1466. Chapter 1466 Touka's joys and sorrows, the dark world

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    [Thanks to Shen Tumingliang, Ye Luo~ Zhiqiu~ Children's shoes, there is still a monthly ticket plus more, everyone is working hard, today is the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward]

    Kirishima Touka has always felt that she can live normally like a human being. She can eat as normal as humans. Is there any variation in her body? Is this possible to eat with the yoghurt?

    This split second, the warm tears flowed out from Kirishima Touka's eye Kakuzu, and finally survived like a human being without any worries…

    "idiot ……What tears are so bad, is it so bad for me to have such a meal? ”

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but touched it. He reached out and wiped the tears of Kirishima Touka's eyes Kakuzu. At this moment, his heart was a little fluctuating. Although he was trying to experiment, 'I kindly' let Kirishima Touka eat such a meal. However, she was so embarrassed that she was so happy that she could eat a normal diet.

    This kind of clearness is something that has no intentions, but it makes the other party happy. This serious contrast makes Feng Yu Chen feel a sense of guilt.

    Just like an uncle tempted Little Loli to the little black house with a lollipop, and stayed up all night, then Little Loli said that the lollipop is delicious, especially, this serious contrast will make the uncle feel guilty. Deepening, such a pure Little Loli is actually smashed by him, if you are struggling, ……

    Feng Yu Chen is now in the same state as Kirishima Touka. Although the analogy is somewhat inappropriate, but with the same sense of guilt, he still has a human nature.

    Human nature does not mean weakness, it also represents gentleness.

    This kind of gentleness is only possessed by 'human nature'. This human nature is not only owned by human beings, but possessed by all creatures. Does the cry of Kirishima Touka not represent the side of human nature?


    Finally, Kirishima Touka ate more than half of the dishes on the dinner table. Kohinata was wronged to look at her. She hadn't eaten yet.

    "Well, the stove is still hot with sweet milk, go drink it, remember to take a shower and sleep after drinking…"

    Feng Yu Chen Appreciatively patted Kohinata's little hand.

    "Well, sweet milk, Elder Brother Chen is the best…"

    Kohinata stood up and took a kiss on Feng Yu Chen's face and ran into the kitchen.

    "Sorry, that…That

    Kirishima Touka looks at the traces I have eaten on the table, the hand is scratching my face, the blush is floating, some are embarrassed, and she did not think that she actually…

    "Well, okay, I said it. The food I made is delicious. You can eat so much to appreciate my cooking…"Feng Yu Chen shook his head and handed the napkin to Kirishima Touka.


    "Well, it’s too late, sleep, you have to go to school tomorrow…"



    A few shallow chats, Kirishima Touka walked out of the room, she decided to taste the Benzi's lunch, perhaps she can eat human food from now on.



    The next day, Kirishima Touka came to the school as usual. The morning course was very successful because of the good mood. Kirishima Touka finished very smoothly.

    "How is it so spiritual today?"

    Kosaka Yoriko (a good friend of Kirishima Touka) looks at a good friend who asked me to take out my lunch.

    "I'm fine."Just last night…Well, your food is so fresh, can I taste it? ”Kirishima Touka wanted to tell the story of last night, but quickly hanged the topic, after all, can this kind of thing tell her.

    "Well, no problem, please tasting…"

    Kosaka Yoriko lifted his lunch box.

    "I'm gonna start now……"

    Kirishima Touka puts the vegetables in my mouth very naturally, but soon, a disgusting taste is introduced into her tongue…

    But Touka didn't believe in chewing and then ate it, then re-clamped a dish, still the same taste!

    Impossible…Not right, not like this! ~!

    She has changed!

    She can eat human food!

    Yesterday is definitely not a dream!


    Kosaka Yoriko looks at Kirishima Touka, who is getting embarrassed, and suddenly worried: "What's wrong with you, don't worry?"

    I…ComeComeThat's it…Sorry, go to the toilet…"

    Kirishima Touka stunned and ran out of the classroom.


    Bad AssAsshole! ~! Eat it! Eat it! Why not get going with the

    Kirishima Touka Kakuzu hiding in the toilet bites the double-handed bread, which is hard to eat…Nauseanausea! !

    Sure enough, I am still Ghoul, only the guy who can eat 'meat'! ! ! !

    Fear gradually enveloped Kirishima Touka, she thought she could get rid of hell forever, and finally saw heaven, but this split second, she was desperate, she is still in hell!

    Obviously she ate human food yesterday, why? !

    "Give me some strength, eat it! Eat it! ~! ~ Eat it! ~! ”

    Kirishima Touka double-handed clutching the bread into the mouth, the face was pale, and a vomiting sensation suddenly came, and she vomited at the big mouth of the moment…

    Help meWho is coming…Fathermom绚都……Help me! ”

    The petite body curled up in Kakuzu, no one responded to Kirishima Touka's help, her body kept shuddering, the white knuckles were hardly embedded on her shoulders, and the hot tears fell on her arms. ——

    I am still Ghoul. Ghoul, who can only survive by eating 'meat', is Ghoul, but what kind of humans are there, deserve it, huh, fate can't be changed. She can't really integrate into human society. In the middle, she is not human, there is no way like humans…

    I have known her many times, why don't she understand? Why are you still struggling like this?



    Probably she also dreams of human life, without eating 'meat', able to eat normally, normal diet, carefree life, playfulness, play, no cruel hell, no disputes, no There will be strangles…

    That is,

    That is,

    It’s that simple! !

    But for her, it is a more and more scorpio. Maybe last night was just her dream. Yes, it must be a dream. She dreamed of eating with Feng Yu Chen and Kohinata. It is like this, not real. It’s just her illusion, it seems that she has hallucinations.

    That's it, she is still a Ghoul, dreaming of human life, just fantasy, never realized! (The novel "Unlimited Anime Record" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and follow, Speed ​​is fast! )

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