1416. Chapter 1416, Glory, My Sword: Backwaters

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    Wind and power, electric light stone fire, such as the gang.

    Feng Yu Chen, who became the sacred Colossal Dragon, marched in the sky with a very fast Speed. The coalition warehouses of Tristain and Germania were burned down. The consequences can completely destroy the military. After all, there is no food. It will not survive, and the number of people is human after all, with strong weaknesses.

    Food, this point, Feng Yu Chen is also negligent, and clearly arranged the guardian, but did not expect Tabitha to betrayed, lit the warehouse, this is a fatal blow.

    However, Feng Yu Chen can be defeated without failure. Just tomorrow, the transportation team will arrive at the port of Albion in advance. The transportation is Agnès. I can trust her. Her loyalty to Henrietta is absolute. With her, she will definitely speed up the road.

    Everything is not in the most crisisful moment. As long as we can hold the position this evening, we can fight back in the Jedi tomorrow. There is no such thing as thank you for the manipulation of Field. Albion’s army should surrender immediately.


    Henrietta and Louise looks at the raging fire, far from feeling the heat of persecution.

    "His Royal Highness, the soldiers guarding the warehouse suddenly lit the warehouse with torches, and then the soldiers of Germania suddenly rebelled and fought with our soldiers. Albion's Flying Dragon troops were also rapidly rising."

    Guiche slammed his face and said, "On the knees, he said, "If you want to retreat, if you don't retreat, the casualties will be even worse…"

    "This battle is to use most of the funds in the national treasury, if it fails…"

    Masalini sighed and said, "The rest of the money is enough for us to start a battle. If this battle with Albion fails…"

    How come?

    Louise and Guiche couldn't help but be surprised at the same time. They didn't think that the battle actually used so much money from the national treasury.

    "The Queen has been a benevolent government, so he has given a lot of aid to the refugees in the Tristain, the Treasury has not had much savings, it is now waging war, warships and equipment and food and so on are money, and no powerful nation can afford a war, a battle between nations, Not only the military contest is also the national strength above the contest, moreover we tristain compared to Germania and Gallia is only a small kingdom … "

    Masalini looks sad, if the war is defeated, the domestic aristocrats will be ready to move?

    In particular, the father of Louise Miss's father, Vallière, was also an aristocrat who opposed the war at the beginning, which gave excuses for those nobles to trouble.

    We provide comprehensive supportCan't afford to lose, so we won't lose @! ! ! ”

    Henrietta's heart was gradually firming up. She was not the innocent princess, but a queen, so she must have the Queen's temperament. Victory and defeat are the common events of the military. Now is not the end –

    "Louise, Louise * Francis, trouble you to sing Void's magic again to destroy Albion's Flying Dragon troops, I will lead the knights to fight on the ground!"


    Guiche snorted, then sighed and his face became firm. "Her Queen, I will call the Water Spirit Knights, and Tristain will win!"

    "Yes, Tristain will win!!!"

    At this time, there was a roar of noise in the sky. The dragon of Feng Yu Chen became a sucker, sucking the flame of the burning granary into his mouth, and then swelled twice. Then, A strong sound of dragons ran through the heavens and the blushing rays of the flames suddenly shot down an Albion Dragon Knight flying in the sky –

    "Tristain soldiers, listen, our wise Queen Henrietta has already thought that something will happen now, so Agnès Captain is ordered in advance for replenishment and transportation, and will arrive at the port city after dawn.

    We have not failed, noble Tristain knights, have you forgotten the glory of the knight? Have you forgotten the glory of the nobility?

    The heroic Queen Henrietta has been draped in the armor, armed with the sword of the king, and led by The Golden Sword of Certain Victory.

    As first king, I will guard you, the Battle of the Sky to me, the battle of the ground will be given to you, if you fear, then run away, but please leave your aristocratic seal, if you die bravely here, then your family will be hereditary aristocracy (hereditary aristocracy, representing the highest class of aristocrats, After death, the title of the aristocracy will be inherited by future generations, as long as the country exists, the title will always exist)! ~! ”


    One of the panicked Tristain soldiers, all looking at the dazzling golden look of the sky, that is their first king, His Royal Highness, who is guarding them, must be defeated, they also the Queen of the Queen…

    Henrietta suddenly stepped onto the horse, and the Golden Sword of Certain Victory in his hand lifted up as if it were resonant. The Golden Sword of Certain Victory exudes a heavenly Gold beam.

    "My knights, My people, Glory is my sword, proud and born, with a reputation and death, the heart as My sword, unbending, this is the great first king of the world, the last time we Mecca by, this time we can win the same, all the heroic fighting knights, to my center, the rapid formation of the squad, this battle will be a must!! ”

    "It must win! Win! Win! ”

    With the sultry and high-pitched voice of Henrietta, the knights gradually began to gather around her.

    Fighting depends not only on powerful weapons and equipment, but also on logistics supply. What is more needed is courage and morale. It is not necessarily a perfect breakthrough.

    "Take me in the past…"

    Louise also jumped on the back of a Flying Dragon, letting the dragon cavalry carry himself in the direction of Feng Yu Chen's. Really, the Familiars actually grabbed the limelight of her master.

    "Louise…Do not pass! "

    Henrietta stopped the action of the dragon cavalry and said, "The first part of the temple is the entire Albion's dragon cavalry. Also part of the Magician troops, you can't pass, it's too dangerous!"


    Masalini understood that the first king of the king was desperately guarding the entire Tristain. One person took on the attack of the entire dragon cavalry regiment, and basically embraced the mortal consciousness!

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