this split second –

    Lilith flashed away in place, grabbing Gotoh's tuxedo –

    "Hey, I caught you, Gotoh, go and prepare lunch for you…"

    Lilith patted the table and said.


    Ok, it’s been calculated…

    Gotoh suddenly jumped his eyebrows silently, which is also true? And you are still eating especially, this is just finished breakfast! My God, this damn is a big stomach king into Zoldyck, where is the petite adorable little loli QAQ?

    Kakuzu, the old man who killed the day, also showed a smile. He said, "It’s also passed, the soldiers are not deceived, Gotoh, your practice is not enough. The little guy has just revealed a fox tail…"

    "Yes, Zeno, I will study hard…"

    Gotoh nodded and went down to prepare for lunch.

    As a result, only Feng Yu Chen was alone to complete the shadow step.

    "Please take a shot, Fu Xi is a young master…"

    Amane stood in front of Feng Yu Chen's, double-handed back to the back, waiting for Feng Yu Chen's to shoot, she felt that she should not go to Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Amane…孜Tsubone is calling you…"

    Feng Yu Chen pointed to Amane's behind.


    Amane turned around.

    Feng Yu Chen's body instantly disappeared in place, and the hand grabbed Amane's clothes Kakuzu.


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