1233. Chapter 1233 Blue and Rain: Projection: The Treasure of the King

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    The absolute darkness of the float made Altina surprised. With a wave of hands, a layer of reticle isolated all the players, probably affecting them?

    "Oh… this King is coming out again. I thought it would take a long time to sleep. I didn’t expect it to come out now. This body is really a scum…"

    'Feng Yu Chen' said coldly, his eyes closed gradually, and a flaming eye appeared above his forehead, as if he was a seemingly punishment eye, a strong, dark atmosphere rushed through the space.

    "This breath is darker than the abyss of Underworld…The darkness of the world, the absolute darkness, what is his origin? ”

    Purple-haired girl can't help but reveal a hint of confusion and embarrassment. Yes, it is awkward, the kind of peerless darkness, darker than darkness, simple beyond the imaginable darkness, which is impossible for Underworld's abyss to cover. Dark.


    "What is it?"Flame Colossal Dragon looks at the blackened Feng Yu Chen, can not help but retreat, that kind of darkness is terrible, yes, it is terrible, it is not the darkness that he can touch.

    "Humble crawler, hehe…Is it the opponent of the body? I was swallowed up by my darkness! ”

    No loss…No loss of mouth…Nothing to lose…Nothing to think about…Nothing is fixed…I don’t know if I have been…Desire to die…Intensive and invincible…Nothing to say…Wisdom is eternal…Freedom and annihilation…Freedom to see and see…Everything works with the intelligent line…A cutting industry follows the intelligent line…Everything is going with the intelligent line…Intelligent knows that the past is unobtrusive…Intelligent knows the future is unobtrusive…Intelligent knows the world is not in the way – Reality Marble world*卐*Dark Malevolence Heaven!

    'Feng Yu Chen' has a hand-painted mantra in the void, and gradually, these spells form a chain, the entire Colosseum is bound, a chain is interspersed among them, and the chain is dark. Throughout, the ground is like an endless dark marsh.

    "What the hell?"

    The Emerald Dragon Girl feels that her body is gradually consuming in this dark abyss.

    "It seems…This is his strongest bloodline, this is the world's most extreme dark, there is no darker abyss than it, not driven by energy, but by the power of will to forcibly devour the world, it is best not to move, otherwise in front of you will be endless abyss, this guy hides such a monster, really, Or look down on him … "purple-haired girl squat down the body, reach out to touch the dark Earth, the body of the smell of the underworld to be guided out of the general, really is a strong will ah.

    "How is it possible, willing Bloodline? this is not……"The eyes of the emerald dragon girl can not help but frown.

    "Well, the Bloodline stage that is promoted to the real Great Ruler is Bloodline Willpower. The reason why the Floodline, which is inherited from the father of the master, is normal, then there is no self-will, only the original The 'I' can get the right to step into the Great Ruler threshold.

    And in front of the dark, has had ' I ', the darkness of the world, but it seems not, this kind of dark is not like a bloodline, but a simple will, there may be bloodline, but the silk bloodline is too weak to distinguish, in short, from a kind of level, this dark beyond the line, Is the master of the world can not be sealed, and the Power seal of the Dragon Prince is unable to break through the seal of the system, so he is in danger, if the original strength, may not be so weak … "

    Although the purple girl wants to communicate with Dark' Feng Yu Chen, she knows that he can't look at her now. In his eyes, no one in the world can escape his will, and no one can integrate his will.

    But if she can communicate with Dark', she may be able to awaken the will in Bloodline.


    "Ahhhh……Really, it seems that you don't want me to come out…"

    At this moment, the darkness of Dark's body is gradually fading, becoming the original Feng Yu Chen's appearance.

    "Really, I have not failed, I have not given up, but I am only controlling the violent Strength. You still go back…"

    Feng Yu Chen dispelled the darkness of the body and sighed and said, fortunately, the reaction was early, otherwise it really made the dark occupy the body again. However, because of the injection of the dark will, he forced the energy confusion of the body to end.


    As the darkness disappeared, the darkness of the surrounding space disappeared.

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen's breath changed, and the hair completely turned into half the color of ice blue and half blush. The whole person seemed to be in the ice and fire.

    Feng Yu Chen, who talks to herself, also makes some of the players around me feel confused. What is it?


    The Dragon of Fire spit out a burning flame and rushed to Feng Yu Chen, trying to attack him.



    Feng Yu Chen breathed all the flames into his mouth, and the whole person's spirituality shook and the body burned with a strong blush.

    "Thank you for hospitality, well, hit you with a punch!"

    Feng Yu Chen's double-handed collided together, the flame and Frost instantly filled together, the two Energy entangled into a flame of ice, the whole person turned into an ice rocket and instantly rushed into the sky, the entire flame dragon The body was broken open with a blood hole.

    The Frost flame burned the entire flame Colossal Dragon for a while…


    The Colossal Dragon found that although Feng Yu Chen swallowed his flame, he couldn't swallow it at all. The whole body was so painful that it would be cold for a while, as if it were in the polar regions of Frost and flame.

    "Steel-is-my-body, and-fire-is-my-blood (the body of steel, the blood of the flames).

    I-have-created-over-a-thousand-blades (hands a thousand blades, after a hundred battles)! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen stands above the sky, and with the humming, a piece of weapon composed of Frost and flame instantly condenses in the space!


    Frost and flame weapons hang over the entire space like blush and Azure's light rain. ,

    The body of the Flame Dragon is covered by the light rain of Azure in the space –


    A long sorrowful sorrow, the body of the dragon of the flame gradually shrinks and becomes a three-color man. When he falls on the ground, he spits out a mouthful of blood. The damage of the flame is not strong. After all, as a dragon of fire, it naturally has The resistance of the flame is important to Frost's cold damage, and the soul is frozen for it…

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