1452. Chapter 1452 collapses the paradise

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    Three days have passed since the refreshment of the World Rules. Feng Yu Chen is sober from sleep, and his eyes are Louise, Tiffania, Josette, Tabitha, Henrietta, and Luca Shana.

    "Woke up……He woke up…"

    Louise looks at the conscious Feng Yu Chen immediately rushed up.

    "Okay, let me get up…"

    Feng Yu Chen patted Louise's back and sat up against the pillow.

    "Spirit has no disaster, the mainland has not floated, and the crisis has been lifted…"

    Henrietta said with a smile, "I always believe that you have such a strength, a miraculous Strength…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and sighed and said, "It's time to leave…"

    How come? Don't you take it in this world? We also want to serve you again…"Although Lucy Shana always knew that Feng Yu Chen would leave, after all, God's spokesperson must return to the real place after completing Quest, but it is too fast.

    "It’s too long to stay in this world and it’s easy to forget my original existence. I completed my mission and it’s time to leave…”

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but feel awkward. He seems to really think of himself as a part of the "The Familiar of Zero" world. If he stays here, he will forget his true identity.

    He has already foreseen that this is a punishment.

    If the true integration with the world is no longer possible, the system has already warned him to leave the world within three days, otherwise he will erase his past, and he is the true spokesperson of the continent.

    It seems that Feng Yu Chen also understands why this happens. I am afraid this is to prevent myself from exploring the rules of the world. After all, Feng Yu Chen has changed the rules of the world, understood the will of the world, and continues to stay. He is expected to become a world in this world. God, yes, the existence of God.

    In the end, he touched the taboo!

    The true meaning of the world!

    “The Golden Sword of Certain Victory is delivered to you, and I will pass on your will to the king of the next generation…”

    Henrietta took out Caliburn, The Golden Sword of Certain Victory, and selected the sword of the king, indicating that she would not leave. She was the queen and could not follow Feng Yu Chen.

    "Josette ……No, Charlotte, according to the agreement, you inherit the position of the queen, I follow him…"

    Tabitha handed the crown on his head and the scepter in his hand to Josette.

    "Elder Sister…Take care

    Josette understands that she has gotten a lot and shared Elder Sister's husband, but in the end she still has to make concessions.

    "His ancestor, I want to be the Queen of the Spirit family…"Lucy Shana can't follow Feng Yu Chen either.

    "Really?" So just like this, I will be back, I can still come back…Tristain and Albion belong to Henrietta, Gallia belongs to Josette, and Elemental Lords belongs to Lucy Shana. You three countries are here to form an alliance…Then, Louise, Tabitha, Tiffania, are you willing to come back to my hometown with me? ”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the six girls in front of them, who are more or less related to themselves, will embark on different paths today.


    The girls nodded.


    Feng Yu Chen opened the order of return –

    "Hey, complete the "The Familiar of Zero" world process, calculate rewards –

    Get Dragon Ball (Dragon ball imprint changed to Feng Yu Chen, in other words This is his Dragon ball, not captured, fit 100%), Void Ring (Enter the Familiar of Zero World Ring) ), Rhyme Dragon Familiars (Sylphid), please choose to bring out the world…"

    "Louise…Tabitha ……Tiffany Tiffania …………"

    “People’s feelings meet the requirements, paying 30000 Silver Coin…”

    "Payment is completed, transfer to the world…"


    Under the watchful eyes of Henrietta, Josette, and Luca Shana, Feng Yu Chen disappeared into the room.



    Back to the moment of the world, Feng Yu Chen sensed that a familiar atmosphere was approaching.

    “Not good, Yakumo Yukari is going to move the Land of Fantasy!!”

    Izayoi Sakuya's maid came to Feng Yu Chen's and said.


    Feng Yu Chen can't help but jump up. Land of Fantasy is going to migrate. Is this going to make his South Pole a 'disintegration paradise'?

    "Where is this place?

    Louise asked in confusion.


    Tabitha saw Ques Q's library at first glance, as if smelling a special atmosphere, and went to Patchouli * Norej, and found a good friend, from the nerd level, Tabitha and Ques Q is exactly the same.

    "Onee-sama, wait for someone else…"

    Sylphid chased Tabitha.

    "Wow, Spirit…"

    Asuna and Yui saw Tiffany Tiffania suddenly reveal a touch of intimacy. In the world of ALO, they have seen Spirit, but the real fairy is still seen for the first time.

    "Mom, it looks like you…"Yui looks at Tiffany Tiffania, then look at Asuna can't help but say.

    "How is this guy here?"Louise saw Shana as if he had met an opponent.

    "No roads…No road race…No road race…I even excluded people from the world and said, what did you guys do to their husbands! ”Shana suddenly glared at Louise.

    "You are so annoying, how are you here, really, I forgot you guy, the first grade must respect senior. Do you understand?"Louise suddenly got up with Shana.

    "Respect you, cut, have chest and chest, have no ass in your buttocks, you are old, I tell you, I have stayed here for a long time, you have to respect the predecessors…"

    Shana couldn't help but sneer and hold down his own knife, Nietono no Shana.

    "Hey, you are not as brave as me, no ass, cut, you think I am afraid of you…"

    Louise took out his magic wand.


    Pledged of

    Well, Feng Yu Chen has to admit that he is already a paradise here, even if Yakumo Yukari did not invade, it collapsed.

    "Yakumo Yukari They are so far away from us, how to migrate, at least have the ability to have space? I don't remember who they have this ability/"Feng Yu Chen looks at Izayoi Sakuya, at least this guy is half a normal Land of Fantasy member, in some serious cases…at leastAlrightLand of Fantasy has no sisters who don’t break down…

    “Yakumo Yukari, but the person who created the Land of Fantasy big barrier, seems to be inspired by Hakurei Reimu, saying that a monster who claims to be 18 years old has escaped from Land of Fantasy and abducted the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion. You know…"

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