1276. Chapter 1276 Gravity Control Unrestricted Spell

    [Thanks to Xia Kate Heatherink, Heaven and Earth, King Star Silver, Long Xiang @华夏, Book Friends 150302183643533 children's shoes, but also 12 tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today is the first to send , for subscription, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, reward]

    At Feng Yu Chen 'Broken Blade' Sabrac, Friagne took out a rattle and every time there was a group of torches rising to the sky.

    "Shana, you go to stop him, what you said, after the battle here, we will leave together…"

    Feng Yu Chen said.

    Yes, I know

    Shana body ignited a bit of Guren's fire-like powder, and that's right.


    Feng Yu Chen turned his attention to the body of Destructive Blade Sabrac and said, "I guess your body should not be what it is now. My Forbidden Law is absolute. Your body has two possibilities. One is the body in the barrier. In addition, the two physical bodies may be beyond the scope of the barrier. As for which one, now is the time to verify –

    Today, the entire city of Osaki is shrouded in Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression), and my Forbidden Law extends to the entire city of Osaki. Even the powerful Unrestricted Spell can't manipulate avatar outside the barrier. Still so powerful avatar! ”

    "Then you will check it out…"

    The ground under the foot of the 'Blade Blade' Sabrac bursts into a strong purplish-red flame, and the tip of the sword is littering up and shining.

    Unrestricted Spell – Flame Rage!

    A flame like a violent tide surged into a hovering and the fire snake rushed to Feng Yu Chen, which was filled with shining blades…

    Feng Yu Chen Indifferent in the air, the behind's flame wings keep shaking, and a black and white flame sword is fired from his wings, like the black and white flames of the sky swirling to the flame of fire!


    Two strong energies collided together, exploding with a devastating impact, and even the two places where Shana and Friagne were fighting were affected.

    Powerful, unprecedented powerful confrontation.

    It seems to reproduce the chaotic age, as if the Flame Haze teamed up to deal with the Töten Glocke scene led by Weaver of Coffins.

    "Haha, it’s really powerful. It seems that you have kept your hand before!"Sabrac instantly appeared in Feng Yu Chen's behind, killing and smashing, while the avatars leaped one after another and rushed from all directions.

    "Humble existence, fear of my majesty!"

    Feng Yu Chen stretches out in the palm of his hand, usually with a strong repulsive force based on Unrestricted Spell.

    Unrestricted Spell *Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push) !

    "Hong!" ~

    Strongly, Strength repels everything around it, and the avatars of Sabrac have been hit into the distance. The powerful repulsive force has destroyed the surrounding buildings, trees, trademarks and so on.

    Blending the principle of "gravitational control" into the strength of unrestricted Spell, the omnipotent power of existence, is able to do all this, and while power is limited, the gravitational grip developed in Magic Index is still But it can be used, this is not a world rule limit, can not bring out the world's strength, but the development of the brain and body to obtain the strength.

    This kind of Strength is also unable to seal the system. The reason why this kind of Strength has not been used is not necessary. Secondly, it is necessary to learn to use Unrestricted Spell in this world. Only the strong one that can fit any world law will be Become strong.

    "Cough, it's really awesome. This kind of exclusion of Unrestricted Spell is really arrogant, but do you think you have avoided my attack?"Sabrac showed a confident smile, and there was a bloody flower on his blade. It was not his own blood!

    "Yes, it's a 'bad blade' Sabrac from the assassin, but do you think you are still safe?"Feng Yu Chen holds a flame of purplish-red flame in his hand and crushes it with his brain…

    As a result, Sabrac's body collapsed.

    However, Feng Yu Chen knew that this was also an avatar, looks at the ever-expanding wound on his arm, and he came up with an amazing fact –

    The body that Sabrac has is a huge giant like a town! !

    At this moment, a rush of purplish-red flame rushed to form Sabrac's body, but at this time there was a linear freedom in his hand, and the end of the linear Unrestricted Spell was connected with Feng Yu. Chen's wounds –

    – Unlucky Immunity! !

    It seems clear that the next danger is that Feng Yu Chen took out the power of Blood Code Unknown's Bloodline, the body's wound disappeared, and the linear hand Unrestricted Spell naturally collapsed.

    "It's amazing, even my confident True Saint Mark can be erased. This is the first time that someone has erased this ability. Your Strength is really beyond my imagination…"Sabrac can't help but frown up –

    "True Saint Mark" is an enhanced version of unrestricted Spell "Saint Mark", on the basis of Saint Mark, with only a strengthened unrestricted Spell for the inability of the wound to heal, but as long as the enemy If a person is injured, it is a matter of course that the enemy will have physical strength consumption of unrestricted Spell (anti-"Saint Mark" unrestricted Spell is ineffective against the unrestricted Spell), And the wound that is injured by the unrestricted Spell will appear a linear self-contained, when the self-attack or interruption, the injured person's wound, will be more serious damage.

    Although someone has researched Unrestricted Spell against [Saint Mark], it has no effect when facing [True Saint Mark]. This is his most proud Unrestricted Spell, which is still erased by Feng Yu Chen. Unrestricted Spell?

    "Yes, your unrestricted Spell although good, but I am not the original I (did not get gift Code Unknown bloodline), now I, any curse and so on all strength can not let me die, even if it is Shinigam I let me die is also impossible (indeed, shinigami can not go beyond the gift quite unknown strength), so your little trick is good, but no matter, today will eat you up, feed my belial! ~~”|

    Feng Yu Chen said that the right hand gathered a strong energy, an aurora glittering in the dark red Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression) space, shining all the existing faces, the powerful Strength attracted all the battles People's eyes!


    Sabrac's gradually became a little scared. Apparently, Feng Yu Chen has captured his body truth, and now it is to attack, what to do, give up Quest retreat? This is really too detrimental to his 'bad blade' Sabrac's fame, but if you don't go now, you really get into this attack…

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