1503. Chapter 1503 Jinmu: The Form of Lock [10th and 1st]

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    The infinitely extended loneliness is entangled in the body, the memory of innocent laughter stings the soul –

    Destruction This world!

    The body has changed, the heart can't change, the tangled self is in collapse, normal, crazy, rational, infinite loop, in the distorted world, I gradually become transparent, disappearing invisible…


    The ten-handed Gecko, who was cut off by Kaneki Ken, suddenly split his eyes, and a crazy color emerged from his face. The black-red tentacles began to spread under the shoulder blades, gradually wrapping the gecko. Face, while covering the right arm and right arm, the body's suit suddenly broke –

    "Golden wood!! "I'm going to eat you!"

    The gloomy and blocked sound emanated from the gecko's mouth, and his right hand picked up the hand, revealing a sly smile, seemingly ridiculed, he felt that Kaneki Ken must not be his opponent.


    Kaneki Ken turned his hand and looked at the gecko that had been hit by the hand, and the chest suddenly extended a blush chain! !

    This chain suddenly penetrates the gecko's body –

    "Ahhhh…" What thing?

    The gecko does not disable the extension of the Kah to wrap Kaneki Ken, wanting to devour his body, to get rid of the shackles of the blush chain.


    Between Azure and the blushing glittering, Kaneki Ken's red and blue claymore instantly smashed the gecko's armor into pieces, indifferently at the gecko, and an Azure chain sticking out of the mouth to bind the gecko's body— –

    "I used to taste this kind of pain that almost stripped the soul. Mr. Ouma used this to remove my sin origin, but the Strength that he left in my body was swallowed up by me…You said that it is right to eat me, then I don’t care if you eat it. ”

    With Kaneki Ken, the tall and burly body of the gecko gradually faded like a broken balloon, and the power of Ghoul passed from his body to Kaneki Ken's body…

    "My Strength…Give it back!Give it back! Golden wood! ! ”

    The gecko felt that the strength in the body was quickly lost. The two chains were madly swallowing his Strength, and the feeling of the oil was so scary that he was afraid. What the hell is this! ~!

    Interesting…Oh, yes, let's play the game before we swallow you…"

    Kaneki Ken's mouth Kakuzu showed a dead smile, the body's chain rushed, and immediately tied the gecko's body to the bench where he was sitting, then he walked over to the medical rack and picked up the iron. pliers–

    "You…What you will do …|

    The gecko couldn't help but tremble, as if thinking of something.

    Kapping his head, Kaneki Ken squatted in front of the gecko and ruthlessly cut his toes! !


    "What is the thousand minus seven?"

    Get off me.

    "I ask again, how many is one thousand minus seven…"



    Another few toes were cut by Kaneki Ken –

    "What is the thousand minus seven?"

“……Nine hundred ninety three…Nine hundred eighty-six…Nine hundred and seventy-nine…"


    Kaneki Ken repeats what the gecko did to him. After cutting all his fingers, it seems to be boring. The blush and Azure's chain are surging, and the gecko is completely sucked into people! !

    "Ahhhh……Mr. Ouma really gave me a good thing. You don’t have to chew it slowly, you can devour the essence directly! ! ”

    The two chains gradually recovered into Kaneki Ken's body, and now his body is full of intense blood color Energy, a more powerful Strength blended into his body…

    Gradually, he went outside, will be a black mask showing only the left eye, is the kind of black right eye mask and mask composite shape of the unique mask, this is the West tail Jin with him to a ghoul opened by the Mask shop made, West Tail Jin told him that one day he will use, but he does not believe that he will walk into the ghoul World, and now he feels that the time has come to use this mask.

    Outside the room, Rize waited for Kaneki Ken, who seemed to have long believed that he would swallow the gecko.

    "Rize Miss ……you……"

    Kaneki Ken looks at Kamishiro Rize, who leaned against the wall, couldn't help but have some warmth. She didn't leave, but was waiting for him. I believe he will live out?

    "Let's go, you have to act…It’s almost midnight…”

    Kamishiro Rize swayed the purple hair and walked toward the exit of the corridor, where the cadres of the green tung tree, the bottle brothers, Kirishima, and Ye Lu, stood.


    Kirishima asked, it was full of his lateness.

    "It's hard to eat here!"

    Kaneki Ken glared at the hand, patted his chest, the breeze passed, the pale hair underneath, the scarlet eye was exuding the endless cold.


    Ye Lu turned around and walked outside without any movement, while constantly playing the game console in his hand.

    "Cut, waste, even new people can't beat!!!"

    Kirishima seems to have a hint of refreshment, and seems to be very disgusted with the gecko guy.

    "Aite and Tatara have already acted, and we rushed to the past…"

    Kamishiro Rize seems to have been integrated into the green tung tree.


    The bottle brother nodded and gradually followed the pace of Ye Lu.

    And in their behind is a group of ordinary members of the Qingtong tree wearing red robes and skull masks.

    The night is gradually covering the entire market. What the ordinary citizens don't know is that a group of Ghoul is heading toward the 20th district at high speed.


    "Golden wood…"

    Nagachika Hideyoshi had a blood-stained bandage on her head. She came to 13 and saw the figure he was worried about. Although it turned into a white hair, it was not dead. It was so good…


    Kaneki Ken is flying fast. It seems that I feel that someone is watching him. If there is, it must be that Britain is not wrong. After all, he has been watching him since childhood, accompanied by him. He is his own. Friends, forever good friends (base friends).

    "Because it is concerned, is it strong?"

    Kamishiro Rize looks at Kaneki Ken in the speed, can't help but admire him, Kaneki Ken and Nagachika Hideyoshi are worried about each other, but she is only unilateral…

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