1409. Chapter 1409 Royal Family Forbidden Love

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    [PS: Power failure today, e-commerce really has to be disgusting, SO, uploading is late, QAQ, but today insist on six more, in the Internet cafes 喵 word]

    Early in the morning, Queen Marianne got up early, then slowly came to the palace where Henrietta was, and visited her. Although she was already a queen, she was still her own daughter, a child, and she was heavily burdened with her. The body, this is really too embarrassing for her.

    After watching Queen Marianne at the gate, Agnès suddenly squatted on one knee and said, "My Majesty the Queen, Good Morning…"

    "Well, guarding the night, you are tired, go back to rest…"Marianne nodded and said that Agnès would not use magic, the nobles who were promoted from the civilians, but they were loyal knights, trustworthy people, and each generation of kings would be replaced by a group of lords. Agnès was chosen by Henrietta. One of the ministers who came out.

    "Yes, His Royal Highness, his subordinates retire…"

    Agnès responded with a sigh of relief and slowly retreated. It seems that today the Queen's Temple will wake up the Queen's Highness.


    After entering the room, Marianne saw two white bodies fluttering together, the light shining on the bodies of two people, and a little red, how she saw her understand…


    In an instant, Marianne closed the door and locked the door with magic. He couldn't let the outsiders discover the things here, or it would be the Tristain royal family…Scandal

    The first king and the current queen actually had a real relationship. Although there were a lot of generations, this was simply not able to be promoted. She now regrets that Feng Yu Chen has entered the palace, and a pair of lonely men and women are separated. Living in a wall, nothing happens without accident.

    Marianne didn't think that Henrietta had a special feeling for the first king. It was understandable to think about it. Even her, because of the male in the royal family, settled down, not to mention the young girl like Henrietta. Nature is even more embarrassing.


    Henrietta heard the sound, smashed together, climbed out of Feng Yu Chen's arms, but found that her mother stood at the door and looked at them. She was still confused at first, but now she feels that someone is around. ——

    How come?Yesterday evening

    For a time, Henrietta's slender little handcuffs were on his mouth, even…unexpextedlyShe and the First King have actually had a real relationship!!

    Marianne looks at the glass on the ground, suddenly sighed and said: "Henrietta, are you drinking again?"


    Henrietta looks at the two rolling wine glasses on the ground, suddenly bitter place coupons, through the intoxication of alcohol, she boldly responded to Feng Yu Chen's, the memory of last night gradually poured into her mind, really…really……tera

    "His Royal Highness?"

    Feng Yu Chen felt the shock of Henrietta, and sat up. She had a real relationship with Henrietta last night by alcohol and impulsiveness. Now I want to come, really impulsive, just happened on the first day of moving into the palace. This kind of thing, if rumors go out, Tristain's royal family will certainly be laughed at.

    "His Royal Highness…Henrietta ……You must get up first and try to make a situation where nothing has happened. Only three of us know that you are too impulsive…"Marianne double-handed, according to her own temple, has a state of wanting to faint, but she is still tolerant –

    "One of you is the Queen of the present, one is the First King, the Regent King Assistant…Since this kind of thing has already happened, I have no way to stop it, just…You have to be careful in the future, you can't let outsiders know about this…This is the end of the matter, there is no turning back, try to hide it…"

    Marianne felt that this Tristain royal room was really –

    If Henrietta has the flesh and blood of the first king, it is an orthodox heir to the Tristain Palace. At least, there is no need to worry about the breakup of the royal inheritance. At this time, it is only possible to save the situation.

    After that, Marianne sighed and went out.


    Feng Yu Chen and Henrietta looked at each other with a smile, and all the things happened last night, but was it really an accident?

    "Henrietta ……"

    "His Royal Highness…"


    "Well, we should handle the state affairs, I think you are too beautiful, so I…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Henrietta's beautiful body, gradually throwing away everything, simply kissing Henrietta's rosy lips…


    Henrietta by Feng Yu Chen's caress gradually intoxicated, she likes the feeling of being hugged, at least not alone, is not it, even if the taboo of love than the royal palace is much better, not to mention she is like kings, in the Lagdorian Lake, the night, he made the oath, Let her shake, may be able to Prince Wales swear to love other men also because the heart has Feng Yu Chen's shadow it?

    With the demise of Wales, His Royal Highness occupied Henrietta's heart. She didn't know if she was too ruthless. After Prince Wales had just left, she had this relationship with Her Royal Highness, but she just wanted to find a way to snuggle. Husband, is she wrong?

    She is too lonely, she needs someone to accompany me.


    NoNo, there will be a guardian who will take care of the bedroom immediately, and come back at night…"

    Henrietta held down Feng Yu Chen's undulating body and said with a flushed face. Although she was obsessed with the lingering taste of her first love, she would have been discovered if she continued.

    "Well, from today, you are my woman, your beauty makes me stagnate and think…"

    Feng Yu Chen sat up, started to wear clothes, and really got up, really found out, they could not be together.

    "Please don't tell Louise, is this a secret between us?"

    Henrietta also began to wear clothes.

    "One day she will know…"

    "I understand, but I don't want her to be too sad…"

    "Well, I will keep it secret. When you want to get courage, tell Louise, but I believe she will understand, are you not good friends?"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded. He didn't want to hide Louise. After all, they have established a relationship of love.

    "This kind of thing, even the sisters will have a dispute…"Henrietta said with a sigh, the mother had this good, just Louise…

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