1518. Chapter 1518 Please call me Ba Yunqing QAQ

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    Yakumo Yukari, carrying Feng Yu Chen in his hand, suddenly became interested in his space rule, Strength –

    "Decision, in the future, you will do my Shikigami like blue!"

    Pledged of

    Ah! Eh…

    Feng Yu Chen is a little overwhelmed, what Shikigami, ah!

    To know that Yakumo Yukari is the only one of Yakumo Ran, Shikigami is because Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) is the most powerful monster. Legend has it that the more tails of monsters, the stronger the strength. Yakumo Ran has nine tails and is the strongest of all monsters.

    The two master servants of Yakumo Yukari and Yakumo Ran are the strongest combination in the entire Land of Fantasy, and no one can challenge their majesty.

    As for Yakumo Orange, it is Shikigami of Yakumo Ran and Shikigami of Yakumo Yukari Shikigami, so it cannot be strictly regarded as her Shikigami.

    Now, Yakumo Yukari actually makes Feng Yu Chen to be his Shikigami. This is not an ordinary thing.

    "I will guide you to develop your space ability. My Shikigami will also board my Strength. Strength will be enhanced when I exercise my life, so you can develop more powerful space through my Strength. Force, of course, my Strength is not for your use.

    I need a place to live, then everything in the room needs to be cleaned, and then, when I want to play, I will take you to the blue…"Yakumo Yukari thought and said.


    Amount, what do you want to play when you are stunned?

    "Do you want to thank Dade knowing? When this space world is changing, I can arrange fantasy big barriers in this Academy City, so your home will not collapse, or it will be covered by God's Strength, and everything will disappear. ”Yakumo Yukari couldn't help but look at the sky. He actually has the Strength to directly expand a world, and he has completed the transformation. Is this kind of existence supposed to be God?

    "Really?" Thank you very much…"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed. It seems that after becoming the Black Deacon of Scarlet Devil Mansion, she has to do Shikigami of Yayun.

    "Your name is called 'green'…"

    Yakumo Yukari said that a string of spells began to revolve around Feng Yu Chen's body at a high speed, instantly imprinted into his body –

    Pledged of

    At first there was no feeling of pain at first, but Feng Yu Chen gradually realized that his soul seemed to be branded with something, for a moment, he seemed to feel his soul out of the ordinary, tightly this feeling just, and then found that he and Yakumo Yukari have a hint of connection , how to say this connection, as if as long as Yakumo Yukari call, he will appear at any time in general.

    Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, the family tree of the Eight Clouds family ranking.

    Under Yakumo Yukari is Yakumo Ran, while Feng Yu Chen is ordered by Yakumo Yukari as Yakumo, Yakumo Ran's Shikigami Orange, and has not yet got the name of Yakumo. She should be internship Shikigami, the true identity of orange is two Matatabi, two tails.

    "No, this is not what we said, old woman, how is he Shikigami, I have to use it to swindle money…NoSelling money! ! ”

    Hakurei Reimu suddenly protested, "In fact, our shrine needs an internship with Shrine Maiden. I decided to turn him into an internship for Hakurei Shrine, Shrine Maiden…"


    What Shrine Maiden! ! !

    Feng Yu Chen turned over Byakugan, he is an authentic male, how could it be Shrine Maiden, is it because the fantasies of the fantasy are all women, and then they are taken for granted as women, wrong, if there is no male, Hakurei How did Reimu's mother give birth to her, is it what is pregnant? Naturally conceived.


    Well, Land of Fantasy also has an item store manager who is male, but should also be treated as a woman by this group of collapsed fantasy girls.

    No matter how you look at it, Land of Fantasy's only broken sister is not in the two collapsed races of Hideyoshi and Men.


    "Hey, I have to go to sleep, green, continue to prepare dinner for me!"

    The figure of Yakumo Yukari disappeared into the space instantly, and no one knew where she would be.

    "Well, um, you are my little girl in the future, come on and work!"

    Yakumo Ran's body gradually enlarged, from a Little Loli to a big Loli, and a little Loli to make it easier.

    "What little girl! I am male! ”

    Feng Yu Chen said helplessly, if the guys outside can use violence to solve the problem, the girl in the Land of Fantasy is absolutely crashing, and acting cute is accompanied by violent attacks, and you are the same!


    It was at this time that two tall, long-haired women in kimonos came over, one of which was sucking a pipe, the other was tasting wine, and the appearance of two people was extremely similar, with only the hair on the head able to discern the difference between two people, one of which was all combed up and the other with the hair covering the left eye.

    "Hey, my lovely brother, I met again…"

    The kimono woman who smoked the cigarette suddenly held Feng Yu Chen in her arms and said to her relatives.

    Long-Nagato! ! ”

    Takao was shocked. The original Toyo Fleet Supreme Flagship Nagato, how could it be here? He thought, this guy should not be in this world, is the female dean in the dark blue world?

    "We have all appeared, and now we are in a war with another fleet. There is actually a strength comparable to us. There is also a guy named Nagato. The younger brother should not capture her. Something…

    Also Takao, you temporarily return to the sea fog queue, there is another fleet in contention with us for the sovereignty of the sea, really can not allow Ah, the other side is also a mental model, a group of known as the ship Niang guy, just I was fighting a guy named Nagato, now Yamato is presiding over the entire fleet, there is no supreme Commander in, we have a temporary truce … "

    Nagato said with indulgence, they suddenly merged with the world, and then met the same type of opponents, they are sea fog warships, and the other is a ship girl, and the names of the ships on both sides are the same, this is What's the matter? Everything is changing.

    "What? Are you integrated with this world? Amount…also another fleet? "How was this possible?"

    Takao couldn't help but be confused. Although he did feel that the world had changed, he did not expect to have changed to this extent.

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