1291. Chapter 1291 Silver and Reiji Maigo

    [Thanks to Charlotchet Heatherink, the empty tree, the king's silver children's shoes, but also a monthly ticket plus more, everyone is working hard, today the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, Reward

    Dark' was called 'Snake of the Festival' by the 'fitted rider' Khamsin, but was overthrown by Alastor.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen made it even more certain that his cooperation with Bal Masqué was either swallowed up by him or he swallowed it. 'Snake of the Festival' has the same origin as Dark's and wants to get each other. The origin of Strength, so only cooperated.

    johnGive me John too! ~”

    Pheles clinging to Feng Yu Chen's clothes is a request for pleading. She understands that even if the body has arrived at this place, it will not help. Feng Yu Chen's might not be strong enough, let alone Reiji Maigo in the hands of Dark' With the same origin as the God of Creation 'Snake of the Festival', isn't it definitely an opponent that you can beat?

    "Reiji Maigo this King also used, will not give back to …|”

    Dark' said indifferently.

    How come?

    Pheles is powerless on the ground…

    Wilhelmina couldn't bear to look at friends like this, looks at Feng Yu Chen, pleadingly said: "Lancer, 'Reiji Maigo' you can, but Pheles's lover John is still imprisoned inside, let him out…"

    Feng Yu Chen frowns, is there still a prisoner in Reiji Maigo?

    Dark' coldly snorted and said: "There is a man inside, but it is impossible to want to resurrect…"

    johnPheles suddenly burst into tears and cried.

    "Dark', is there any other way?"Feng Yu Chen is also somewhat unbearable. What he needs is Reiji Maigo. There is nothing wrong with it, but the look at a pair of lovers is so dead and dead.

    “There is a way to use Unrestricted Spell to let him project, but only one day, understand? Use your body to project…"

    Said Dark'.


    Shana suddenly refused, let Feng Yu Chen become John's look and Pheles together, isn't it still used Feng Yu Chen's body, although the consciousness is John's, but is Feng Yu Chen?

    “Do you mean 'non-dominant' Power of Existence coverage?”

    Feng Yu Chen seems to understand what the dark said, but he and Shana think the same, then that is still him, just replace consciousness with John.

    1 DayOne day can be…"Pheles suddenly ignited a glimmer of hope.

    "So use my entity avatar, can you, Dark'?"

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed hand seal , Power of Existence From his body, a person like him appeared.


    Dark' is confident.

    Shana is also relieved, and if it is avatar, she can still accept it.

    "However, you should note that the words of Avatar, in conjunction with the more powerful, once returned to the ontology, may all the memory and other things will be integrated into your consciousness, although it is still you who dominate everything, but in the face of ' John ' acquaintance, you will inadvertently make some of his movements, his character will affect you, I think or directly in the ' ontology ' on the resurrection of good, after all, so John's strength used up, it can not leave you any influence. ”Dark' reminded.

    "That can't use the body!"Shana said stubbornly.

    "So use avatar, okay…"Pheles said that she also has an idea. If John's existence disappears, then everything is impossible. If it is attached to Feng Yu Chen's consciousness, then there will be a possibility of recovery.


    "Then it's my turn, Lancer is, tell me about 'silver'…"Margery * said.

    "Okay, then I will tell you the truth. First of all, don't be excited. Please look at one thing…"

    Feng Yu Chen unfolds Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression) ——

    Forbidden Law Article 1 –

    The world has no power to leak.

    Block the reconnaissance of any Power of Existence from Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression).

    Dark' nodded to Feng Yu Chen, a silver armor emerged from his body, surrounded by a silver flame…

    "Ah ha ha……'silver I finally found you…"

    Seeing the split second from the silver armor, Margery * is like a madman.

    "I understand that you will be like this! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen's moment stretched out the power of Frost, completely freezing Margery's body, leaving only the position of the skull –

    "This guy who looks like armor is not 'Crimson Denizen'. It is the kind of emotions collected from human beings that are obtained after the modernization. It is the reflection of all kinds of strong feelings that have emerged in various Kakuzus in the world, that is, the mirror of the heart that people often say in their mouths… …

    These countless pieces that are grouped together are the necessary parts that make up their personal personality, this armor –

    It is only a phenomenon that appears in the human side with strong feelings, and instead fulfills the desires and desires of the emotional collection object, in order to copy the existence style of the emotion, so that it is only an Item.

    Your agent is the object that you hate in your heart. The ridicule you see is the true feeling hidden in your heart. In other words, silver is – you! ”

    How come?It's me? Ah, ah, ah, oh…"

    Margery suddenly became like a madman, but she probably knew this possibility long ago. After all, silver didn't kill her, but —

    "Margery Miss, calm down!"Wilhelmina said suddenly.


    Feng Yu Chen hit it directly, which is the easiest way.

    "Black and White Forbidden Law', this silver is not that simple, should it be a simulation of what exists?"Alastor said sharply.

    “It’s the 'heavenly punishment god' Flame of Heaven Alastor in Crimson Realm. The producer of 'silver' is 'Seeking Researcher' Dantalion, and the purpose is to create the Snake of the Festival and inject the consciousness of Snake of the Festival. This is the body for which to prepare, and 'Reiji Maigo' is the heart of this body, do you understand?"

    Feng Yu Chen honestly said that there is no hidden meaning, even if they know it.

    "Oh, so this King wants to swallow silver and Reiji Maigo, swallowing Snake of the Festival, my strength can grow stronger!"

    Darkly re-introduced silver into the body.

    "It turns out that two years ago, the Demon God Hall had sneaked a Bal Masqué and ended up with no wins. It seems that you learned this secret at that time…"

    Wilhelmina said awkwardly.

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