1266. Chapter 1266 vsassasin's duel

    [Thanks to Charlotte Heatherink, radish, and Xiaoxiao. I will not be rewarded with the name A children's shoes. From today, I will resume the monthly ticket plus more rules. Thirty monthly tickets plus one more. There are still 24 monthly tickets plus more. Everyone is working hard. Today, the first one is sent, and the subscription is requested. Monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward

    In the case of Feng Yu Chen's launch of Forbidden Law, still being attacked by Sabrac's Unrestricted Spell, the expansion of the wound still exists, then there are two possible reasons:

    1. Forbidden Law is incorrect, not a curse attack;

    Second, Sabrac is not in the barrier.

    First Feng Yu Chen verified the first one –

    Forbidden Law Article 2 –

    There is no Unrestricted Spell in the world that cannot heal.

    What happens when I lock Forbidden Law more precisely?

    As the second Forbidden Law unfolded, Feng Yu Chen began to attack, concentrating his mind and maximizing the sense of battle. No matter what the result is, the wound can't heal. As long as it is attacked by Sabrac, isn't it perfect? ?


    Sabrac made a whisper or a mocking voice, his feet on the ground, quickly swimming between the trees, and through the shelter of the building, the error of Feng Yu Chen's line of sight –


    Feng Yu Chen gave a coldly snorted, and the body differentiated into numerous afterimages –

    Unrestricted Spell : Assassination Technique – Limb!

    The afterimages are expanded in space and gradually surround the Sabrac. This is not the ordinary Zoldyck Assassination Technique, but the Unrestricted Spell attached with Power of Existence.

    As time has passed into the world, Feng Yu Chen has become more proficient in the use of Power of Existence. Every world has its own unique rules and rules. It is necessary to follow certain rules.

    If it is the ordinary Assassination Technique, it will definitely be seen?

    After all, afterimage does not have Power of Existence. For Flame Haze and Crimson Denizen, this afterimage is just a ridiculous trick, but after the Power of Existence is injected, these afterimages have a real impression. It is Unrestricted Spell.


    In the moment when Feng Yu Chen unfolded Unrestricted Spell, his breath gradually turned into a weak state. How could it be spent in the assassination world? The ninja of the Hokage world was the endorsement of assassination, and Feng Yu Chen also performed a lot. The assassination of Quest, it is easy for him to cover up the breath.

    The running Sabrac stopped and looked at the afterimages that surrounded them. One of them must be Feng Yu Chen's true body, but if the attack is a fake afterimage, then the next moment Feng Yu Chen will definitely look like A poisonous snake usually burrows out, and when it is time –

    Even Sabrac, who is a killer, feels a stagnation. His experience tells him that the opponent is also a very experienced assassin, killer VS killer.

    What are you gonna do about it? Badblade *Sabrac?

    Feng Yu Chen stared at Sabrac and looked at all his moves.

    "My Quest just stops you. The current state of glue may continue. My Quest is finished, but if I retreat in the battle against you, then it must damage the reputation of 'Broken Blade' Sabrac? ”

    There was a sudden crack in the foot of Sabrak, who kept talking. After a few seconds, the flame of purplish-red flame oozes. The bang slams high and I see that there are countless knives in the rapidly expanding flames. The tip of the sword protruding from it is shining with a weird cold light.

    "In other words, maybe you can't retreat here, Black and White Forbidden Law, I was a little stunned by you. I thought you were a freelancer. I didn't think I had such a superb Assassination Technique, huh…In this world, only one of my strongest asssins is enough, so…"

    Double-handed The abrupt impact of the rising Sabrac at the foot of the sword, pounced on the afterimage around –

    Then in split second, the sword in the flame wrapped Sabrac and rushed to a position again. This position is –


    Like the sound of broken glass, Feng Yu Chen's body hidden behind a village was broken into pieces –

    NoThis is not the real body, but…

    "The crane wing does not owe, my heart is solid stone…Heart skills to Mount Tai, force to wear mountains…The heart is crossing the Yellow River, the sword is breaking the water…Life has reached the palace, only the name of the day…The same as the crane, the two heroes are different…Dry will * Mo evil! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's figure floats in the sky, two huge feather swords composed of black and white flames, split second across Sabrac's body –


    Sabrac's body was suddenly slammed into a few halves, and the purplish-red flame's flame exploded from the broken mouth in his body.

    Feng Yu Chen, who is a ninja, naturally won't be able to expose his position so easily, or he will insult his reputation in the world of Hokage.

    At this time, a group of purplish-red flame flames emerged from the other ground and gathered into a new Sabrac body. At this time, a large number of blush flames flashed numerous swords, double- Handed the sword, he rides this avalanche-like impact, and flies toward Feng Yu Chen, who is falling on the ground.


    Another sound like a broken glass, black and white flames burning, this is also avatar!

    "What a tricky opponent…"

    Sabrac couldn't help but reveal a dignified mood.

    "Are you not the same?"

    Feng Yu Chen walked out from another tree and said, "If I guessed it well, my Forbidden Law didn't work, probably because my Forbidden Law didn't wrap your real body, huh… …I am a little curious about what your reality is, but the avatar that has been differentiated has such a strong power. It is really worthy of the name…

    If it is not because of crushing your body, I am still confused, do not come out with real body to fight? If I play this way, I will get tired of it…"

    "Well, it's not that time, now it's just blocking you and you, and now you are also the existence of avatar? It’s really hard to hide, is Black and White Forbidden Law' wrong? ”Sabrac said, his eyes suddenly looked in the direction outside Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression) –

    "Are another Flame Haze…From the breath, it should be 'Claw and Fangs of Violation 'Marchosias and 'Chanter of Elegies 'Margery *…"

    "Perception is really keen, you…"

    Feng Yu Chen didn't think there was another fire fog coming. It shouldn't have entered the town yet, or impossible can't find it, but Sabrac felt it in advance, and the perception was really amazing.

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