1441. Chapter 1441 Snowstorm's Double Support

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    After regaining the physical ability, Feng Yu Chen defended the attack from Tabitha. He did not expect Tabitha to be crazy to this point, mixed into the holy lake of Spirit and assassinated him.

    It’s really a bit of a thrill to think about it. If he and Lucy Shana are intoxicated in that state, they will definitely die. After all, for that time, Feng Yu Chen and Luca Shana In other words, the soul has a state of being lost, and in a confused state, it is impossible to perceive any danger of approaching.

    And I didn't think that there would be people in this holy lake of Spirit to assassinate them, and they were incredible.

    "Tabitha, do you really have to do this? Do you really have no will to be manipulated by Jose? If it is not because you are the master of Sylphid, maybe I have already struck to kill you. The last time I killed Sheffield, I left your life. You actually attacked me again without regret. What if Jose is using it? If you threaten you, I can help you. When can't even trust a friend? ”

    Feng Yu Chen Some real anger, can he really be a good person for him?


    Tabitha continued to launch the attack in silence, and one of the strong columns of ice quickly flew in the lake to reach Feng Yu Chen's.

    "No use, you are not my opponent!!"

    Feng Yu Chen's body instantly disappeared in the spot, appeared in front of Tabitha, flew out her wand in her hand, and locked her double-handed with her style.

    "Tell me, what happened, you should not be such a person, I will help you, why don't you trust your friends?"

    "Just kill me……"

    Tabitha, who is almost desperate, has closed his eyes. Maybe it will be liberated if he dies. Anyway, she betrayed Feng Yu Chen. It is not necessarily a happy thing to use his life to make a sin to him. Instead of struggling in this world, It is better to be free than to die.

    A glimpse of tears flowing from Tabitha's eye Kakuzu, what choice does she have?

    "idiot, you are also me, this tear is your crying, why is it so stubborn? Why can you rely on me when you are not speaking, what makes you so silent, your despair is saved by me… ”

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and wiped Tabitha's tears, tears of despair.

    "I'm afraid!"

    Tabitha whispered, "kill me…VeterinaryCareSylphid ……"

    "What a joke!!"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but say, "Sylphid knows that after I kill you, will she still be with me, why can she attack me for you? You are her most important person…"

    "Being more desperate than death, can you please kill me?" I don't want to be Joseph's jealousy again…"

    Tabitha bit her lip and said, how much she wants to have a world that she can breathe freely, but her wish is also destroyed by reality.

    "Yes, then I will give you the meaning of being alive. This holy lake has a power…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, the body slammed into Tabitha's body and joined her…


    Tabitha suddenly opened his eyes, his body trembled, and a hint of bright red spread in the lake –

    "No, it hurts…"

    "What is the pain? Do you still know the pain? When you attacked me, is it not painful for my friend? This holy lake has the ability to let the combined men and women give birth to life. If you are really desperate, then I will give you a reason to live. You are not alone."

    Feng Yu Chen didn't have any gentle rhythm, it violently hit Tabitha's body, or vented his own individual desires, or wanted to return Tabitha's pain to himself.

    "Lighter…going to die……"

    Tabitha's fair little hand gripped Feng Yu Chen's back, and the body was torn apart, though the first impact was accompanied by a soul tingling, which slowed the pain, but Feng Yu Chen's rhythm was too fast, Her body could not resist the eruption of a shameful liquid, the petite girl body with a faint pink halo.


    Luke Shana looks at all this, can't help but stagnate, how can this be, how can humans carry out the sacred ritual with the ancestor of Spirit in one place?

    This is simply unreasonable.

    But the violent impact of the look at Feng Yu Chen, Luke Shana can not help but feel a little soft, fantasizing that Feng Yu Chen can do the same for her, gradually, Lu Ke approached Feng Yu Chen and Tabitha, leaned down The body touched Feng Yu Chen's body.


    With a soft sing and a gasp, Feng Yu Chen hugged the other person's breath with Tabitha and Luca Shana.

    Tabitha and Lucy Shana lie in the arms of Feng Yu Chen's, and the two people's lower abdomen exudes a faint glory, which is a sign of life.


    Feng Yu Chen felt that he couldn't feel well all over the body. He didn't think that Luke Shana was so bold, and he was very happy with Tabitha. This rare situation of defending two girls made him very excited, double- Handed stroking the body of Tabitha and Luca Shana, touching the sensitive areas of their bodies.

    "No, my ancestor, you can't do it…"Lucy Shana couldn't help but ask for it.

    Tabitha is also a confused look, can not find the North, lost in this lake of desire, but she only knows that she already has Feng Yu Chen's child, of course, is her child, the heart seems to be more What is the general, suddenly want to struggle again.

    "Tabitha, you also have a little life that will accompany you forever, let's work together, knock down Joseph, I can, I have such a Strength, I will help you…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Tabitha, who is ruddy with a small face, although most of them are out of primitive desires, but this also allows Tabitha to spur some courage to live.

    "Jose husband kidnapped my mother and sister, threatening me to let them serve her if they didn't kill you, save them, I don't want them to be defiled by that badard!"

    Tabitha said this slowly.

    "Really?" Let's go straight to Gallia after we go out of the Spirit country. Can you go with me now? ”Feng Yu Chen's eyes flashed a chilly glow, everything pointed to Jose, Albion, Wales, Tabitha, etc. all from his body…

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