1421. Chapter 1421 whispers

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    After two days of rest, Feng Yu Chen has fully recovered, and the double healing qualities of Saint Mark and Holy Dragon are simply not comparable to those of ordinary people.

    The serious injury of sudden death recovered within two or three days, which is a miracle.

    But this is already a common occurrence for Feng Yu Chen.

    "It’s amazing, Mr. Gandálfr…”

    Feng Yu Chen, who has recovered from Tiffania looks at Tiffany.

    "Well, I have been able to adapt to normal activities…"Feng Yu Chen should have a look, look at the little guy who is training, said, "They have practiced the same, my Sword Technique guidance is not bad, the first time to guide this how to practice Sword Technique, won't you make fun of it?"

    Tiffania looks at the orphans who are practicing Sword Technique. Feng Yu Chen casually applied a few Sword Techniques after restoring the Physical Strength, so that these little guys are hooked, and then squatting one by one. Learning Sword Technique, Feng Yu Chen actually taught them.

    "Trouble you, Mr. Gandálfr."Tiffany Tiffania said with some embarrassment, it seems that it is because I feel that Feng Yu Chen is accompanying her to take care of these children.

    "Well……Well, have you saved me? ”

    Feng Yu Chen said, then looked at the forest in the distance, it is time to leave, just –

    "Tiffany Tiffania, are you going with me? These orphans, I will let the Honourable Henrietta's Highness, and they will be included in the reserve of the kingdom. The members of the Royal Guides of the Queen Henrietta are also orphans, even civilians, nobles and civilians. In her eyes, it is the same."

    "I …

    Tiffania has some hesitation, she also knows that as these children grow up, she will gradually lose the ability to raise them. After all, daily expenses and so on are all things to pay attention to…

    More importantly, is her Spirit really able to live in the human world? It must be known that the humans on the Halkenia continent are the followers of the original ancestor Bolimir, and their dislike of Spirit is very big… …


    Feng Yu Chen looks at the Tiffania hesitated expression, said: "Well, I probably understand, you are a pure spirit maiden, living in this natural free forest is also a kind of happiness, these children I will help you take out, take care of them, I take my hands of f Amiliars engraving ' Gandálfr ' as an oath, will be good to their, so it can be, pedicle law Tiffania? ”

    "Mm."Can I consider one night? ”

    Tiffania Tiffania hesitated and said that she has her own mission. Although it is not clear what is the case, sometimes her mind will appear from time to time, Gandálfr, Vindálfr, Mjöðvitnir, the three Familiars, he is Clear, and the only thing that is unclear is the last one that is inexplicable –

    The song she taught the children was inadvertently in her mind, and she believed that the encounter with Gandálfr is also a kind of fate of the traction, what the future will be, as the human and spirit of the mixed, she got inexplicable revelation, can be said to herald the future of the Fragment bar, The encounter with Gandálfr's has long been in her mind.

    The Strength of Prophecy.

    Guiding her.

    She may be able to guide the day when the Terran and Spirit families are truly understanding each other.



    The next day, Feng Yu Chen wore his jacket. After washing, he found that Tiffania, who had already dressed, stood beside him, but with a big hat on his head, this hat would be her Spirit. The ear is blocked.

    "Think about it, then let's go on the road…"

    Feng Yu Chen wiped the water stains on his face, then pulled Tiffania's hand out of the door.


    "Teacher, are we going to the capital of Albion?"

    "I want to see what it looks like in the city…"

    "Can I buy a sword…"

    "I want to learn magic…"

    "I want to be a Dragon Knight…"


    An orphan was also prepared, carrying a small parcel, and Feng Yu Chen was used as a teacher after guiding their sword skills.

    "Well, we are going to the capital of Albion. When I get there, I will recommend everyone to the Queen's Guards…"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.

    "Oh, great…"



    Out of the forest, Feng Yu Chen became the sacred Colossal Dragon, and even surprised Tiffania and others, carrying Tiffany Tiffania. After they flew, Feng Yu Chen rushed to Royal Castle, his heart was like an arrow. Want to penetrate everything, Louise and Henrietta must have cried, sure to be sad?


    This time, Albion's Royal Castle is undergoing a wedding, a wedding hosted by Queen Henrietta and the Duchess of Vallière.

    The bride is Louise, and the groom is The Golden Sword of Certain Victory Caliburn, which honors Feng Yu Chen.

    "Now I will prove this wedding as the Queen of Tristain, the bride Louise * Francis * Brown * Du La Vallière, whether you are willing to be the wife of His Royal Highness Feng Yu Chen's, even if he has died to protect the kingdom Still willing to be loyal?"

    I am willing

    Louise said firmly and nodded.

    "Then the groom, Tristain and Albion ancestors, His Royal Highness, Feng Yu Chen, are you willing to accept Louise as your wife?"Henrietta looked at The Golden Sword of Certain Victory, although there is no way to answer the sword, but the necessary procedures for the ceremony still have to go.


    I am willing

    It was at this time that a man wearing a Gold armor came in from the door of the main hall, and the blush and Azure were different in appearance.


    Suddenly everyone could not help but be shocked, all the knights and nobles, all knees and knees –

    "His Royal Highness!"

    "Bearing the glory and living, bearing the death, my heart is like my sword, I will not bend, I will bring glory to this era, bearing the reputation of the end, it was originally determined, but unfortunately, I am also concerned, I already have A lover, so the first ancestor Bolimir, came to the miracle, let me rise again – I returned."

    Feng Yu Chen slowly walked up to the center of the palace, stood beside Louise, took her little hand, then pulled her into her arms and kissed her…


    At this moment, Henrietta suddenly burst into the tears of joy, excitedly said: "Under the testimony of the first ancestor Bilibier, acknowledging the wedding, Louise * Francis will become the wife of His Royal Highness, the first king will become her husband, This, vowed to…"Want to know more about Unlimited Anime? Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign at the top right, select Add a friend to add a public number, search for "Qidianzhongwenwang", follow the public number, and never miss each update! )

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