1419. Chapter 1419 Country of Fairy

    [Thanks to the big love デート? A ライブ, 书友150320001705146, the second yuan Dafa is good, who is Nosh, the king is hypocritical, the house is based on the land, sly, lonely? boy The reward for children's shoes, the first one to send today, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket reward]

    I don’t know when it started, and Feng Yu Chen, who began to return to consciousness, opened his eyes and the scene in front of him gradually became clear and blurred. The glare of the light made him somewhat confused. What is this?


    Gradually Feng Yu Chen recalled that he and Albion the entire Dragon Knight army to fight for nearly a night, the body of energy constantly depleted, the injury is unusually serious, pain from all sides of the body, abdomen, thighs, arms, calves and neck everywhere Are scarred, it almost covered the whole body of serious injuries, but the power of Saint Mark body, estimated long ago–

    Now with the recovery of Saint Mark Energy, the body's injury has gradually turned better, but the position is too heavy, so there are still some wounds that have not healed. After all, some organ damage can not be considered by Saint Mark. Need to be repaired slowly.

    After struggling to sit up, Feng Yu Chen found himself in a small house. It didn't seem to be Henrietta. They found him, maybe they were rescued by a good person.

    But here should be the boundary of Albion. Most people in Albion should know him. How can they save him? Who is saving him?

    "Gandálfr, are you awake? You can't move now, although your body recovers from Speed ​​very fast, but the cure is only trauma, the internal injury should be recuperated…"

    But for a long time, with the screaming, the door of the house was opened. First of all, it was a beautiful noise that was clear and clear, and then passed through the place where the light filled, a blond hair like a flowing river. The girl appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Asuna ……"

    The dazzling feeling is like Feng Yu Chen's feeling of being awakened by Asuna in the world of Sword Art Online, which deeply remembers swimming in the mind…

    "Asuna ?"

    The girl shook her head and said, "Sorry, I am not Asuna you know, I am Tiffania…"


    Feng Yu Chen covered his chest, the pain from the inside of the viscera let him clench the teeth, the surface of the pain although recently restored, but the inside is still slowly returning, the pain makes Feng Yu Chen's consciousness clear a bit, It was only when the hair of the maiden in front of him was found to be the undulating splendor of the golden sandy beaches, and the Asuna of the golden hair, which tended to be chestnut, was the same, but–

    The girl in front of me is also a very beautiful girl.

    The girl's body is also very slender, it is like a body carved through the hands of God, a huge chest contrasted with her slender waist and body slenderness, holding up the thin pajamas pajamas… …

    "Hello, Tiffania, thank you for saving me…"Feng Yu Chen tried to make a smile, and she shouldn't be a bad guy.

    Thank you!

    Tiffany Tiffania couldn't help but be ashamed of this channel, and some nervously said: "Are you not afraid of me?"

    "Fear, you just make me feel the thrilling beauty, your beauty is like the golden starry sea, shining and charming, let alone my savior, thank you very much, how can you be afraid of you, beautiful Ms?"

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but feel a bit confused.

    "Actually, I am a Spirit family, although it is a mixed blood…"

    Tifa Tiffania said.

    "Spirit, what a beautiful race…I am also Ice Spirit…"

    Feng Yu Chen Only noticed the pair of pointed ears in Tiffania's blond hair gap. In the ALO world, the players are all fairies…

    "Mm."It makes senseYou are also Ice Fairy, but you are a natural Spirit, different from us, and our identity is more noble than us…"Tiffania gradually has no doubts. Gandálfr is a magical person. He has humans, ancient dragons, Ice Fairy and these bloodlines. It is a legend.

    "Maybe we are a match race, I am also a mixed race, with humans and Ice Fairy, am I not the same as you?" So don't worry too much, you should be more relaxed…"Feng Yu Chen doesn't know how the girl in front of her is treated, but in this world, the grievances of the Terran and Spirit people have nothing to do with her.

    "Mm."Maybe we are the same class…"Tiffania, who thought about it this way, couldn’t help but feel the warmth of Feng Yu Chen's.


    Albion Palace.

    It is now the affiliated royal palace of Tristain. The disappearance of Sheffield, the headless Albion, and the integration of Tristain's rule Albion and Tristain become a country.

    The victory brought to Tristain not only the increase in the land population, but also the wealth and fame. Last night’s World War I began to spread throughout the territory of Halkenia, and Tristain made Henrietta the queen’s ascension. stand up.

    Just that…

    "His Royal Highness, the entire Albion has searched for three days and three nights, and can't find His Royal Highness…Trace…Maybe already…"Masalini said on the ground, he knew that the words of Henrietta were undoubtedly heavy, but it was time to wake her up.

    "Yes, Lord Cardinal, stop searching, let me calm down…"

    Standing in front of a huge window overlooking the entire Albion's Henrietta, his eyes have shed a string of pearl-like tears.

    "Chen retire…Please ask the Queen to kneel down and change…"

    Masalini slowly retired.

    Then this time Louise came in, kneel on one knee on the ground, biting his teeth and said: "His Royal Highness, please…Please search carefully, I…I can be alone, he won't die…"

    "Louise…Louise * Francis…We can cry now, don't have to endure, we are the same…Mood

    The crying Henrietta turned and hugged Louise's body tightly –

    PrincessHer Royal Highness…"

    Louise's eyes were already in tears, but she didn't think that Henrietta would be so sad, as if she had heard the death of Prince Wales before, is it…

    "Louise…He is also my lover…His Royal Highness, he is also my lover…"Henrietta no longer wants to hide it…

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