1531. Chapter 1531 Witch and the history of mermaid

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    The whole dining hall has become a farce. The reason is very simple. A very self-study northern sauce Loli ship runs to the film, and then all kinds of fights, the soft sister of Land of Fantasy and Feng Yu Chen's Contractor have already It turned out to be a pot of porridge, plus two ship Niangni and a habitat, it has been messed up.

    "It’s really a place to be happy. It’s really awesome compared to the dominant world. It’s a good place…”Helena looks at the farce in this restaurant, there is no resentment, but it feels the sultry taste. The heavy feeling of the body seems to have disappeared in an instant, and there is no sorrow or trouble anymore.

    "Sorry, they are not intentional, do you want to wipe it?"

    Kurasaki Fuuko handed a handkerchief to Helena, and Helena's face was twisted in the north and Kohinata took a piece of cake.

    "It's okay, if it's another situation, I'm really angry, but the atmosphere here is irritating…"Helena double-handed holding the tea cup and enjoying the tea, listening to the lively things here, suddenly the feeling of depression from the ruler to the unfamiliar place disappeared.

    After all, seven Great Ruler also all the outstanding descendants of other worlds have come to this land. It is inevitable to report the eternal consciousness when fighting. If it fails, it will be a broken place. Although it is not a place to play, although it can be resurrected through the rules of the soul, But the world is cruel. If you fail, there will be no second time.

    The children who are dominant are much more, and only the outstanding ones are awarded the title of the princess or the prince, and it is to be ranked, and the number of people without names does not know how many.

    In the palaces of the rulers, there are thousands of wives and wives who serve them. They are the wives and wives of the lords. Many children who are incapable and incompetent will be included in the palace. This is not worth anything. The thing that is praised is just a 'machine' that breeds offspring.

    A strong blood marriage does not have any premature death, and the marriage of close relatives will increase the purity of the children's Bloodline to a certain extent.

    Helena's mother is the child of Neptune, and then her body's blood is quite pure.

    They are not ranked in terms of the order of birth, but according to the rank of strength and influence, some princes and princesses may be great Ruler great-grandson or great-grandchildren, but this idea of elders is not in the dominant world, the birth of the baby in the birth of split second are uniformly arranged to grow in one place, and it is not even clear who their birth mother is.

    If you want to get the title, you will desperately awaken your blood. Although it is the descendant of Great Ruler, the body has the blood of the Great Ruler, but the success of cultivation requires opportunities and sentiments. If the strength is not achieved, Will be broken and died by Strength.

    And after the title is obtained, it will not be safe. The princes or princesses who follow will challenge. If you want to not fade out the line of the Great Ruler, you must climb up all the time, and the defeated person can't admit defeat! Either you are killed by the other party, or the other person's heart is soft and let go.

    But who is stupid enough to leave his opponent?

    They are also out of the bloody infernal field. It is not that easy. Bloodline represents the level of achievement, but it does not represent strength.

    Like the Great Ruler in the sea, it is quite harmonious, but it is not as bloody, but Dragon Clan, Nguyen, Monster Clan, and the Witch are quite crazy.

    Shadru is called Witch of Hades because – her defeat will be completely killed by her, and even the soul mark is destroyed. Yes, in the same race, the soul mark of the same system can really kill. other side!


    Feng Yu Chen looks at Helena in the imagination, could not help but ask: "What's wrong, is there a problem? Let's eat, wait for Shadru to come, let's talk about the alliance, I actually hope that you can turn it into a jade, and it is not necessarily a bad thing to join hands. What will happen in the later stage, we don't care, now, in the early stage, we need more. ally. ”

    "Shadru !!"

    Helena's eyes instantly became cold and reached the extreme. He said, "Would you like to hear me and her why there is such a big hatred?"

    "Forehead, I don't need to know this. Your business has nothing to do with me. We are only partners in the interests…"

    Feng Yu Chen Perception is still not to blend into this grievance.

    "It happened seven years ago…"

    Helena didn't seem to listen to Feng Yu Chen's words, but directly said it. "On the banquet of the Seven Rule Great Ruler, I, Shadru also him, we met three people and became very good friends. Then, each encouraged each other. , to get the title and then become the Great Ruler, the last is also the pseudo-master…

    The three men began day-to-day cultivation and worked hard to learn from each other, and then they developed a solid friendship. I fell in love with him. He fell in love with Shadru, and then on the day he got the title, I confessed to him. On the same day, he confessed to Shadru, and the two people who turned in the confession were rejected…

    This relationship once again returned to the point of ordinary friends. Once, the three of us executed an expedition Quest to conquer the world that did not obey the ruler's control, but in the end, the newborn calf was not afraid of the tiger, Shadru impulsively started the battle, and the result was very Obviously –

    At the moment when she was screwed off her head by the enemy, my lover was crushed by the opponent's weapon, Crush, and only one head was left. Then Shadru didn't have any sadness. He directly used this opportunity to kill the enemy. Afterwards, Shadru He doesn't even have a bit of remorse, if she can care more about it…

    In the case of a remote success, the lords were very happy, saying that they could reward something, and then I said that he would be resurrected, but Shadru said something that was heartbreaking – 'What is the waste left?', huh…

    Ridiculous, if it wasn’t for him that blocked her, she wasn’t dead, who was the waste? Afterwards, I refused to accept it and complained, but Shadru said that she deliberately exposed the vulture and other enemies to drill. His death is self-seeking. What is the use of this idiot to live? Hehe, you said, I decided to have one day at that time. Will let her regret in front of me! ! ”

    "Repent? It’s ridiculous. Don’t distort the truth here. Is the truth really like that? Even if I come back again, I will let him die! ”

    At this moment, a cold voice of thorough heart passed, and a purple girl stood at the door of the restaurant.

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