1462. Chapter 1462 New Residence 'Anteiku'

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    The evening dining is very welcoming. After all, it is a very happy thing to have a normal meal with Hakurei Reimu's unruly Shrine Maiden.

    "I don't know how the family is going, will you go back and see?"

    Although Esdeath is strong, but now, there is also the concept of 'home'. The safety of the family is very important for her. Although everyone has been noisy, it is very interesting, isn't it?

    "It doesn't matter, although the Red and White Shrine Maiden is broken, but it shouldn't be done, and she will manage those monsters. Is Shrine Maiden's Quest not a retreat? And Fuuko will solve them, believe them…"

    Feng Yu Chen said that since those who are not arrogant can mix with Kurome, they will simply explain the troubles of Feng Yu Chen. It is estimated that they are idle and have nothing to do, so they extorted Feng Yu Chen. QAQ…

    "Well, Sakuya is also there, Reimu won't do anything too much…"

    Remilia holds the coffee in his hand (with the blood of Feng Yu Chen) and enjoys the aftertaste of the meal.

    "What do you guys do today, do not do anything to eat?"

    Shokuhou Misaki is not good at looking at Remilia and Flandre.

    "Cut, don't underestimate us, we also do great business!"

    Remilia said proudly, "We are sleeping in the United States and the United States for a day, great…"

    "Sell your sister's cute, sleep for a day, what a great career!"

    Shokuhou Misaki can't help but shake the starry eyes and spit.

    "Meng is justice!"

    Kohinata said with sweet milk.

    "Kohinata, let's see the Scorpio girl, you see the CD I brought…"Flandre swayed the disc in his hand and said, well, this was she stole from Tina's panties storage cabinet. Well, the noble Vampire can't say stealing, this is what she brought!

    "This CD was given to Tina by Enju. We can't find all of the panties that we found. It's actually here!You thief! ”Kohinata suddenly got angry and finished drinking the sweet milk (this is the state of anger, definitely acting cute)…

    "This Miss is not a steal, I am a bright, in a dark environment, bravely got the hand, right, I also put on Tina's panties, very comfortable…"

    Flandre lifted the skirt and pointed at his pink-striped panties, revealing a proud look.

    (You are not proud of the place, is it proud to steal panties? 2333)

    "Well, the CD of the Scorpio girl, now it is mine!"

    Remilia suddenly grabbed the disc in Flandre's hand and stuffed it into his arms.

    "Elder Sister bully, why are you stealing my Scorpio girl CD…"Flandre said that he is not cute, OTZ, this is Onee-sama's arrogance! protest protest

    "Your is mine, mine is mine, I don't understand, and I am not stealing. I borrow it. How can the noble Vampire steal something?"Remilia said of course.


    "Kisara, let me try your Way of Sword, we can form a team at CCG in the future…"

    Kanzaki Kaori took Tendou Kisara to the side of the Way of Sword room.

    “Kotonoha sauce, I suddenly thought of a great way to deal with Ghoul…”

    Ryuuguu Rena said with a kitchen knife.

    "I bought a very good bathrobe today, help me see, Shokuhou…"Takao said.



    Feng Yu Chen sighed, this group of girls completely collapsed, well, the room that has been tangled up, he has experienced countless times, but fortunately only ten broken soft sisters, if the family came together, amount, he It is normal to think that the entire Tokyo building was destroyed overnight.

    Take a break early and continue to investigate Ghoul tomorrow. Ghoul's source is easy to find and you need to find it. This is his main purpose in this world.


    The next day, after washing, Feng Yu Chen good breakfast, simple to eat some, with Kohinata on the go out, although Shokuhou Misaki has got to travel vehicles, but Feng Yu Chen is still walking, after all, he is the café 's store chief said he was a down , if you drive, you may not be able to lie, if you want to continue lurking in ' Anteiku ', you have to put on a poor rack.

    After coming to the coffee shop, Kirishima Touka was surprised at the sights at Feng Yu Chen. There was nothing wrong with it. It was so fragrant that he could survive. How did he spend last night?

    "Good morning, Ouma…"

    Enji greeted Feng Yu Chen.

    "Good morning manager…Good morning, Mr. Enji…Good morning, see Miss, good morning…Touka ……"

    Feng Yu Chen greeted one by one and began to pick up the rag and wipe the table.

    "Good morning, Minasan…"

    Kohinata also greeted him.

    "Well, early, yes, Ouma, where do you live now?"

    The manager asked Feng Yu Chen.


    Feng Yu Chen looked down at the manager and said, "There is no way to rent a house, but the rent is about to expire…"

    "Well, if you don't disappoint, just live upstairs, it's also convenient, Touka is also here to live…"

    The manager smiled and said sincerely.

    "The manager?!"

    The whole cafe was quiet in an instant, and Kirishima Touka couldn't help but scream. Enji and the two people also couldn't understand the manager's mind. They wanted to leave Feng Yu Chen to live in Anteiku. He was human, just in case. What happens when I find out their true face and report it? After all, he said before that his friends and relatives in Tokyo were eaten by Ghoul. It is good to be able to sympathize with him and let him work here. Let him live here…

    "How is this so interesting, won't you bother?"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but sneak a bit, but if you live here, it is more convenient to collect information. Takao has already made the contact hammock phone, and you can contact at any time without returning to the Tokyo building.

    "So that's fine, but if you pay, you will deduct your accommodation fee…"The manager said kindly.

    "Yes, no problem, right, I am good at cooking. If you don't mind, I can cook for you…"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but reveal the 'grateful' look.

    "Therefore…No need to…It’s too much trouble, you can’t do it, but sometimes there are risottos…”

    The manager said with a smile. (The novel "Unlimited Anime Record" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and follow, Speed ​​is fast! )

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