1272. Chapter 1272 White Feelings – People's Day (Part 1)

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    In order to understand the interpretation of 'Kiss' more deeply, Shana looked up in the library.

    At this time, a girl with a short brown hair on the side of the white ribbon holding a book looks at Shana, who is reading the big dictionary carefully, can't help but say hello–

    “Is there a place where Shana sauce doesn’t understand?”

    "you are?"

    Shana immediately closed the book and looked at the girl who seemed to be the same student in front of her.


    The girl with short brown hair couldn’t help but take a step back and said, “I am…Yoshida ……Yoshida Kazumi ……"

    "Oh, is there something?"Shana asked, the momentum does not seem to be saying hello, but is leaning on a person.

    Haven'tNoneYoshida Kazumi shook his head and said with a sigh.


    Shana looks at Yoshida Kazumi and can't help but ask: "Do you know the meaning of the kiss representative?"


    Yoshida Kazumi sat across from Shana and looked around in a panic, then whispered, "Shana sauce, can't say this loudly…"


    Shana couldn't help but ask, "Do you know?"

    "Well, probably the meaning is clear. The kiss is to kiss the cheeks and mouth to mouth. Generally, European and American countries kiss cheeks as a friendly manner to meet, but the kisses on the mouth are not the same?"Yoshida Kazumi whispered blushing.

    "How is it different? What does it mean?"Shana eagerly asked, this is exactly what she was looking for.

    "Only things that very, very close boyfriends and friends can do, kisses also represent the conclusion of an oath and a contract, a proof that two people will never be together forever…"Yoshida Kazumi said.

    "Oath and contract…Always stay together and never give up…"

    Shana whispered, but the face soon became a blush, although it was, but kissed Feng Yu Chen, too…tera

    “Do you have someone you like in Shana Sauce?”Asked Yoshida Kazumi.


    Shana thought of Feng Yu Chen's and said, "In short, it’s not annoying. I want to fight with him…"

    "War fight?"

    Yoshida Kazumi is somewhat incomprehensible, but still seriously said: "There is almost like it, but even if it is, kissing should be considered carefully. First kiss is very important for girls."


    Shana nodded and closed the big dictionary. I still don't understand it, but since it is an oath and a contract, there is no problem.

    Yoshida Kazumi was actually asked by her good friend Hirai Yukari to find out what Shana was doing. Yesterday's movie theater made Hirai Yukari very concerned, so I had to ask my good friend for help.

    Look at Shana's expression, Yoshida Kazumi probably guessed that she and Ouma Shuu (Feng Yu Chen) have not done anything intimate, but it seems that this is about to begin.


    "How, Kazumi, what did you hear?"Hirai Yukari stood in the lower floor of the school building, Kakuzu, and asked his friend. ,

    "Well, don't worry, it seems that Shana sauce is still a very pure person. She didn't realize that she liked Ouma Shuu Student and didn't do anything…ButYoshida Kazumi said.

    "But what?"

    "But the Shana sauce seems to be studying kisses. It should be like that. But, with her character, it seems unlikely."Yoshida Kazumi said.


    Hirai Yukari touched her lips and felt a sense of crisis.

    "Have you asked Ouma Shuu Student's opinion? I think I still have to look at his opinions, or, confess, so that he can understand his mind…"Yoshida Kazumi said.

    "confession…ButBut I…"

    Hirai Yukari couldn't help but think of the previous battle. She couldn't help Feng Yu Chen's, and finished the Quest here. He is leaving, although he is determined to catch up with his footsteps, but he really can play that way. Strength?

    "This kind of thing, don't know how to do it, find a right time, right place, right, isn't it white Valentine's Day?"Yoshida Kazumi said.

    White Valentine's DayHirai Yukari doubts at the Yoshida Kazumi.

    "Well, when the time comes, there will be temple fairs in the evening. In the time, there will be colorful decorations in the market. Many couples have confession couples…"Said Hirai Yukari.

    "Mm."That's it, decided…"

    Hirai Yukari fights, no matter what the outcome is, she has to fight for it. Although her Strength is not as strong as Shana, she will try her best to accept Feng Yu Chen's Way of Sword.


    Today's dinner seems to have a stagnant atmosphere, and Feng Yu Chen obviously feels unusual…



    Shana and Hirai Yukari both said in unison.

    “Ha!Feng Yu Chen stunned, what are the two guys' feelings?

    "Well, Shana said first…"Hirai Yukari looks at Shana's strong eyes can't help but weaken.

    "There will be temple fairs tomorrow, go shopping together…"

    Shana said to Feng Yu Chen in a tone that she could not refuse, saying with a sigh of relief.

    "Hmph!"Good.Just to take some pictures for the image contest…"Feng Yu Chen nodded, the image contest is still going on, how do you want to win a place to register?


    Hirai Yukari looks at Shana, can't help but feel a glimpse of the crisis, is she also prepared to confess on that day?Why are you on the same day?

    "Hirai, what? whats the matter? ”Feng Yu Chen looks at Hirai Yukari.

    "I was just like Shana. I went to the temple fair right away. Isn't it good to go out and play together?"Hirai Yukari smiled and said.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded and continued to eat.

    Shana looks at Hirai Yukari, and she also feels a sense of crisis. She originally wanted to make a contract with Feng Yu Chen on that day. If Feng Yu Chen can only be good to her, she will do that with him. Then, in one night, the treasure hunters were settled in the evening, and the two left the road in the city of Tosaki to start the Flame Haze and set foot on their unique road.

    I won't admit defeat!

    Hirai Yukari is determined to look at Shana. Even if she is on the same day, she has to confirm Feng Yu Chen's opinion. Only when she says it will not regret it, or I am afraid that even the opportunity to speak out is gone. ,

    I will not lose!

    Shana used her eyes to look at Hirai Yukari.

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