1483. Chapter 1483 Two: The Blood of Thorns

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    The bloody warm liquid sprinkled on Feng Yu Chen's face, and he didn't have much sensory.

    Cough I…ABSOLUTELY NOTCan't die…I'm gonnaneedKillsHey! ! ”

    The real double-handed grabbed the bone spurs of the chest, his eyes widened, bloodshot wound around his eyes, pulled out Feng Yu Chen's bone spurs, and then swung Kunk in his hand again, facing Feng Yu Chen hit it up.

    "Hmph!"Go to hell! Killer, people will kill you, you kill the father of the young, then I will kill you for her! ”

    Feng Yu Chen kicked the real family out.


    Both Sugawara and Sakawara were shocked. They did not think that Feng Yu Chen had a ghostly ability to shuttle through the barriers. This is really a frightening ability. It’s just out of them. The scope of understanding.

“……Mr. Zhenhu! ! ! ~”

    Yamen, who is fighting with Kirishima Touka, is also afraid to look here.

    "Where are you looking, go to hell!!!"

    Kirishima Touka, who was suppressed because of the injury, immediately counterattacked, and the stretched blushing feathers shot a blushing feather.


    Yamen’s arm and thigh were instantly pierced, and Kunk in his hand was destructed.



    “Ha! |”

    The battle of the companions caused the black man and the scorpion to be angry. The body paint blue armor suddenly got a little flash of light, and the speed of the two people soared to the limit at one time, fighting with Feng Yu Chen.

    However, Feng Yu Chen, who has long been a battlefield, has experienced countless bloody battles. How can it fall here? It is easy to block the attack of the black scorpion and the scorpion. The ability to fight the sense of directness is to make his body clothes. Kakuzu has not been scratched.

    But Ghoul's world also has its own special place –


    Feng Yu Chen body's bone sword was instantly deconstructed by Quinke. In terms of attack power, their Kunke Power is clearly beyond the scope of nature.


    After repulsing Feng Yu Chen, two people, Sugawara and Hagi, slowly retreated to the front of the real family and paused.

    "How, real family?"

    "You don't want to die, it will make us a headache…"


    The real family gasped and sighed, looking at the clear sky, said, "I…I…No, no…CoughHurry up…RetreatNot his opponent…Unless there is a horse…"

    "We don't have the idea of ​​leaving teammates…"

    Sugawara clenched the Kunk knife in his hand and said.

    "Let's go……" Micro-That was the case at the time…Take Amen, so that potential young people will let him continue to live! ! ! ”

    The real chest licked the blood, stood up halfway and clenched the hands of Kunk.

    So,Real household…Please, we are retreating! 筱原! ~”

    The black-eyed looks at the side of Amonton sighed, although the two of them rushed to the battlefield, but there was a beautiful, no, perhaps even more difficult opponents, had to leave, although they interrupted Feng Yu Chen body The bone spur that he explored, but he will inevitably have other means. Now, just stay here and wait for death!


    Sugawara bit his teeth and rushed to the Asian Gate, which fell to the ground, and knocked off Kirishima Touka, then left the injured Yamen.


    Feng Yu Chen looks at this scene, Kakuzu can not help but reveal a cruel smile –

    "Touka…Younger…Kohinata, exiting the 'fog' range…"

    A trace of Frost air-conditioning once again covered the entire battlefield.

    Kirishima Touka, although not sure what Feng Yu Chen is going to do, but ended the battle with Sugawara, pulling Kohinata and the quick retreat…

    "Haha!"Let's die! @!”

    The real family waved Kunk to attack again. At this moment, he has stopped his heartbeat and is totally dependent on his willpower.

    "The ones who are going to die are your companions…"

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed pressed on the ground, the force of the bones in the body violently violently –


    The whole earth began to fluctuate, and gradually a bone spurted out the earth –

    Da da da……

    Shikotsumyaku (Dead Bone Pulse) – Sawarabi no Mai (Dance of Seedling Fern) ! !

    It seems as if the early ferns protrude from the ground, but this early fern is a white bone!

    Early fern is a plant that emerges from the soil and grows normally to a length of two meters. Sawarabi no Mai (Dance of Seedling Fern) is a place where there are numerous bone spurs on the ground that make the target have no place.

    "Ahhhh……Ouch……Ouch……Don't……I don't want it

    At this moment, all of them were preparing to attack the ground. Feng Yu Chen's CCG search officer also a large number of police officers were all penetrated by the bone spurs. Their blood mixed with white brain fluid and various liquids dyed the bones of the early fern forest into blood. Shura field.

    The protection of the black scorpion and the scorpion two people with lacquered blue armor was not hurt, but they were also shocked, what the hell is this! !

    All the troops in the foot that are close to hundreds of people have lost their lives. This is a big injury, which makes them explain to their superiors.

    "Let's go, don't go, we're going to die, that's the biggest loss for CCG. Let's bring back the information of 'Bone Sword'…"Said the black donkey.

    "'Bone bone repair'? What is this title…It’s really a Shura…"He had a sigh of relief, but he didn't think that there would be such a powerful Ghoul. No, it wasn't like Ghoul. What was it?

    "Mr. Zhenhu…"

    Yamen lay on the shoulders of Sugawara and looked at the real people who were punctuated by countless bones.

    "Well, Yamen, when it’s not sad, let’s go, leave when the 'Bone Sword' does not reveal the killing intent, the other party seems to be the target…"

    Sugawara said helplessly, although he was not convinced, Feng Yu Chen did not have the idea to kill them, otherwise they would really die.

    "His goal was to witness the owners of the two girls, but I didn't have time to read the documents recorded by Mr. Real, otherwise I could find clues from their bodies."

    Yamen hated and clenched double-handed.

    "If you see it, you will die too. The other party obviously aims to kill all the people who have seen them, and we are lucky, not within the target of strikes to kill, so…Fortunately, uh…"

    Black sighed and sighed for the first time, even if he didn’t let them have such casualties and fears, terrible bones, not…Maybe it's a white Shinigami…

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