1537. Chapter 1537 Queen's Team *Wings of Freedom

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, referral ticket, reward)

    After returning to Academy City, Feng Yu Chen held a family meeting, um, um, it was a family meeting.

    But your sister's ran out of some unscrupulous guys is what to do! !

    "Ah~~~ It’s really a good black tea. Work hard. One day I will promote you to Hakurei Shrine Shrine Maiden…"

    Hakurei Reimu swayed with a cup of tea and enjoyed a late dinner with a cup of tea.

    "Small fish biscuits…There is no stealing in the north…The north is taking the little princess (by the way, I also eat the sauce)…"

    The northern sauce suddenly came out from under the table, took the small fish biscuit snack on the table into the arms, and immediately drilled under the table. The little princess (Feng Yu Chen and Hecate's daughter) was also under the table. I don't know why she was north. The sauce was abducted…

    "Ah, it’s really a good nightingale, well done, green…"

    Yakumo Yukari tears open the space and sits next to Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Ah, there must be no problem cooking boiled mushrooms here…DAZE…"

    Said Marisa Kirisame.

    (You will explode!)


    A black line glides over Feng Yu Chen's head. Can he say that he has had enough?

    Amount, of course not.

    "You have a lot of powerful people here, no wonder you are so serene…"

    Lilith looks at Yakumo Yukari and Hakurei Reimu, who tasted snacks, showed a hint of jealousy. It is simply a habitat for a group of monsters. The atmosphere is not weaker than the dominant world. These girls are strong. Or weak, actually still gathered together in peace, and why your sister is the appearance of Loli!

    Loli Township? 这是

    "Well, quiet, now start the family meeting, everyone of the Land of Fantasy, also the Nagasto, Shimakaze, and the northern sauce, you don't need to participate…The rules of the world have changed, and everyone can take the test of Infinite World. This time, first select five people to join Infinite World with me. After you think about it, you can recommend yourself. ”Feng Yu Chen took out five jade pieces.

    "The north will not steal!"

    The northern sauce picks up a piece of jade in your mouth and licks it.



    Four people Feng Yu Chen, Helena, Shadru, Lilith are sluggish at the same time, who will tell them, this…This guy is not coming out acting cute! ~!

    Meng your sister, Meng!

    “Crisp, but not good, go eat small fish biscuits in the north…”

    North respects at Feng Yu Chen murderous eyes, decisive tactical retreat, this is called [tactical victory] North is still very smart 233…

    "Everyone ignores this guy…"

    Feng Yu Chen pulled out another jade piece, so don't eat it again!

    "I attended!"

    Esdeath is looking at the people in the restaurant, as if to say don't grab me.

    "I am participating, Demon Lord need to be accompanied by Witch, isn't it? Recently bored N+…"

    CC can't restrain himself, and really wants to do some earth-shattering bad things.

    "I am coming, let me open a route for everyone."Said Busujima Saeko.

    "I am participating, the first batch is definitely the queen?"

    Kongou looked at Esdeath, Busujima Saeko, and CC and showed a dissatisfied expression.

    "This Kongou and the ship mother Kongou are really a little different…"

    Nagasto looks at Kongou, she can't help but reveal a smile. Although the ship's mother Kongou is also the same firepower, but this sea fog Kongou is really a big gap, should she say that her character is similar to her own?

    "I will also participate…"

    Arturia said.

    Esdeath, CC, Busujima Saeko, Sea Mist Kongou, Arturia, this is really the Queens, they are all strong guys.

    Feng Yu Chen nodded. "Alright, you five people, your will, your strength and your talents are all good. Just set an example for everyone in the family. You are also the Queen of the Wings of Freedom." That's it, but there is one thing I will tell you in advance, and let's go to the deadly consciousness."

    "I wonder if you are afraid of death?"

    Esdeath looks at CC, Busujima Saeko, Haiwu Kongou, Arturia four people, mouth Kakuzu reveals a smile, they wait for this time is already very long, will care about this kind of thing, which one is not experiencing the test of life and death, After coming out of their respective worlds, they did not forget the feeling of fighting.

    They respect Feng Yu Chen's opinions, but they do not mean that they are afraid of death. In this lesson that can be played, they will be afraid of death. What is death?

    "In the world of the school I have become a dead person…"

    Busujima Saeko pushed the village rain out of her hand and her sharp eyes were reflected on the back of the knife.

    "I am unbeaten in the Kongou battleship!"

    Kongou's purple lips are gently stitched, as always, glamorous.

    "Witch is a dead, Witch can never die. It's me, I like the feeling of death…"

    CC said.

    "The king will not fear to move forward. The king is behind the will of the country and his subjects. The blade edge is invincible."

    Arturia said awkwardly.

    "Then it is you, then, I will say something that needs attention."

    Feng Yu Chen nodded, stroking his chin with one hand and hitting the table with one hand. He said, "After getting the jade piece, it means that the panic is temporarily qualified. There are 10,000 pieces in the world, except for the one that has just been eaten by the northern sauce. One (need to spit), also 9999.

    Into the jade piece into the Strength, can not be what Strong can, ordinary human can not, now [open beta] this infinite battlefield, the minimum standard is the body has Energy's life.

    Injecting Energy's split second will teleport to the World Tower. Based on past experience, it will probably be two customs styles –

    [1] encounter monsters, knock down the monsters encountered to climb to the top of the tower to enter the world door – [Boundary Gate];

    [2] Encounter the player, knock down the players encountered and climb to the top of the tower…

    Then this kind of battle may be a multiplayer battle, or it may be a two-person battle, and it will probably have time constraints, there will be traps, and even some traps are dead ends.

    In addition to the basic combat power required for customs clearance, it is also necessary to have investigative power, search power, and judgment waiting factors. It is also possible that different types of opponents will appear in different time zones in different venues.

    Opportunity is also a kind of strength…

    It’s not okay to rely solely on the Strength of the Treaty…"

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