1459. Chapter 1459 is sick and mad

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    When seeing Ghoul in front of him sticking out from behind, Feng Yu Chen remembered the Anime of "Tokyo Ghoul". He was impressed. He saw one or two episodes in the stage just opened, but it was time. It has been forgotten for a long time and has been forgotten.

    However, at the time, in "斩*Akame ga Kill!
In the world of the world, 'evil' has only pure Hezi ability, not Bloodline, so there is no strong defense of these Ghoul bodies in front of him, otherwise he will not be so easy in the blushing world. The player is gone.

    "Call ~~~~~~"

    Feng Yu Chen breathed a deep breath, thinking about the essence of the martial arts mountains he had learned when he followed his father as a child, when the ontology did not have much strength, so even if he learned a lot of fine martial arts will not be good, But now he has a strong enough strength, as long as the use of those martial arts essence, he can play a wonderful strength.

    "Call ~~~~~~"

    Inhale deeply, breathe through the long plate, force through the limbs, the arm is like a lightning bolt, and the fist is deeply embedded in the chest and abdomen of Ghoul rushing in front of the eyes…


    Powerful, split second hits his body and bows, and the blood is overflowing.

    Then the Ghoul's body was deeply embedded in the wall like a cannonball. The whole chest was like a meat, and the blood flowed out of the body's seven shackles, spilling over the ground, and the whole wall was broken like a spider. The net generally cracked a trace of cracks.

    "It seems that Ghoul is not a strong species. It can break your skin, but it can shatter your body. Under the huge Strighth strike, it will collapse. Kohinata, they directly used violence to make them. !"

    Feng Yu Chen showed a hint of play.

    "Yes, just hit it with your fist…"Kohinata moe moe's nod, her Strength with the original gut gene is unusually deep, and the Speed ​​of the Swift's original gut gene is very fast, with a 100-meter Speed ​​of Gundam per second, there is hardly anything to catch up with. In addition, the addition of the original intestinal factor has surpassed this Speed. It is also a way to increase the Strength attack by adding Speed.

    With the death of the first Ghoul, the remaining Ghoul have developed fears –

    "White pigeon?"

    Ghoul nervously looked at Feng Yu Chen and Kohinata, but did not find a unique box in their body, and there is no 'white pigeon' coat on the chest. What kind of existence?

    Ghoul, which is concentrated in the 20th arrondissement, is a small Ghoul. Unlike Ghoul in other districts, it has high power of fighting power. Some of them can't even get food by themselves, relying on Anteiku's cafe to get food.

    Because I smelled the fragrance of Feng Yu Chen body.

    "You have no choice to escape. Oh, it’s better to deal with you or use weapons…"

    After understanding the physical characteristics of Ghoul, Feng Yu Chen is no longer satisfied with this simple physical strength. It is better to use skill to decide the victory. As for the weapon…

    "Budu Royal Soul!"

    Feng Yu Chen's behind The floating black flame, a slender big knife slowly emerged, Divine Sword Futsu-no-mitama, with Sword hilt, it has a length of two meters and seven, and its body The width is only 2.8 cm, which is about the width of three hands side by side. It can be said that it is quite unique, a long, slender and strange sword.

    Feng Yu Chen pulled out the spirit of Budu from the right hand and the body was like a sharp puncture. In this moment, all Ghoul saw only Feng Yu Chen's figure passing in front of their eyes, and then –


    Ghoul fell slowly on the ground, and their bodies broke apart.

    "Ordinary swords can't hurt you. The legendary sword used by God is different. Its material is not steel.The fragile microbe, it’s your misfortune to stare at me…"

    Feng Yu Chen smashed the fine sword in his hand, and a drop of blood slipped down from the body of the sword. A faint white light was glittering on the body of the sword. It was clearly in the darkness of this night.

    "Really, Elder Brother Chen is too fast to start, and people want to fight…"Kohinata said with a small mouth, and at the foot of her is also the body of several Ghoul.

    "Well, it’s only been a long time not to use this sword, I want to make it exciting…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the cloth in the hands of the sorcerer.


    Budu Yushen screamed and shook a bit, seemingly responding to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Don't worry, there are more and more prey waiting for our tasting…"

    Feng Yu Chen caressed the sword of Budu's soul and stuffed it into the black flame behind him. He said to Kohinata, "Well, it's time to go back and see Esdeath's achievements today." ”

    "Well, buy sweet milk, but also buy ingredients to eat…"

    Kohinata stepped on a Ghoul corpse and smiled and took Feng Yu Chen's hand.

    As the two figures gradually left, two new figures appeared.

    "Oh, hey, this is really a clean and tidy fight. At the very least, I have the standard of the 'Quasi-Special Search Officer' in the white pigeon. Do you have Anteiku? It’s a group of dregs, it’s so simple to die, it’s a shame! ! ”

    A skirt with a long purple hair, tall and wearing a purple Lucy side on a white background, looks cute and the girl came out. Although it smelled the scent, it seems to be a step late, but –

    "Ahhhh……Such a wonderful taste, no wonder it will attract so many Ghoul, it is really the best man, is this your Anteiku collection? Kirishima Miss, when are you going to dine? ”

    "Don't tell me the same as you, I don't eat that idiot…"

    Kirishima Touka couldn't help but whisper, she saw that the gluttony rushed over and caught up. Hey, she is not worried about that guy…Results

    He didn't even die. Did the Ghoul bodies on the scene kill him? Is he the undercover of the 'white dove'?

    "Hey, I am going to pursue this taste that melts me. It’s awesome. The air he walked through is such a double line, perfect, perfect! No, I want him! So beautiful! ”

    Purple hair The shape of a woman is like a madman who sucks the taste of the air, sucks hard, double-handed in the touch of her body, and the face is flushed…The novel "Unlimited Anime Record" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and follow, Speed ​​is fast! )

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