1469. Chapter 1469, Interweaving of rain and night

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    On the weekends, the sky was a bit dark, and the air after the rain was washed was somewhat cool and moist, and it became clearer. Perhaps because of the weather, there were fewer guests coming from the cafe.

    However, some people are still still patronizing, how to say, Feng Yu Chen is also the gold medalist barista of 'Anteiku'.

    However, the two people named Kaneki Ken and Nagachika Hideyoshi did not come for Feng Yu Chen. For a week, Feng Yu Chen and some people also met, including these two people, who always hold books. Kaneki Ken, who is reading, likes Kamishiro Rize who often talks with him.

    He still knows about this kind of thing.

    "Is still two cups of cappuccino?"Kirishima Touka asked Kaneki Ken and Nagachika Hideyoshi with a record.

    "Well, um…Touka Sauce, do you like Ouma's predecessors? ”Nagachika Hideyoshi suddenly asked, the sound just happened to be heard by Kamishiro Rize sitting in front of Feng Yu Chen's bar.


    Kirishima Touka coldly snorted turned and walked to the back hall.

    UnitedHow are you…So what if the next time people don’t let us in? ”Kaneki Ken couldn't help but look at his own buddies. If it was hated by Kirishima Touka, wouldn't he have no way to look at Kamishiro Rize Miss next time? Although he knows that he has some disparity in status, he is not too sad if he can see her every day, if he is satisfied, and if his wish is terminated.


    Kamishiro Rize naturally heard Nagachika Hideyoshi's words, looked at Kirishima Touka, and then said to Feng Yu Chen: "Mr. Ouma, I made an appointment with you that day, and went to the novel signing ceremony. Can we do it now?"

    "Oh ?"Ouch……I remembered it, okay, just the ingredients in the house need to be stocked…Manager, sorry, can you take a break in the afternoon? ”

    Feng Yu Chen stunned, nodded, and bought the ingredients by the way.

    "Mm."No problem…"

    The manager smiled and nodded. Look at Kirishima Touka said, "Touka, you are off work, we will go out of business right away. It seems to be closed in advance today…"

    SorryExcuse me, checkout…"

    Nagachika Hideyoshi waved to Kirishima Touka, "Suddenly, Jinmu asked me to go to the 'Takatsuki Sen' novel sale…Yes, Jinmu…"

    "you guys……"

    Kirishima Touka is angrily looking at two people, since this is still in the coffee?



    At this time, a mother and daughter came in.

    They have consistent brown hair and eyes, but the girl's obvious eye Kakuzu has tears.

    "Ryoko Miss ……I haven't seen you for a long time, I am alive…"

    Kirishima Touka immediately threw the statement into front of Kaneki Ken and Nagachika Hideyoshi, then took the towel of Feng Yu Chen body and handed it to the mother and daughter who came in.

    "Touka, entertain Ryoko Miss and the youngsters upstairs, come here today…"

    The store manager seemed to smell a different smell, and immediately put down the towel to scrub the cup, and the kindness seemed to be unable to calm down.

    "Well, Jinmu, we should go…"

    Nagachika Hideyoshi pulled up Kaneki Ken and went out. It’s definitely not good to stay in the clear, and they should also arrive at the signing ceremony in advance. If this happens, meet with Kamishiro Rize at the signing ceremony. It’s not a topic to talk about. What, he is trying to help his buddy to chase beauty.

    "Hey, hey, English, wait a minute…"

    Kaneki Ken chased it out.

    "Rize Miss, let's go…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, picking up the umbrella.


    Kamishiro Rize nodded, and the mother and daughter trembled abruptly as they passed by the mother and daughter.


    After the people in the coffee left, the manager closed the door and entered the living room on the third floor.

    "What's wrong, Ryoko Miss?"Kirishima Touka asked on the table with the brewed coffee.

    "It's a gecko…I found my husband, then we will live here during this time, waiting for my husband's information…In addition, the 'foodie' has also come over and inquired about the 'tap water' sold by 'Anteiku'…"

    Fueguchi Ryouko can't help but worry about the safety of her husband. The two people who are looking up are not easy to deal with.

    "Really?" Then stay here, peace of mind, although the gecko is cruel, but will leave after getting something…"Enji said.


    Fueguchi Ryouko nods.

    “Aroma will also lure the 'foodie', but with Kamishiro Rize, there should be no problem, and she doesn’t have to worry about it…”

    The manager looks at the restless Kirishima Touka and said, "Don't worry about him, he can still protect himself…"

    I…I am not worried about him, just eating a few meals is embarrassing no matter what…"Kirishima Touka said with his arms turned around.

    "Then go chase it…Isn't that okay? ”

    I saw the umbrella in my hand and handed it to Kirishima Touka. "Now I can catch up…"

    Just Dropping InGoing out to buy something…"

    After taking the umbrella, Kirishima Touka went out.


    When I came to the 'Takatsuki Sen Novel Signing Fair', Feng Yu Chen found that there were still a lot of people waiting, and they were waiting for the author to arrive in the rain.

    "Mr. Ouma, here…HERE

    At this time, Nagachika Hideyoshi in front of them waved to Feng Yu Chen and Kamishiro Rize, indicating that they were in the queue. They stood in the hall just in time, just avoiding the rain.

    "Don't pull, it's not good to cut the queue, and we have an umbrella…"

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and said.


    "Ahhhh……Ouch……SorryI'm late……"

    A fluffy dark-green haired girl ran from the rain, flapping the body's rain, and then sat down on the signing chair.


    As one individual got the signing book to leave, the night was getting darker, and the rain and the night were intertwined, and the night scene gradually faded.

    "Sorry, it’s too late, the signing will end…"

    The staff went to Feng Yu Chen and Kamishiro Rize.


    Feng Yu Chen turned to look at behind, no one has already, some people have jumped in the queue, and then they have become the last one, and sure enough, they should be cut in before.

    That…Wait a minute, let them come in…"

    Takatsuki Sen sitting inside suddenly raised his greetings. (The novel "Unlimited Anime Record" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and follow, Speed ​​is fast! )

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