1455. Chapter 1455 Blood Group

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    Stepping into the "split second" of the "Tokyo Ghoul" world, the door opens in the Kakuzu of a building.






    A squeaky voice came out.

    Feng Yu Chen was crushed at the bottom, and then the ten sisters Remilia, Flandre, Kohinata, Takao, Esdeath, Tendou Kisara, Katsura Kotonoha, Ryuuguu Rena, Shokuhou Misaki, and Kanzaki Kaori all pressed into Feng Yu Chen's body.

    "Kisara…Don't want to live? Actually touch my ass? ”Esdeath slammed together, and the powerful Strength pushed everyone away.

    "Cut, you have been stagnating, don't think I am like you!"

    Tendou Kisara put his own knife in front of him.

    "You are enough, give me a hand! Since I have come over, I will listen to my words, now we are starting to make Quest assignments…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, frowning, "

    Next, we must get some resources in this world, so you can also improve your strength. Our code name is [Blood-Clan], referred to as [B/C].

    Remilia and Flandre Miss are considered to be outside the boundaries.

    I am Captain.

    Shokuhou is a secretary and intelligence analyst.

    Takao is the clerk.

    Esdeath and Kanzaki are pioneers.

    Tendou Kisara is Stealth Ops Commander.

    Kotonoha and Rena are sacrificial officers.

    Kohinata is killing officials.

    When we execute Quest, we use their respective positions to be called, and we must keep the world's real disagreement to the maximum extent, that is, to maintain a minimum of mystery.

    I think everyone else can't use the Strength outside of Bloodline here. And the energy of the body is also frozen, because the rules of the world are in conflict with our Power of Existence. It is only the strength of the body and the power of the Bloodline that interferes with the rules of the world, but the power of the Bloodline also has Energy consumption. When you do, avoid unnecessary energy waste. ”

    "This is better. If you limit Strength, you can break through your limit. If the strength of the Emperor's Strength is not used, look for the instinctive killing power!" Can't stop silent anymore. ”

    Esdeath grinning, sharp Hawk-Eyes glittering with uncertain light, imposing.


    Kohinata said with his little belly: "Elder Brother Chen, people are hungry…"


    Well, Feng Yu Chen looks at the twelve sisters around me who need a steady income. Is it really time to work?

    “Working is also an experience. Everyone at sights can do anything…”

    "I want to try the maid costume…"

    Esdeath said innocently.


    Feng Yu Chen helpless, maid, female a capable king, right?

    "Then disperse, Kohinata and I, you each find some work. One of our Quests today is to find a job and experience life…In the evening, let's see who is making more money? ”

    "So, can the prize be the only one who enjoys sleeping alone?"Esdeath suddenly came to the interest, she felt that she must be the most profitable.

    "Okay, come here!"

    Tendou Kisara refused to let him know.

    "Who is afraid of who!"Kanzaki Kaori is also ready to try the maid dress up. ,

    "This Miss can attract countless money as soon as he reaches out…"

    Shokuhou Misaki said that the unique function is usable. It is the servant who manipulates everyone to make them become their own servants. It is her ability that Feng Yu Chen let her be a secretary. The dual position of the intelligence officer.

    "Can you rob?"

    Ryuuguu Rena incredibly moe moe said.

    "Chebachba is broken…"Katsura Kotonoha imagined killing scenes after the robbery.

    "With my ingenuity, it's easy to be a hacker?"Takao wants to use the sea fog black technology to invade banks and various groups. Although he is not an intelligence officer, the clerk is in charge of the entire network information.

    “How can a small human being let us work for them, Black Deacon, remember to earn money to take care of us…”

    Remilia said.

    "Well, um, Elder Sister is right…"

    Flandre nodded.

    "That's good, we will meet here at night, I am working with Kohinata…"

    Feng Yu Chen took Kohinata's small hand and walked out of the dark Kakuzu, and stepped into the city. In terms of terrain, there is not much difference between this and the reality of Tokyo. After all, since it is called Tokyo Ghoul, then the location is Tokyo. Mainly.


    The other girls are also scattered to find a job.

    Feng Yu Chen The color of the blush and Azure is very attractive. The places like bookstores think that he is not suitable. Plus, the clothing of Black Deacon is obviously like Europeans, and no one will apply.

    Until Feng Yu Chen found a coffee shop.

    The uniform worn by the waiter is somewhat similar to the uniform of his body.

    And the most important thing is that he smells the blood in this coffee shop, Vampire is quite sensitive to the taste of blood.

    Although for the average person, this taste is basically impossible to smell, after all, this taste has been diluted to a certain extent in the air, and a cubic meter of space can have a blood molecule is not bad.

    But Feng Yu Chen can perceive that his sense of smell is quite sensitive, and the taste that can pass his sense of smell is simply possible.

    Then it seems that the investigation can start from here. After all, unusual means special, and special means that you can find some clues.


    Feng Yu Chen slowly pushed open the door, and the bell behind the door rang, like some bells in the coffee shop, which represented the guests' entry.

    "Good morning, sir, Miss, what type of coffee do you need?"

    A short dark blue hair, the girl who usually covers the right eye with bangs, dressed in a clean waiter's suit and rushed to Feng Yu Chen's, some awkwardly said.

    "Ahhhh……Sorry, I am not a guest, I am coming to apply…"

    Feng Yu Chen converges with a sharp look, and smiles like a child and a harmless teenager scratching his head.

    “Um? Manager, do we have an announcement for the application? ”

    The dark blue short-haired girl looked at the old man with a white hair and kindly squinting her eyes.

    "I think should not be……I am really sorry, if you want to find a job, this gentleman can go to several nearby stores to see…"

    The old man showed a slight confuse. He smelled the scent that Ghoul was obsessed with from Feng Yu Chen's body. It was enough to make Ghoul crazy. How could it appear in this place? (The novel "Unlimited Anime Record" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign "Add a friend" in the upper right, search for the public number "qdread" and follow, Speed ​​is fast! )

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