1513. Chapter 1513 Parting Iris

    [Thanks to the fantasy Yangge, Wang Zhifei children's shoes, there are 22 tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward]

    The wind of weeping, sing the unknown melodious song, the rhythm of nature, like a whirlpool wash the world…


    Feng Yu Chen and others accompanied Takatsuki Sen to bury the manager in the cemetery. For the store manager, it is a happy thing to be buried with human beings. After all, he was chasing after his lifetime. Human life.

    "I am going to open a coffee shop…"

    Takatsuki Sen caressed the tombstone as if he wanted to convey information to someone.

    "Well, I don't know if I can be a waiter?"

    Kirishima said that because CCG was taken over by Ghoul, some secret facilities were exposed, and the SS-class Ghoul Kirishima, which was used to research and develop the new Kunk opening, was rescued and is now hiding in the hospital. The reunion father and son naturally unraveled the grievances of so many years.

    However, it is only because of Fei Yu Chen's Saint Mark that Kirishima, who is very close to death, has survived, and it is also powerful. Otherwise, it will not last until now.

    "Can I be a bowler?"

    Tatara said.

    Pledged of

    You smash the bowl, don't scare the guests away.

    "Well, go back, so stay here, but will be blamed by the store manager, he will definitely say, 'Young people still don't want to quietly blow the autumn wind here like me…"

    Feng Yu Chen patted Takatsuki Sen's shoulder. He believes that the current Takatsuki Sen seems to have a hope of living.

    "I may not write a novel again…At least not writing 'expressionist' novels…"

    Takatsuki Sen stood up and looked at Feng Yu Chen and said, "You will definitely be very disappointed. After all, you can't see the book that makes you taste…"

    MAYBEHowever, I think if you write again, it will be a better novel. Please write it out and let me see it. This time I will not only read the title, but will read all the contents inside. ”Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.

    "Really?" But the content inside may be very artificial…Not at all in line with your Demon Lord's habits…"Takatsuki Sen looked at Feng Yu Chen puzzledly.

    "People…Don't you always want the world to be beautiful? Pursuing this kind of beautiful nature is the power of everyone, and what about making things? Compared to the bitter text, the beautiful text is more adapted to this era, Ghoul and humans will one day become a close one…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Takatsuki Sen. He thinks that there will be no such tragic things happening in the future. Humans and Ghoul have the crystallization and will not be chased.

    "Well, then I will try to change my own idea. Really, it may disappoint Mr. Kafka…"

    "He is dead, what will he be disappointed?"

    Tee hee.Be careful to be sprayed by his fans…"

    "Well, well, if you see peace in the world, he will definitely resign as a writer like you. After all, for novelists, using books to change the world is a dream…Aite, your book is changing the world, so you are better than Kafka…"

    "Do you allow me to call me Aite?"

    "Hmph!"Ok, Takatsuki Sen Miss…"


    There was a burst of laughter on the hillside, and Feng Yu Chen and Takatsuki Sen and Kirishima in the pleasant dialogue. They feel that the world has really changed. Is it getting better?


    After collecting the source of Takatsuki Sen, Feng Yu Chen's Tiantomoe was filled and received systematic information. After completing the connection with the world of Tokyo Ghoul, you can get rewards.

    This bonus is a 50-strength increase, and this increase of 50Strength is an opportunity for Feng Yu Chen, because with this Attribute, he can be promoted from the Dark Gold segment to the Crystal segment.

    Unlimited Grade Each time you reach the player, you will have a special bonus.

    He is looking forward to this special reward.

    Holding a bunch of blue irises, Feng Yu Chen came to the hospital to visit Kirishima New and also bid farewell to Kirishima Touka.

    No, maybe it can't be a farewell. After all, the world of Tokyo Ghoul will merge with the world, like Magic Index World and the world of Tokyo.

    After walking to the door, Feng Yu Chen just wanted to knock on the door, but he heard the sound coming from inside –

    "Touka, grow up, just as beautiful as your mother, is that boy who changed the world is your boyfriend?" How can I not see him over the past few days, and I want to talk to him…"

    FatherReally, I am not the kind of relationship with him…"

    "Good boy is going to be brave, Touka…"

    "No road race no road…Ouch……Dad, you are so…"

    "Haha, I don't know when you will bring your girlfriend home…"

    "No.It’s dying…"

    "Haha, when you were young, you turned around me every day. Now it’s like this, it’s really grown up…"


    Feng Yu Chen hesitated, still knocked twice, then pushed the door in and said, "Excuse…"


    Kirishima Touka looks at Feng Yu Chen with a murderous look.

    "No.NoneAbsolutely not…"

    Feng Yu Chen smirked and inserted the iris in his hand in the vase in front of the window.

    "It’s a beautiful iris flower. It’s not like sending me, it’s more like sending Touka. You really have to know what kind of person my daughter is, Mr. Ouma…”

    Kirishima's new look at at Feng Yu Chen can't help but reveal a gentle, gentle man like himself, so don't worry that Touka will be wronged.

    FatherKirishima Touka raised her feet in shame. Really, would you want to catch her with others?

    "Well, I shut up…"Kirishima's new smile is more intense, Touka still has some feelings, not pure friendship.


    "I have to go back and go back to my world, so today I am coming to say goodbye. Xu Zhimo's "Against Cambridge" has a 'sneak, I am leaving, just as I came quietly; I waved Sleeve, without taking a cloud-like verse…

    Touka, I think, still can't take you away with selfishness. Our Vampire contract is lifted from today. There are your family in this world, your friends, your air that you like to breathe, you don't belong to me. Not my servant, so I can't take you away…"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly said the purpose at this moment, and I don’t know when it will be time to meet next time.

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