1520. Chapter 1520 Two Nagato's teamed up

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    "Abyss habitat!!"

    Look at the sudden fleet, Nagato (the ship Niang version) suddenly surprised –

    In the world of ship Niang, human like "Arpeggio of the Blue Steel" lost the world of naval supremacy, the threat of ravaging the sea called "deep sea Habitat ship", can fight against this threat, only known as "Ship Niang" inherit the soul of the surviving ships of the girls, The naval stronghold of the battle against deep-sea warships is the "Garrison House", where all kinds of ship-Niang are gathered, where they practice every day, where everyone lives together.

    And Nagato is a ship mother who came out of this town.

    Suddenly after the world, the ship maidens promoted the guard house, and there was no communication between them. At present, Nagato is a person, and other ship maidens did not encounter it, so they went out for a ride.

    Unlike Fleet of Fog, which has a sea fog black technology, they have a special information sharing space. Although they don't know where they are, they can communicate through the spatial connection of spiritual waves and come to the world of Nagato (sea The fog version) sensed the existence of Kongou and the couplet with Kongou, and got the data of the sea on the earth today. Although the earth is magnified a hundred times, it can still determine the north and south, under the call of Kongou, all The sea fog battleship began to gather toward the South Pole. ,

    However, the ship girl is not the same, they do not have the black technology of the sea fog, although the attack power is the same sharp and black technology, but obviously does not reach the level of the sea fog.

    In short, the advantages of sea fog are all kinds of black technology, and the advantages of warship girls are mobility. Although their technology is not strong, their power lies in 'soul'. In short, the words of dark blue girls may be lost. The maintenance of nano-materials will cause great damage, even human opponents. Their all-strength sources are nano-materials and gravity sub-engine black technology.

    However, the ship girl, they have the soul of the battleship, because they are not relying on simple warships, the equipment they carry on their bodies is their weapons, in other words, their strong source is their own strength, not their hands Equipment, it is true that equipment is a must exist, but the battleship is the soul is a must.

    For example, 'the soul of mines', their souls make them play a strong Strength.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen also witnessed how unique the attack style of the ship girl.

    For a time, the opposite Nagato battleship began to shrink in an instant, and then became the equipment worn by Nagato's body. The gun-type equipment on both sides of its double-handed began to attack, and a series of flashes flashed. To the opposite battleship.

    And the opposite of these warships how to say, not like a normal battleship, as if to say that I am a bad person in general, the whole body revealed the dark color, some as if like a magic fortress in general, some are the appearance of witch, the body's equipment is all dark or crimson or blue color, a look is like a malicious thing.

    Nagato's continuous gun body suddenly dropped several small-scale ships into the ground, but it is a pity that she seems to be a whole team with a compilation.


    In the huge fort, there were flying offensive weapons carrying machine guns, as well as various missile and torpedo-like assault weapons, and there was also a Witch on the top of the fortress, her mouth. Kakuzu showed a sneer.

    The overwhelming attack was overshadowed by Nagato.


    "How can I fail this way? Really…Let you see the power of my battleship! ! ! ! ”

    Nagato's face has no fear of look. She has the soul of the battleship. She has already set her life and death when she set foot on the ocean. All the shells of the body are launched.

    For a time, all the similar to the torpedoes on the water, the torpedoes in the water, the turrets, the anti-aircraft guns, and so on, all the means of attack, all of which were the power of the Great Warships. All the shells that attacked all of them were shot down in an instant. ,but–

    In the face of a huge fleet, Nagato's body still appeared some injuries, but the defense of the battleship girl is really strong, the general human or other creatures may have been destroyed in an instant, may nagato but in good condition bear these attacks, although the breath is a bit hasty appearance, But obviously can continue to fight!!!


    Look at this scene, Feng Yu Chen under the attack of the enemy ship, hand opened a crack in the void, borrowing the strength of Yakumo Yukari, and now his space rules are much more powerful.


    Just when Nagato decided to fight a battle, a crack emerged from her front, and then one hand pulled her into the crack. When it reappeared, Nagato was already at Feng Yu Chen's, the body's water The stains drip on the deck of the sea fog Nagato.

    "Oh, it’s really embarrassing…"

    Sea fog Nagato smoked the cigarettes without any politeness.

    "How am I here? Let me go! ! ”

    Nagata was suddenly coldly snorted up. On the contrary, she did not have any grateful thoughts and was saved by her opponent. This result she did not need! !

    “Nagato Elder Sister, diving underwater, making curvature adjustments, super-gravity guns.”Feng Yu Chen said that it was obvious that he did not pay attention to the protest of Nagasto.

    "Then it’s okay to destroy them…"

    Sea fog Nagato, put down the cigarette in his hand, for a time, the entire sea fog Nagato battleship began to be divided into two parts, a dark blue color of the rushing, Energy began to gather together –

    When it was gathered to the extreme, the whole sea was pushed open, and the enemy's fortress dark black ship was locked on the attack road, but –

    To the surprise of Feng Yu Chen, in this locked state, the dark enemy ship was able to move and instantly swayed into the water.

    "Your lock is useless, or look at me…"

    Ship Niango could not help but shake her head, and then the body's torpedo tube rotation was directed at the enemy ship that fled, and suddenly a torpedo entered the water, a violent explosion, like a mushroom-like smog, blasting the enemy ship's position to Sea fog Nagato's attack tunnel above –

    "Super gravity gun…"

    Sea fog Nagato Nagato strangely at the ship Niagara, this is a joint attack?

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