1535. Chapter 1535 dominates the gathering: the opening of the gate (below)

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    Representative of the Nether: Shadru;

    Hai representative: Helena;

    Witch representative: Emperor Jiang;

    Monster Clan representative: Shaohao;

    Dragon Clan representative: Little Dragon Girl;

    The representatives of the five dominant circles have arrived, leaving the last two representatives of the dominant world.

    "And two? What are the two remaining masters? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked Helena around.

    "The Spirit family dominates, Alvin has seen you…"

    A man with light blond hair riding a white Kakuzu horse is coming.

    “Demon Clan Lilith has seen you…”

    A veiled silver-haired girl appeared in Feng Yu Chen's behind, no one knows how she appeared, maybe she has arrived here very early! ~!

    "Lilith, the spouse of Demon Clan Great Ruler, are you already dead?!!"

    Helena was shocked and retired, and other people showed their nervous expressions. Each side of the face oozes fine sweat and is ready to fight at any time.


    Feng Yu Chen was fascinated by the girl of behind when she turned around. Her body exudes youthful vitality. The creamy neck is adorned with roses and poppies. The soft eyes are like a weaving one. Zhang Qingwang, let every man lose his soul and be unable to extricate himself!

    Gradually, his spirituality can't stand it, as if the whole body couldn't move.

    "leave him! I only say it once! ”

    Shadru's eyes released an amazing vortex, the whole time and space are in strong fluctuations, the world split second is in the dark, others are afraid of her, she is not afraid!

    "It’s a beautiful man with a fragrant smell. This kind of Bloodline is the first time it smells. It’s just like nectar and spring rain for our Demon Clan. I want to eat him…Tee hee.

    Lilith held Feng Yu Chen in his arms, his tongue twitching gently over his neck, closing his eyes and showing a pleasing look, as if drinking a good wine.

    "Go to death! @!”

    The cracks in the space under the sea surface, the dry bones stretched out, and the cracks in the space also created a ghost, and the hand was inserted into the body of Lilith…

    "Hey, thank you for your hospitality, I remember your taste…"

    The figure of Lilith disappeared instantly, and when it appeared again, it was already above the sky –

    "My mother is not a real death, but the essence of life and soul, after a long time gave birth to me –

    Fear of me! My name Lilith, Isis, is the dark soul of the world, my fate is destined to make human fear, is elusive, unlucky, unknown existence, this is me, trembling!

    I am the fog, you are the star, you are just a point in the light, and I am the permanent darkness in the night.

    I am blowing out the mouth of the light in the dark! ”


    Feng Yu Chen's body showed a cold sweat, which is really a terrible guy, split second, he even felt his life to fade.

    "It's a crazy guy…It seems that Demon Lord has completed the ceremony. This is to create a pseudo-master…A step can be used to announce the ceremony…"

    Emperor Jiang couldn't help but accelerate the heartbeat. I didn't think that this would happen. Demon Clan actually sent a Witch, which is different from the Witch of Hades, the real daughter of darkness!

    "The seven Great Ruler have all come together, so I want to create a Great Ruler layout should start?"

    Shaohao looks at the vibrating world at this time, a rainbow door unfolds in the sky, and then, a layer of high towers stands up, and the sky is floating and there is a piece of jade that emits light.

    "The world battlefield has completed ninety-nine percent of the battlefields. It has begun the battle of the gates. It has picked up the 'blank ID card', entered Energy, and entered the book. First, it limited the number of players to 10,000, and began to compete for the quota. Hundreds, customs clearance, announced on the border door…"

    Battle of the gates.

    Feng Yu Chen picked up a piece of jade that shines on the ground and has passed through the fifteenth world. Then there is the world of the sixteenth. In other words, the first fifteen worlds are only internal testing?

    It's like a game, it needs to be divided into internal and public beta.

    The internal test is to collect data to fix the vulnerabilities, and the public beta is truly open.

    “Can you explain it to us?”

    Lilith came to Feng Yu Chen's in front of the wind and had a piece of jade in his hand.

    "Well, telling you something is not necessarily impossible. Simply put, this is a test for the creation of the Great Ruler, but this test is quite a thing that is not something that can be done by customs clearance.

    And to get a fire must be to participate in this game.

    Before you came, I have already experienced fifteen levels, and each time I experience a level, I will grow.

    A group of earth players have entered the game's tenth and fifteen levels. The number of people who have sacrificed is already over 99%. There are very few people who survive, and this is only a test.

    Now it is estimated that the real open level has been opened, but now according to my inference, the result is 10,000 entries, and then compete for 100 official places, enter the level, such a level clearance of a level Go on, and finally get the fire.

    That's probably the case. I saw the giant tower in the center of the world. I should be fighting there. The upper gate will show the names of one hundred official players.

    The proof of identity we hold in our hands can be transferred to the battle tower by inputting Energy, and then it is their own skill, but the secret that I will say next, I can’t tell you anything, only the allies have Power to listen…"

    Feng Yu Chen holds the jade piece, looks at the seven people in front of him, and the seven-dominant representatives, who will form an ally with him?

    Probably the next step is the existence of an organization like Guild.

    A person's Strength is limited after all!

    "So how do you see me, alliance with me and everyone else is our enemy."Lilith said at Feng Yu Chen's behind.

    "You…Let me prescribe that to form an alliance with me, I must listen to my words…"

    Feng Yu Chen mouth Kakuzu showed a smile. "I don't know if you found one thing. When you pick up the jade piece, you can't attack anyone other than you. You know, this time, you are strong." , even an ordinary person can't kill!!"|

    "If this is the case, although Strength can be used, it is impossible to attack! ~”

    Emperor Jiang showed a shock, and the power to create the Great Ruler was amazing!

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