1494. Chapter 1494, Demon Lord, between the two worlds

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    Ma Gui will listen to the soft narrative of this dark-haired boy in front of him, and he can't help but sigh. He just said a word of 'white coffee', and he actually responded to him seriously.

    "Do you want to say that you just talked about it?" However, I think white coffee is the best for you to drink. White coffee has a very good refreshing effect. Compared with other coffees, it has a longer taste. After the ordinary coffee cools, it quickly becomes sour and tastes. Will gradually lose, and white coffee, even after cooling, still mellow. ”

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed As in the case of juggling, the ground coffee is ground with a mocha pot and steamed with a mocha pot. The malted coffee is washed in the space.

    "There is really no exquisite skill in the muddy water. It seems that at least it has not come in vain. Can I taste it now?"

    Ma Gui will look forward to holding the coffee cup with double-handed.

    "Of course, this cup is my request for you…"

    Feng Yu Chen didn't matter if he reached out and then picked up another cup of coffee and tasted it.

    "Wow, the taste is really pure ah, has never drunk such an orthodox taste of white coffee, before the privilege of traveling in Malaysia and the United Kingdom and other places, tasted white coffee, I am really used to promote, its refreshing effect is not bad, not now drink here white coffee, but as in the taste of gorgeous colorful life in general ah …"

    After Ma Gui will drink a cup of coffee, he suddenly feels full of fragrance, and the scent of the heart rushes to his limbs, as if all the fatigue has disappeared.

    "Yes, thank you for your tasting…"

    Feng Yu Chen slowly put down the coffee cup, waiting for the words of Ma Guigui, CCG's unbeaten Ghoul search officer, known as Shinigami's Ma Guigui, shouldn't just just drink tea here?

    "Yesterday in the 20 District amusement park, surveillance captured a couple in the facility after the blackout did not walk out of the amusement park, and then there is camera surveillance by the destruction, the residents around the night reaction out of the playground there is a shocking voice out, and so that police officers arrived at the scene, found that the playground control room appeared in a dead body, The time of the forensic death was the moment of the blackout last night … "

    Ma Gui will seem to be reading the report in his hand.

    "Oh, CCG's search officer is really tired. It's a heavy job to go to the coffee shop to review the documents."

    Feng Yu Chen said with a blank expression, still waiting for the words of Ma Gui.

    Ah, yesThe couple who didn’t come out last yesterday, don’t you know what you know? The blue and red hair color is really less…"

    Ma Gui will take out a set of photos and put them on the table.

    This photo is exactly the scene where Feng Yu Chen and Takao are sitting in the carriage of the Ferris wheel. Their faces are clearly captured. At that time, Feng Yu Chen, the hair is not the current black, blush and Azure color.

    "Well, this is me, there is nothing wrong…"

    Feng Yu Chen is still unmoved.

    "Oh, the Ghoul organization of Qingtongshu sneaked into the amusement park yesterday. I don't know if you saw them?"

    Ma Gui will have some interest in Feng Yu Chen's confession.

    "Yea, I saw."

    Feng Yu Chen nodded.


    Kirishima Touka, who is rubbing the table, and the mouth of the mouth of the mouth, also the Kohinata, and the Enji who washes the plate, and the entrance, all of the movements in the hands, this…

    "So what do you think Ghoul means to the world?"

    Ma Gui will not help but add a 'you' tone.

    From the outside, Ma Gui will be much older than Feng Yu Chen, but respect Feng Yu Chen 'you'…

    "Ghoul?"Wrong is not me) wrong is the world, Ghoul and human beings, to now seems to be not simply fighting and guarding, doped with should not have feelings, even Sherlock Holmes is unable to reason, Ghoul kill human relatives, breed hatred, human kill Ghoul relatives, breed hatred, Hatred and darkness are shrouded not only in ghoul, but also in human beings, and those who can perceive this are neither human nor ghoul, but the heirs of the two realms. ”Feng Yu Chen drank the coffee, and the bitterness did not seem to make him feel sleepy.

    "What are the two worlds?"Ma Gui will ask.

    "Yes, legend has it that there is another world called Crimson Realm, where the apostles, in order to satisfy their own desires, devour the power of existence of the earthly human race, and the human race that loses power of existence will disappear in this world, without Is remembered by all as if it did not exist at all, and the ' heir to the two realms ' is the combination of man and crimson Realm familiars … "

    Feng Yu Chen recalls everything that has happened in the world of Shakugan no Shana. The world has the same place as this "Tokyo Ghoul" world. The Power of Existence seems to be nobler than the cannibal, but it is the same. Eat people, and humans also use Crimson Denizen's Strength to kill Crimson Denizen.

    “Your thinking is really rich. Is it the one-eyed Ghoul that insinuates the legend of the city?”

    There is Ma Gui, it seems that the leader of the Qingtong tree may be the one-eyed Ghoul, and Feng Yu Chen wants to tell him this is this?

    “Want to know Crimson Realm and the future of the world?”

    Feng Yu Chen asked to drop the cup.

    "Please, very interested…"

    Ma Gui will feel that Feng Yu Chen does not seem to be an ordinary person, maybe he is –

    "Crimson Denizen needs Power of Existence to survive, and this can't be changed. So Demon Lord appeared and launched a war with humans. Humans have mastered the strength against Crimson Denizen in countless months. They Some special Crimson Denizen signed a contract to become Flame Haze.

    Demon Lord deceived the world, captured the power of the two worlds above the war, constructed a third world, 'no mirror,' bringing all Crimson Denizen into the third world, the world, in space There is Power of Existence, which can survive without consuming humans.

    In fact, when Demon Lord created the Third World, the original purpose was to create a rewriting world that allowed the apostles to devour the power of Existence, but the Demon Lord eventually realized that it would be okay to devour humans…"

    Feng Yu Chen said that the "Black Goat Egg" on the table was placed in front of a horse.

    "What book by Takatsuki Sen?"

    Ma Gui will still be unable to link the clues of interrupted minds –

    Demon Lord – the shackles of the two worlds – the eggs of the black goats –

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